WatchGuard Technologies Network Router FireboxTM System 46 User Manual

Firebox System  
User Guide  
Firebox System 4.6  
WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.  
Firebox System Software  
End-User License Agreement  
WatchGuard Firebox System (WFS) End-User License Agreement  
This WFS End-User License Agreement (AGREEMENT”) is a legal agreement between you (either  
an individual or a single entity) and WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. (“WATCHGUARD”)for the  
WATCHGUARD WFS software product identified above, which includes computer software and may  
include associated media, printed materials, and on-line or electronic documentation (“SOFTWARE  
PRODUCT”). WATCHGUARD is willing to license the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to you only on the  
condition that you accept all of the terms contained in this Agreement. Please read this Agreement  
carefully. By installing or using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT you agree to be bound by the terms of  
this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this AGREEMENT, WATCHGUARD will not  
license the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to you, and you will not have any rights in the SOFTWARE  
PRODUCT. In that case, promptly return the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, along with proof of payment,  
to the authorized dealer from whom you obtained the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for a full refund of the  
price you paid.  
1. Ownership and License. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and  
international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. This is a  
license agreement and NOT an agreement for sale. All title and copyrights in and to the  
SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video,  
audio, music, text, and applets incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the accompanying  
printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by WATCHGUARD or  
its suppliers. Your rights to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are as specified in this AGREEMENT,  
and WATCHGUARD retains all rights not expressly granted to you in this AGREEMENT. Nothing  
in this AGREEMENT constitutes a waiver of our rights under U.S. copyright law or any other law or  
2. Permitted Uses. You are granted the following rights to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT:  
(A) You may install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on any single computer at any single  
location. If you wish to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a different computer, you must erase the  
SOFTWARE PRODUCT from the first computer on which you installed it before you install it onto  
a second.  
(B) To use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on more than one computer at once, you must license an  
additional copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for each additional computer on which you want to  
use it.  
(C)You may make a single copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for backup or archival purposes only.  
3. Prohibited Uses. You may not, without express written permission from WATCHGUARD:  
(A) Use, copy, modify, merge or transfer copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or printed materials  
except as provided in this AGREEMENT;  
(B) Use any backup or archival copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(or allow someone else to use  
such a copy) for any purpose other than to replace the original copy in the event it is destroyed or  
becomes defective;  
(C) Sublicense, lend, lease or rent the SOFTWARE PRODUCT;  
User Guide  
(D) Transfer this license to another party unless (i) the transfer is permanent, (ii) the third party  
recipient agrees to the terms of this AGREEMENT, and (iii) you do not retain any copies of the  
(E) Reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.  
4. Limited Warranty. WATCHGUARD makes the following limited warranties for a period of  
ninety (90) days from the date you obtained the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from WatchGuard  
Technologies or an authorized dealer:  
(A) Media. The disks and documentation will be free from defects in materials and workmanship  
under normal use. If the disks or documentation fail to conform to this warranty, you may, as your  
sole and exclusive remedy, obtain a replacement free of charge if you return the defective disk or  
documentation to us with a dated proof of purchase.  
(B) SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT will materially conform to the  
documentation that accompanies it. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT fails to operate in accordance  
with this warranty, you may, as your sole and exclusive remedy, return all of the SOFTWARE  
PRODUCT and the documentation to the authorized dealer from whom you obtained it, along with a  
dated proof of purchase, specifying the problems, and they will provide you with a new version of the  
SOFTWARE PRODUCT or a full refund, at their election.  
Limitation of Liability. WATCHGUARD’ liability (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise; and  
notwithstanding any fault, negligence, strict liability or product liability) with regard to THE  
SOFTWARE Product will in no event exceed the purchase price paid by you for such Product. IN  
5. United States Government Restricted Rights. The enclosed SOFTWARE PRODUCT and  
documentation are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S.  
Government or any agency or instrumentality thereof is subject to restrictions as set forth in  
subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS  
252.227-7013, or in subdivision (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted  
Rights Clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is WatchGuard Technologies,  
Incorporated, 505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104.  
6. Export Controls. You agree not to directly or indirectly transfer the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or  
documentation to any country to which such transfer would be prohibited by the U.S. Export  
Administration Act and the regulations issued thereunder.  
7. Termination. This license and your right to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT will automatically  
terminate if you fail to comply with any provisions of this AGREEMENT, destroy all copies of the  
SOFTWARE PRODUCT in your possession, or voluntarily return the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to  
WATCHGUARD. Upon termination you will destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and  
documentation remaining in your control or possession.  
8. Miscellaneous Provisions. This AGREEMENT will be governed by and construed in accordance  
with the substantive laws of Washington excluding the 1980 United National Convention on  
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, as amended. This is the entire AGREEMENT between  
us relating to the contents of this package, and supersedes any prior purchase order,  
communications, advertising or representations concerning the contents of this package AND BY  
modification of this AGREEMENT will be valid unless it is in writing, and is signed by  
9. Canadian Transactions: If you obtained this SOFTWARE PRODUCT in Canada, you agree to  
the following:  
The parties hereto have expressly required that the present AGREEMENT and its Exhibits be drawn  
up in the English language. / Les parties aux presentes ont expressement exige que la presente  
conventions et ses Annexes soient redigees en la langue anglaise.  
Declaration of Conformity  
WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.  
505 Fifth Avenue South  
Suite 500  
Seattle, WA 98104-3892  
Declares the CE-marked product:  
Firebox family of appliances  
Complies with: 73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive 89/336/EEC  
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive  
Electrical Safety A1:1993, A2:1993,  
A3:1995, A4:1997, A11:1997  
EN55022,Class A RF Emissions Information Technology  
EN50082-1 EMC Immunity Standard  
User Guide  
FCC Certification  
This device has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class A digital  
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following  
two conditions:  
This device may not cause harmful interference.  
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that  
may cause undesired operation.  
CE Notice  
The official CE symbol indicates compliance of this WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.  
product to the EMC directive of the European Community. The CE symbol found  
here or elsewhere indicates that this WatchGuard product meets or exceeds the  
following standards:  
Electrical Safety A1:1993, A2:1993, A3:1995,  
A4:1997, A11:1997  
RF Emissions Information Technology  
EMC Immunity Standard  
CSA Statement  
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-  
Causing Equipment Regulations.  
Cet appareil numerique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement sur  
le materiel broulleur du Canada.  
Table of Contents  
CHAPTER 1 LiveSecurity Service ..........................................................7  
CHAPTER 2 Technical Support ........................................................... 11  
CHAPTER 3 WatchGuard Options ...................................................... 17  
CHAPTER 4 Firebox Basics .................................................................. 21  
User Guide  
CHAPTER 5 Using the WatchGuard Control Center .........................27  
CHAPTER 6 Configuring a Network ...................................................35  
CHAPTER 7 Blocking Sites and Ports .................................................43  
CHAPTER 8 Configuring Services .......................................................47  
CHAPTER 9 Controlling Web Traffic .................................................. 59  
CHAPTER 10 Setting Up Network Address Translation ..................... 63  
CHAPTER 11 Setting Up Logging and Notification ........................... 69  
CHAPTER 12 Connect with Out-of-Band Management ....................79  
CHAPTER 13 Creating Aliases and Implementing Authentication .. 85  
CHAPTER 14 Monitoring Firebox Activity ...........................................93  
User Guide  
CHAPTER 15 Reviewing and Working with log files ........................103  
CHAPTER 16 Generating Reports of Network Activity ....................109  
CHAPTER 17 Configuring Branch Office Virtual Private Networking.121  
CHAPTER 18 Configuring the Firebox for Remote User VPN .........133  
CHAPTER 19 Preparing a Host for Remote User VPN .....................141  
PART I Introduction  
Welcome to WatchGuard  
The WatchGuard Firebox System consists of:  
• A suite of management and security software tools  
• A Plug and Play network appliance called the WatchGuard Firebox  
• A security-related broadcast service  
In the past, a connected enterprise needed a complex set of tools, systems, and  
personnel for access control, authentication, virtual private networking, network  
management, and security analysis. These costly systems were difficult to integrate  
and not easy to update. Today, the WatchGuard Firebox System delivers a complete  
network security solution to meet modern security challenges:  
• Keep network defenses current  
• Protect every office connected to the Internet  
• Encrypt communications to remote offices and traveling users  
• Manage the security system from a single site  
The WatchGuard Firebox System is a reliable, flexible, scalable, and inexpensive  
network security solution. Its setup and maintenance costs are small, and it supports  
a rich feature set. When properly configured and administered, the Firebox System  
reliably defends any network against external threats.  
WatchGuard Firebox System components  
The WatchGuard Firebox System has all of the components needed to conduct e-  
business safely. It is made up of the following:  
• Security appliance (the WatchGuard Firebox)  
• Control Center  
User Guide  
WatchGuard Firebox System components  
• Security suite  
• LiveSecurity Service  
WatchGuard Firebox  
The Firebox family of appliances are specially designed and optimized machines.  
They are small, efficient, and reliable. The Firebox is a low-profile component with an  
indicator display panel in front and physical interfaces in back.  
For detailed Firebox specifications, see the Reference Guide.  
WatchGuard Control Center  
WatchGuard Control Center is a toolkit of applications run from a single location,  
enabling you to configure, manage, and monitor your network security policy.  
Control Center includes:  
Policy Manager  
Used to design, configure, and manage the electronic portion of a network  
security policy.  
Firebox Monitors  
Combines the WatchGuard set of monitoring tools into a single user interface.  
Displays a static view of the log data, which you can filter by type, search for  
keywords and fields, and print and save to a separate file.  
Displays active connections occurring on a Firebox in real time or represents  
the connections listed in a log file. HostWatch either plays back a previous file  
for review or displays connections in real time, as they are added to the  
current log file.  
Historical Reports  
Creates HTML reports that display session types, most active hosts, most used  
services, URLs, and other data useful in monitoring and troubleshooting your  
WatchGuard security suite  
In addition to basic security policy configuration, the Firebox System includes a suite  
of advanced software features. These include:  
• User authentication  
• Network address translation  
• Remote user virtual private networking  
• Branch office virtual private networking  
• Selective Web-site blocking  
Minimum requirements  
LiveSecurity Service  
The innovative LiveSecurity Service subscription makes it easy to maintain the  
security of an organization’s network. WatchGuard’s team of security experts publish  
alerts and software updates, which are broadcast to your e-mail client.  
Minimum requirements  
This section describes the minimum hardware and software configurations necessary  
to successfully install, run, and administer version 4.6 of the WatchGuard Firebox  
Software requirements  
WatchGuard Firebox System software version 4.6 can run on Microsoft Windows 95,  
Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000, as specified below:  
Windows 95 requirements  
• Microsoft Windows 95  
• Service Release 2 or later  
Windows 98 requirements  
• Microsoft Windows 98  
Windows NT requirements  
• Microsoft Windows NT 4.0  
• Microsoft Service Pack 4, Service Pack 5, or Service Pack 6a for Windows NT 4.0  
Windows 2000 requirements  
• Microsoft Windows 2000  
Web browser requirements  
You must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later to run the installation from the  
CD. The following HTML-based browsers are recommended to view WatchGuard  
Online Help:  
• Netscape Communicator 4.7 or later  
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later  
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 is not currently supported.  
User Guide  
Minimum requirements  
Hardware requirements  
Minimum hardware requirements are the same as for the operating system on which  
the WatchGuard Firebox System 4.6 runs. The recommended hardware ranges are  
listed below.  
Minimum requirement  
Pentium II  
Same as for operating system.  
32 MB for Windows 95a  
64 MB for Windows 98  
64 MB for Windows NT 4.0  
64 MB for Windows 2000 Professional  
256 MB for Windows 2000 Server  
Hard disk space  
25 MB to install all WatchGuard modules  
15 MB minimum for log file  
Additional space as required for log files  
Additional space as required for multiple  
configuration files  
CD-ROM drive  
One CD-ROM drive to install WatchGuard from  
its CD-ROM distribution disk, or download the  
software from the LiveSecurity Web site  
PART II WatchGuard Services  
The WatchGuard Firebox System is considerably more than a piece of hardware. This  
section describes two WatchGuard service components that address your security  
requirements, and the optional features available to you.  
LiveSecurity Service  
The key to a high quality, effective network security policy is rapid response  
to challenges and threats. The LiveSecurity Service enables network security  
experts to provide quick responses to the changing Internet security  
environment. Information such as alerts, editorials, threat responses, and  
software updates are sent through your e-mail client.  
Technical Support  
The WatchGuard Technical Support team offers services to assist  
configuration and administration of the Firebox System. Services include  
Frequently Asked Questions, a WatchGuard user-group mailing list, Internet  
and telephone support, and training.  
WatchGuard Optional Features  
WatchGuard expands its network security package with additional features  
suited to some company and office environments. Current offerings include  
VPN Manager, High Availability, Mobile User VPN, and SpamScreen.  
User Guide  
LiveSecurity Service  
No Internet security solution is complete without systematic updates. From the latest  
hacker techniques to the most recently discovered operating system bug, the daily  
barrage of new threats poses a perpetual challenge to any Internet security solution.  
The LiveSecurity Service keeps your security system up-to-date by delivering  
solutions to you. Software Updates, Threat Responses, and other broadcasts are e-  
mailed directly to your desktop.  
LiveSecurity broadcasts  
The WatchGuard LiveSecurity Rapid Response Team periodically broadcasts  
information and software directly to your desktop through e-mail. Broadcasts are  
divided into several channels to help you immediately recognize and process  
incoming information.  
Information Alert  
Information Alerts provide timely notification of breaking news and current  
issues in Internet security. By the time the mass media report on a new hacker  
threat, you have already been briefed on its impact and the proper system  
configuration necessary to protect against it.  
Threat Response  
After a newly discovered threat is identified, the Rapid Response Team  
transmits an update specifically addressing this threat to make sure your  
network is continuously protected. Each Threat Response includes a  
description detailing the nature and severity of the threat, the risks it poses,  
and what steps you should take.  
Software Update  
In addition to Threat Responses that address security challenges, you receive  
functional software enhancements on an ongoing basis that cover your entire  
WatchGuard Firebox System. An installation wizard and release notes  
User Guide  
LiveSecurity broadcasts  
accompany each transmission for easy installation. These convenient  
transmissions relieve you of the burden of tracking the latest software version  
to keep your system state of the art.  
Leading security experts from around the world join the WatchGuard Rapid  
Response Team in contributing useful editorials to provide a source of  
continuing education on this rapidly changing subject.  
Support Flash  
These technical tutorials provide tips for managing the WatchGuard Firebox  
System. Support Flashes supplement other resources such as online Help,  
FAQs, and Known Issues pages on the Technical Support Web site.  
Virus Alert  
In cooperation with TrendMicro, WatchGuard issues weekly broadcasts that  
provide the latest information on new computer viruses. WatchGuard also  
issues special virus-specific alerts as conditions warrant.  
New from WatchGuard  
To keep you abreast of new features, product upgrades, and upcoming beta  
programs, WatchGuard announces their availability first to our existing  
Activating the LiveSecurity Service  
The LiveSecurity Service can be activated two ways: through the setup wizard on the  
CD-ROM, and through the activation section of the WatchGuard LiveSecurity Web  
pages. The setup wizard is detailed thoroughly in the Install Guide. Refer to that  
document for further information.  
To activate the LiveSecurity Service through the Web:  
Be sure that you have the LiveSecurity license key and the Firebox serial number  
handy. You will need these during the activation process.  
Using your Web browser, go to  
The Activate Your LiveSecurity Service Subscription” page appears.  
You must have JavaScript enabled on your browser to be able  
to activate LiveSecurity Service.  
Complete the LiveSecurity Activation form.  
All of the fields are required for successful registration. The profile information helps  
WatchGuard to target information and updates to your needs. The following tips may assist you  
in completing the form:  
• Navigate fields using either the TAB key or the mouse.  
• The Firebox serial number is displayed in two locations:  
- A small silver sticker on the outside of the shipping box.  
- A sticker on the back of the Firebox, just below the UPC bar code.  
LiveSecurity broadcasts  
• The License Key number is located on the WatchGuard LiveSecurity  
Agreement License Key Certificate. Enter the number in the exact form shown  
on the key, including the hyphens.  
• Verify that your e-mail address is correct. You will receive your activation  
confirmation mail and all of your LiveSecurity broadcasts at this address.  
Click Submit.  
Select a download site.  
WatchGuard recommends selecting the server that is geographically closest to you. After you  
select a server, a scrollable list of WatchGuard software and documentation appears.  
Minimize or close your Web browser.  
User Guide  
LiveSecurity broadcasts  
Technical Support  
Developing and implementing a network security policy can be a challenge. In  
addition to familiarity with the WatchGuard Firebox System, it requires experience  
with advanced networking concepts, programs, and protocols.  
The WatchGuard Technical Support team has a variety of methods to answer your  
questions and assist you with improving the security of your network, including:  
• Internet support  
• Telephone support  
• Training  
• Online Help  
Accessing frequently asked questions (FAQ)  
The WatchGuard Technical Support team listens to our customers. When a question  
about firewall configuration or administration occurs repeatedly, we pull together an  
FAQ to document the issue and provide explanation and clarification. Where  
appropriate, the FAQs also include workarounds and troubleshooting tips.  
From the Control Center:  
Click the LiveSecurity Control Center button (shown at right).  
Select On the Web. Select Frequently Asked Questions.  
If you would like WatchGuard to produce a new FAQ on a particular  
topic, send e-mail to [email protected] with “FAQ Request” in the subject line.  
User Guide  
Getting Internet technical support  
Known issues  
Another source of information about the WatchGuard Firebox System is the Known  
Issues page on the Technical Support Web. When our engineering or Technical  
Support team discovers a limitation or problem with our product, we immediately  
post the information on the Known Issues page. We provide a description of the issue  
as well as workarounds and, where appropriate, the software version where a  
permanent fix will be implemented. To access the Known Issues page:  
Log in.  
Click the Technical Support link on the left.  
The Customer Support page appears.  
Click the LSS/SOHO Known Issues link on the left.  
The Known Issues page opens.  
Getting Internet technical support  
Our Technical Support team developed a Web page to assist with framing and  
submitting a technical support issue. The information you provide allows us to route  
the question to the appropriate support technician. It also enables us to link the  
question with information you report about your network as well as our database of  
all the support issues you have brought to our attention.  
To access Internet technical support, you must have your LiveSecurity License key.  
To access Technical Support and its Web interface, from the Control Center:  
Click the LiveSecurity Control Center button (shown at right).  
Select On the Web. Select Product Support.  
Log in.  
Click Create New Incident.  
Complete the Support Incident form. Click Submit.  
Your issue is entered in the WatchGuard Technical Support database and routed to the  
appropriate support technician.  
Getting telephone support  
If you have a problem, please contact us via the Web to submit a profile of your case.  
Follow up with a phone call only if the need is too time-critical to wait for a Web  
The WatchGuard Technical Support team recognizes that no one likes to be put on  
hold. We make it our policy to answer every call. If we cannot answer your question  
immediately, we request your telephone number and call you back as soon as we  
have an answer.  
When you call WatchGuard Technical Support, you are prompted for your  
LiveSecurity License key. We use this key to track the information you report about  
your network, and to add this issue to our database of all the support issues you have  
brought to our attention.  
After you enter your LiveSecurity License key, you are automatically routed to a  
support technician familiar with your WatchGuard product. If no one is available,  
our call manager will speak with you, logging your call and a description of your  
issue to ensure the fastest possible response. The call manager may be aware of new  
documentation or FAQs that can aid you immediately.  
Before calling Technical Support, you should:  
• Check online for an FAQ.  
• Document your question.  
• Be prepared with your LiveSecurity key.  
• Have completed the Network Configuration Worksheet.  
Often, the Technical Support team requires access to your Firebox to assist with  
troubleshooting the problem. Please have this service configured to allow for remote  
WatchGuard troubleshooting prior to calling Technical Support. To open your  
Firebox for remote access by WatchGuard Technical Support, edit the Incoming  
service properties for the WatchGuard service icon to allow:  
• From: network address  
• To: Any  
WatchGuard Technical Support numbers are:  
(877) 232-3531 (U.S. end-user support)  
(206) 521-8375 (U.S. authorized reseller support)  
(360) 482-1083 (International support)  
WatchGuard is committed to providing you with accessible and comprehensive  
training covering our entire product line. Although WatchGuard products are  
designed for ease of use, understanding how to correctly install, configure, manage,  
and troubleshoot these products is an important component of effective Internet  
WatchGuard Interactive Training System (WITS)  
WatchGuard Training offers the WatchGuard Interactive Training System (WITS), a  
freely available online training system. WITS is designed to guide students through  
all components of the Firebox System. Courseware features Basic and Advanced  
curriculums, and is divided into training modules and units for self-paced  
instruction. WITS is available to all current LiveSecurity subscribers. To access WITS,  
log in to your LiveSecurity account and click the link to Training.  
User Guide  
WatchGuard users group  
Instructor-led courses  
WatchGuard offers a series of courses supporting our product line. Current titles  
include a two-day course on firewalling basics with the WatchGuard Firebox System  
certified WatchGuard trainers, both at our facility in Seattle and by our partners  
around the country. For more information on upcoming training dates, please send a  
request to [email protected] or visit our Web site at  
WatchGuard users group  
The WatchGuard users group is an online forum in which the users of the  
WatchGuard Firebox System exchange ideas, questions, and tips regarding all aspects  
of the product, including configuration, compatibility, and networking. Although  
WatchGuard engineers and Technical Support monitor the users group, the forum  
should not be used for reporting support issues to WatchGuard Technical Support.  
Instead, contact WatchGuard Technical Support directly via the Web interface or  
Subscribing to [email protected]  
[email protected] with the word “subscribe” anywhere in the body of the  
message (not the subject line).  
Unsubscribing from [email protected]  
To remove yourself from the WatchGuard users group, send e-mail to wg-users-  
[email protected] with the word “unsubscribe” in the body of the message  
(not the subject line). This removes your e-mail address from the wg-users list, and  
you will no longer receive e-mail from the group.  
Contributing to [email protected]  
Online Help  
WatchGuard Online Help is a Web-based system with cross-platform functionality  
that enables you to install a copy on virtually any computer. A static version of the  
Online Help system is installed automatically with the Firebox System software in a  
subdirectory of the installation directory called Help. In addition, a “live,”  
continually updated version of Online Help is available at:  
Online Help  
Starting WatchGuard Online Help  
WatchGuard Online Help can be started either from the WatchGuard Management  
Station or directly from a browser.  
• In the Management Station software, press F1.  
• On any platform, browse to the directory containing WatchGuard Online Help.  
Open LSSHelp.html. The default installation directory is C:/Program Files/  
Searching for topics  
You can search with WatchGuard Online Help three ways:  
The Contents tab displays a list of topics within the Help system. Double-click  
a book to expand a category. Click a page title to view topic contents.  
The index provides a list of keywords found within Help. Begin typing the  
keyword and the index list will automatically scroll to entries beginning with  
those letters. Click a page title to view topic contents.  
The Search feature offers a full-text search of the entire Help system. Enter a  
keyword. Press ENTER to display a list of topics containing the word. The  
Search feature does not support Boolean searches.  
Copying the Help system to additional platforms  
WatchGuard Online Help can be copied from the Management Station to additional  
workstations and platforms. When doing so, copy the entire Help directory from the  
WatchGuard installation directory on the Management Station. It is important to  
include all subdirectories exactly as they appear in the original installation.  
Online Help system requirements  
Web browser  
• Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher  
• Netscape Navigator 4.7 or higher  
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 is currently not supported.  
Operating system  
• Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000  
• Sun Solaris  
• Linux  
User Guide  
Online Help  
Context-sensitive Help  
In addition to the regular online Help system, context-sensitive or What’s This? Help  
is also available. What’s This? Help provides a definition and useful information on  
fields and buttons in the dialog boxes. To access What’s This? Help:  
Right-click any field or button.  
Click What’s This? when it appears.  
A box appears with the field name on the top and information about the field beneath it.  
To print or save the Help box as a separate file, right-click the Help field.  
A menu offering Copy or Print appears.  
Select the menu item you want.  
When you are done, left-click anywhere outside the box to dismiss it.  
Context-sensitive Help does not currently support the question  
mark icon.  
WatchGuard Options  
The WatchGuard Firebox System is enhanced by optional features designed to  
accommodate the needs of different customer environments and security  
Currently available options  
VPN Manager  
WatchGuard VPN Manager is a centralized module for creating and managing the  
network security of an organization that uses the Internet to conduct business. VPN  
Manager can administer and monitor an enterprise’s sum total of Fireboxes, log hosts,  
networks, and VPN tunnels. VPN Manager also contains the controls to launch the  
applications of the WatchGuard Firebox System.  
High Availability  
High Availability enables one Firebox to take over when another fails. When using  
High Availability, you place two Fireboxes and the Management Station on the  
trusted network and provide each Firebox with the same configuration file. The first  
Firebox manages traffic and protects the network while the second waits in a passive,  
listening mode. If the first Firebox fails for any reason, the second Firebox  
immediately takes over. When the first Firebox returns to functioning capacity, the  
second Firebox again takes the passive role, ensuring that your network is constantly  
To use High Availability, purchase the High Availability option as well as a second  
Firebox of the same model as your first.  
User Guide  
Obtaining WatchGuard options  
Mobile User VPN  
Mobile User VPN is the WatchGuard IPSec implementation of remote user virtual  
private networking. Mobile User VPN connects an employee on the road or working  
from home to trusted and optional networks behind a Firebox using a standard  
Internet connection, without compromising security.  
Mobile User VPN licenses are available in packs of five. Each license enables a  
connection for one remote host IP address.  
SpamScreen helps to control “spam”–e-mail sent to you or your end users without  
permission. Spam consumes valuable bandwidth on your Internet connection and on  
the hard disk space and CPU time of your mail server. If allowed to enter your  
network unchecked, spam consumes workers’ time to read and remove. WatchGuard  
SpamScreen identifies spam as it comes through the Firebox. You can choose to either  
block the spam at the Firebox or tag it for easy identification or sorting.  
Obtaining WatchGuard options  
WatchGuard options are available from your local reseller. For more information  
about purchasing WatchGuard products visit  
PART III Configuring a Security Policy  
This section describes how to configure your security system. Its primary focus is on  
using the WatchGuard Control Center and Policy Manager to develop and  
implement a network security policy. It includes chapters on:  
WatchGuard Control Center  
The WatchGuard Control Center is an intuitive management, monitoring, and  
reporting package that puts everything you need at your fingertips. From a  
single location, you can configure your system, implement security policies,  
and monitor all of your protected systems.  
Firebox basics  
Complete basic tasks related to setting up and using the Firebox hardware,  
including opening and saving configuration files, and setting the Firebox time  
Configure a network  
After installation, the next step in implementing a security policy is to  
delineate your network. Set up either a drop-in or routed network, add  
secondary networks, and define network and host routes.  
Block sites and ports  
Use default packet handling to establish a global policy for dynamically  
blocking packets and sites. Alternatively, configure your network to  
permanently block individual sites and ports.  
Configure services  
With the network configured, apply protection for individual services such as  
SMTP and FTP. Define both incoming and outgoing traffic rules as well as  
specific service properties.  
Control Web traffic  
Use the WebBlocker feature of the WatchGuard Firebox System in conjunction  
with the HTTP proxy to provide Web-site filtering capabilities. This enables  
User Guide  
you to exert fine control over the type of Web sites users on your Trusted  
network are allowed to view.  
Set up network address translation (NAT)  
Hide the real IP addresses of the hosts and networks behind your firewall  
through the use of network address translation. You can set NAT policy at  
both the global and the individual service levels.  
Set up logging and notification  
What events are logged and how and when a network administrator is  
notified is an important component of a security policy. Assign and configure  
the LiveSecurity Event Processor and set both global and service-specific log  
and notification preferences.  
Connect with out-of-band management  
Configure a Firebox over a modem connection using out-of-band (OOB)  
Firebox Basics  
This chapter describes the following tasks, which require direct interaction between  
the Management Station and the Firebox:  
• Set up a Firebox  
• Open and save a configuration file to a local hard disk or the Firebox  
• Reset Firebox passphrases  
• Set the Firebox time zone  
• Reinitialize a misconfigured Firebox  
• Manage the flash memory of the Firebox  
What is a Firebox?  
Fireboxes are specially designed and optimized machines. They are small, efficient,  
and reliable.  
There are no user-serviceable parts within the Firebox. If a user  
opens a Firebox case, it voids the limited hardware warranty.  
User Guide  
What is a Firebox?  
Placing a Firebox within a network  
The most common location for a Firebox is directly behind the Internet router, as  
pictured below:  
The Security Challenge  
Firebox II  
Event Processor  
SMTP Server  
HTTP Server  
FTP Server  
Trusted Network  
Optional Network  
Other parts of the network are as follows:  
Management Station  
The computer on which you install and run the WatchGuard LiveSecurity  
Control Center.  
Event Processor  
The computer that receives and stores log messages and sends alerts and  
notifications. You can configure the Management Station to also serve as the  
Event Processor.  
Trusted network  
The network behind the firewall that must be protected from the security  
External network  
The network presenting the security challenge, typically the Internet.  
Optional network  
A network protected by the firewall but still accessible from the trusted and  
the external networks. Typically, the optional network is used for public  
servers such as an FTP or Web server.  
Opening a configuration file  
Opening a configuration file  
Policy Manager is a comprehensive software tool for creating, modifying, and saving  
configuration files. A configuration file, with the extension .cfg, contains all the  
settings, options, addresses, and information that together constitute your Firebox  
security policy. You can open and edit a configuration file residing on either your  
local hard disk or in the primary area of the Firebox flash disk. From Policy Manager:  
Select Start => Programs => WatchGuard => Control Center.  
If you are prompted to run the Quick Setup wizard, click Continue.  
If you are prompted to connect to the Firebox, click Cancel.  
From within the WatchGuard Control Center (or WatchGuard VPN  
Manager if you purchased this option), click the Policy Manager icon  
(shown at right).  
Opening a configuration from the Firebox  
From Policy Manager in the Advanced view:  
Click File => Open => Firebox.  
Use the Firebox drop list to select a Firebox.  
You can also type the IP address or DNS name of the Firebox.  
In the Passphrase text box, type the Firebox monitoring passphrase. Click OK.  
You can use either the monitoring (read-only) or configuration (read-write) passphrase.  
However, to save the configuration to the Firebox you must use the configuration passphrase.  
The configuration file stored on the primary area of the Firebox flash disk opens, and configured  
services appear in the Services Arena.  
Opening a configuration from a local hard disk  
From Policy Manager in the Advanced View:  
Select File => Open => Configuration File.  
To bring up the Advanced view of Policy Manager, select View => Advanced. A checkmark will  
appear next to the menu option.  
Locate and select the configuration file to open. Click Open.  
The configuration file opens and configured services appear in the Services Arena.  
Saving a configuration file  
After making changes to a configuration file, you must save it to a local hard disk.  
When you save a new configuration directly to a Firebox, Policy Manager prompts  
you to restart that Firebox so that it will use the new configuration. The new policy is  
not active until the Firebox finishes rebooting. Some tasks, such as adding new  
Firebox users and changing certain IPSec settings, do not require a restart in order to  
take effect.  
VPN Manager Guide  
Resetting Firebox passphrases  
Saving a configuration to the local hard disk  
From Policy Manager in the Advanced view:  
Select File => Save => As File.  
The Save dialog box appears.  
Enter the name of the file.  
The default is to save the file to the WatchGuard directory.  
Click Save.  
The configuration file is saved to the local hard disk.  
Saving a configuration to the Firebox  
From Policy Manager in the Advanced view:  
Select File => Save => To Firebox.  
Use the Firebox drop list to select a Firebox.  
Enter the configuration (read-write) passphrase. Click OK.  
The configuration file is saved first to the local hard disk and then to the primary area of the  
Firebox flash disk. You are prompted to restart the Firebox. The new Firebox configuration will  
not be enabled until the Firebox is restarted.  
If you entered the IP address of a different Firebox, you are asked to confirm your  
choice. Click Yes.  
Resetting Firebox passphrases  
WatchGuard recommends that for optimum security you periodically change the  
Firebox passphrases. To do this, you must have the current configuration passphrase.  
From Policy Manager:  
Open the configuration file running on the Firebox.  
For more information, see “Opening a configuration from the Firebox” on page 23.  
Select File => Save => To Firebox.  
Use the Firebox drop list to select a Firebox. Enter the configuration passphrase.  
Click OK.  
Enable the Save To Firebox checkbox. Select Save Configuration File and New  
Flash Image. Click Continue.  
Enter the new monitoring (read-only) and configuration (read-write) passphrases.  
Click OK.  
The new image, including the new passphrases, is saved to the Firebox, and the Firebox  
automatically restarts.  
Make certain that your monitoring and configuration passphrases are different from one  
Tips for creating secure passphrases  
Although an attacker could crack any passphrase eventually, you can toughen your  
passphrases using the following tips:  
Setting the time zone  
• Don’t use words in standard dictionaries, even if you use them backward or in  
a foreign language. Create your own acronyms instead.  
• Don’t use proper names, especially company names or those of famous people.  
• Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, numerals, and  
special characters (such as Im4e@tiN9).  
Setting the time zone  
The Firebox time zone determines the date and time stamp that appear on logs and  
that are displayed by services such as LogViewer, Historical Reports, and  
WebBlocker. Use the time zone to view log information in local time. The default time  
zone is Greenwich Mean Time (Coordinated Universal Time).  
From Policy Manager in the Advanced view:  
Select Setup => Time Zone.  
Use the drop list to select a time zone. Click OK.  
Check the drop list carefully. WatchGuard provides a comprehensive list of time zones to  
accommodate areas in the same general time zone that follow different rules regarding the  
observance and/or onset and rollback of Daylight Saving Time, and other timekeeping details.  
Reinitializing a misconfigured Firebox  
The Firebox can boot from the primary area of the flash disk (Sys A) in a mode that  
provides fail-safe access in cases when you need to:  
• Install a Firebox for the first time  
• Troubleshoot problems in which all access to the Firebox is lost  
• Reset Firebox passwords when you do not know or have forgotten them  
This Enhanced System Mode is the default mode for new Fireboxes shipped from the  
factory. If a Firebox is in this mode, its Sys A light blinks. A Firebox can also be placed  
into Enhanced System Mode by connecting any two of the Firebox Ethernet interfaces  
in a loopback configuration. Use a red crossover cable included with the Firebox for  
this purpose.  
To access a Firebox in Enhanced System Mode:  
Establish a physical Ethernet connection between the Trusted interface of the  
Firebox and the Management Station on the same segment.  
Attach the red crossover cable between the remaining two Firebox interfaces, and  
then turn the power on the Firebox off and then on. If a small, “factory default”  
switch is present on the rear of the Firebox, press and hold that switch while you  
turn the Firebox power off and then on.  
The Firebox boots into the Enhanced System Mode. This is indicated by a blinking Sys A light.  
Reinitialize the Firebox using the QuickSetup wizard.  
For more information on the QuickSetup wizard, see the Install Guide.  
VPN Manager Guide  
Reinitializing a misconfigured Firebox  
When you complete the QuickSetup wizard, remove the loopback cable  
(assuming your Firebox has one) and return the Firebox to its regular position in  
your network. The Firebox resumes normal operation the next time it restarts.  
Some Fireboxes have a factory default button. To place the unit into factory default  
mode, press and hold this button during power-up  
Booting from the system area  
You can also use the Flash Disk Management Tool to boot into the system area (Sys B)  
for recovery of a Firebox. For information on using the Flash Disk Management Tool,  
see the Reference Guide.  
Using the WatchGuard Control  
The WatchGuard Control Center combines access to WatchGuard Firebox System  
applications and tools in one intuitive interface. The Control Center also displays a  
real-time monitor of traffic through the firewall, connection status, tunnel status, and  
recent log activity.  
Navigating the WatchGuard Control Center  
You interact with the Control Center using the QuickGuide toolbar and menu system.  
Starting the Control Center and connecting to a Firebox  
From the Windows Desktop:  
Select Start => Programs => WatchGuard => Control Center.  
Click Continue.  
Use the Firebox drop list to select a Firebox.  
You can also type the Firebox name or IP address.  
Enter the Firebox monitoring (read-only) passphrase.  
Click OK.  
Control Center components  
The Control Center consists of:  
• A QuickGuide toolbar to invoke configuring, monitoring, and report programs  
• A duplication of the Firebox front panel that graphically displays traffic flow  
and rejected packets  
• Firebox and VPN tunnel status  
User Guide  
Control Center components  
• A real-time monitor of traffic through the Firebox.  
The top part of the display just below the title bar is the QuickGuide. It contains  
buttons to:  
• Open the WatchGuard Control Center menu  
• Pause the display  
• Launch Policy Manager  
• Launch Firebox Monitors  
• Launch LogViewer  
• Create Historical Reports  
• Change the dimensions of the Firebox and Tunnel Status window  
Front panel  
Under the toolbar is a representation of the front panel of the Firebox, including the  
Security Triangle Display, Traffic Volume Indicator, Processor Load Indicator, and  
basic status information.  
The lights on the display represent those found on the front panel of the Firebox. The  
triangle shows the predominant flows of traffic among the Trusted, External, and  
Optional interfaces. A red corner of the triangle lights when that interface is blocking  
packets. The two bar graphs indicate traffic volume and the proportion of Firebox  
capacity being used.  
Firebox and VPN tunnel status  
The section in the Control Center directly below the front panel shows the current  
status of the Firebox and of Branch Office VPN tunnels and Remote VPN tunnels.  
Firebox status  
In Firebox status, three branches show the traffic being sent and received through the  
three Firebox interfaces – Trusted, External, and Optional. Specifically, the status  
box provides the MAC (network Ethernet card) address of each interface, and the  
number of packets sent and received since the last time the Firebox rebooted.  
High Availability host  
If the High Availability option is installed, the first entry within the Firebox Status  
tree is High Availability host. When properly configured and operational, the IP  
address of the standby box appears. If High Availability is installed but the secondary  
Firebox is not responding, the display indicates “Not Responding.”  
Branch office VPN tunnels  
Beneath Firebox status is a branch for branch office VPN tunnels, in which three  
categories of branch office VPN tunnels appear:  
Control Center components  
• IPSec  
• DVCP  
• WatchGuard VPN  
The first line of the tunnel entry shows the name that was assigned when the tunnel  
was created, along with the tunnel type (IPSec, DVCP, or WatchGuard). If the tunnel  
is an IPSec or DVCP tunnel, it also shows the IP address of the destination IPSec  
device (such as another Firebox, SOHO, or SOHO|tc). If the tunnel is DVCP, the IP  
address refers to the entire remote network address rather than that of the Firebox or  
equivalent IPSec device.  
The next two lines display the amount of data sent and received on that tunnel in  
both bytes and packets.  
If the tunnel is IPSec or DVCP, the lines below the packet quantities show when the  
key expires and the tunnel is renegotiated. Expiration can be expressed in bytes  
passed or time deadline. DVCP tunnels that have been configured for both traffic and  
time deadline expiration thresholds display both; this type of tunnel expires when  
either event occurs first (time runs out or bytes are passed). These lines below the  
packet quantities also show the authentication and encryption levels set for that  
If the tunnel is using WatchGuard VPN, the tunnel displays the packet statistics only.  
Remote VPN tunnels  
Following the branch office VPN tunnels is an entry for remote VPN tunnels. Remote  
VPN tunnels can either be Mobile User VPN (with IPSec) or Remote User PPTP.  
If the tunnel is Mobile User VPN, the branch displays the same statistics as for the  
DVCP or IPSec Branch Office VPN as described previously. The tunnel shows the  
tunnel name, followed by the destination IP address, followed by the tunnel type.  
Below are the packet statistics, followed by the key expiration, authentication, and  
encryption specifications.  
If the remote VPN tunnel is PPTP, then the display shows only the quantity of sent  
and received packets. Byte count and total byte count are not applicable to PPTP  
tunnel types.  
Expanding and collapsing the display  
To expand a branch of the display, click the plus sign (+) next to the entry, or double-  
click the name of the entry. To collapse a branch, click the minus sign () next to the  
entry. A lack of either a plus or minus sign indicates that there is no further  
information about the entry.  
Red exclamation point  
A red exclamation point appearing next to any item indicates that something within  
its branch is not functioning properly. For example, a red exclamation point next to  
the Firebox entry indicates that a Firebox is not communicating with either the  
LiveSecurity Event Processor or Management Station. A red exclamation point next  
to a tunnel listing indicates a tunnel is down.  
User Guide  
Working with the Control Center  
When you expand an entry that has a red exclamation point, another exclamation  
point appears next to the specific device or tunnel with the problem. Use this feature  
to rapidly identify and locate problems with your VPN network.  
Traffic Monitor  
The Traffic Monitor shows, in real time, the traffic through the Firebox.  
Working with the Control Center  
The basic tasks you perform with the Control Center are connecting to a Firebox,  
changing the interval at which the Firebox is queried for status information, and  
opening other Firebox System applications. You can also move and work with the  
Traffic Monitor display to best suit your needs.  
Connecting to a Firebox  
When launched, the Control Center automatically prompts you to connect to the last  
Firebox with which it established a connection. However, you may need to establish a  
connection with another Firebox. From the Control Center:  
Click the WatchGuard Control Center button (shown at right),  
which is located on the upper-left corner of Control Center. Select  
The Connect to Firebox dialog box appears.  
Use the Firebox drop list to select a Firebox.  
You can also type the Firebox name or IP address.  
Enter the Firebox monitoring (read-only) passphrase.  
Click OK.  
The Control Center connects to the Firebox and displays its real-time status.  
Changing the polling rate  
You can change the interval of time (in seconds) at which the Control Center polls the  
Firebox and updates the Front Panel and Firebox and Tunnel Status displays.  
Consider, however, the trade-off between polling frequency and demand on the  
Firebox. The shorter the interval, the more accurate the display, but also the more  
demand made of the Firebox. From the Control Center:  
Click the WatchGuard Control Center button. Click Settings.  
Type or use the scroll control to change the polling rate. Click OK.  
Setting the maximum number of log messages  
You can change the maximum number of status Syslog messages that are stored and  
viewable in Traffic Monitor. After the maximum is reached, the earliest logs are  
removed as more come in. A high value in this field places a large demand on your  
system if you have a slow processor or a limited amount of RAM. Log Viewer is a  
Policy Manager  
much more appropriate tool for tracking logs; Traffic Monitor just provides a real-  
time view of what the Firebox activity.  
Click the WatchGuard Control Center button. Click Settings.  
Type or use the scroll control to change the Max Log Entries field. Click OK.  
The value entered represents the number of logs in thousands. If you enter 0 in this field, the  
maximum number of logs (100,000) is permitted.  
Manipulating the Traffic Monitor  
You can move and manipulate the Traffic Monitor on the Desktop independent of the  
rest of the Control Center:  
Tear Off  
Point to the Traffic Monitor title bar. Drag the Traffic Monitor to a new  
location on the Desktop. To reattach the Traffic Monitor to the Control Center,  
drag the Traffic Monitor to the immediate vicinity of the Control Center  
display. The Traffic Monitor window automatically snaps back onto the  
Control Center.  
Point to an edge of the Traffic Monitor window. Drag the edge outward to  
expand the window or inward to shrink it.  
Use the scroll control of the Traffic Monitor window to scroll chronologically  
up and down through log records. While scrolling, the Traffic Monitor  
temporarily ceases to jump to the most recent records. Page down to the  
bottom of the Traffic Monitor window to restart the rolling display.  
Copy and Paste  
Use Click/Ctrl-Click or Click/Shift-Click to select multiple records. Right-  
click the selected records, and select Copy. Paste the selected records into  
another application such as e-mail, word processing, or a spreadsheet.  
Opening WatchGuard Firebox System tools  
To open a WatchGuard Firebox System application such as Policy Manager or  
HostWatch, either click the application button on the QuickGuide or click the  
WatchGuard Control Center button, select Tools, and then select the tool name.  
Policy Manager  
Use the WatchGuard Policy Manager tool to design, configure, and  
manage the network security policy. Within Policy Manager, you can  
configure networks and services, set up virtual private networking,  
regulate incoming and outgoing access, and control logging and  
notification. To open Policy Manager, click the Policy Manager button  
(pictured at left) on the Control Center QuickGuide. Policy Manager opens and  
displays the Services Arena.  
User Guide  
Firebox Monitors  
The Policy Manager display includes:  
Pull-down menus  
Menus that provide access to most configuration and administration tasks.  
A row of buttons immediately below the pull-down menus. Each button  
corresponds to a frequently performed Policy Manager task. Position the  
mouse over the button to view a tooltip and explanatory status bar text.  
Services Arena  
A large, open panel that displays icons to represent each network service.  
Double-click an icon to display the Properties dialog box, where you  
configure access controls and logging for that service.  
Changing the Policy Manager view  
Policy Manager includes two view options: Basic and Advanced. The Advanced view  
displays less frequently used commands. To toggle between the Policy Manager Basic  
and Advanced views, select View => Advanced.  
Service icons beginning with “wg_” are created automatically when you enable  
features such as PPTP and authentication. These icons appear only in the Advanced  
view. The “wg_” service icons rarely require modification. WatchGuard recommends  
leaving “wg_” icons in their default settings.  
Much of this User Guide is devoted to configuring and administering a network  
security policy using Policy Manager.  
Firebox Monitors  
Firebox Monitors combines an extensive set of WatchGuard monitoring  
tools into a single user interface accessible from the Control Center. To  
open Firebox Monitors, click the Firebox Monitors button (pictured at  
left) on the Control Center QuickGuide. Firebox Monitors opens and  
displays the Bandwidth Meter tab. For more information, see “Monitoring Firebox  
The LogViewer application displays a static view of the log file. You can  
filter by type, search for keywords and fields, and print and save log data  
to a separate file. To launch LogViewer, click the LogViewer button  
(pictured at left) on the Control Center QuickGuide. For more  
The HostWatch application displays active connections occurring on a  
Firebox in real time. It can also graphically represent the connections  
listed in a log file, either playing back a previous file for review or  
displaying connections as they are added to the current log file. To open  
HostWatch, click the HostWatch button (pictured at left) on the Control Center  
QuickGuide. For more information, see “HostWatch” on page 98.  
Historical Reports  
Historical Reports is a report-building tool that creates HTML reports  
displaying session types, most active hosts, most used services, URLs,  
and other data useful in monitoring and troubleshooting your network.  
To open Historical Reports, click the Historical Reports button (pictured  
at left) on the Control Center QuickGuide. For more information, see “Generating  
LiveSecurity Event Processor  
The LiveSecurity Event Processor controls logging, report schedules, and  
notification. It also provides timing services for the Firebox. The Event  
Processor automatically runs when you start the machine on which it is  
Unlike other Firebox System applications, the Event Processor button does not  
appear in Control Center. To open the Event Processor, double-click the LiveSecurity  
Event Processor icon (pictured above) in the Windows Desktop tray. For more  
User Guide  
LiveSecurity Event Processor  
Configuring a Network  
Configuring a network refers to setting up the three Firebox interfaces. To do this,  
you need to:  
• Enter the IP address or addresses for the Firebox interfaces.  
• Enter the IP addresses of secondary networks that are connected to and  
associated with a Firebox interface.  
• Enter the default gateway for the Firebox.  
Use Policy Manager to configure parameters for the three Firebox interfaces–  
Trusted, External, and Optional.  
Modify settings for the Ethernet device connecting the Firebox to the  
protected LAN or other host.  
Modify settings for the Ethernet device connecting the Firebox to the outside  
Modify settings for the Ethernet device connecting the Firebox to the optional  
bastion network (this is sometimes called the “Demilitarized Zone,” or  
“DMZ”). As its name implies, you can use the Optional network in different  
ways. One common application is to use it for a public Web server.  
Running the QuickSetup wizard  
During the installation of the WatchGuard Firebox System, you are prompted to run  
the QuickSetup wizard. The QuickSetup wizard creates a basic configuration file and  
saves it to the primary area (Sys A) of the Firebox flash disk. The Firebox loads the  
primary configuration file when it boots.  
User Guide  
Setting up a drop-in network  
The QuickSetup wizard also writes a basic configuration file called  
wizard.cfg to the hard disk of the Management Station. If you later want to expand  
or change the basic Firebox configuration using Policy Manager, use wizard.cfg as  
the base file to which you make changes.  
You can run the QuickSetup wizard again at any time to a create new, basic  
configuration file.  
The QuickSetup wizard replaces the configuration file, writing over any prior  
version. To make a backup copy of the configuration file on the flash disk, see  
the Firebox System Area chapter in the Reference Guide  
To run the QuickSetup wizard:  
Complete the Network Configuration Worksheet.  
A copy is included with the Install Guide. It can also be found as a .pdf file in the WatchGuard  
Documentation directory.  
From the Windows Desktop, select S t a r t => P r o g r a m s => Wa t c h G u a r d =>  
QuickSetup Wizard.  
You can also, from the Control Center, select LiveSecurity => QuickSetup Wizard. The  
QuickSetup wizard prompts for information about your network and security policy preferences.  
Documentation for running the QuickSetup wizard is contained in the  
wizard’s on-panel instructions, Install Guide, and Online Help.  
When the wizard prompts you to enter monitoring (read-only) and  
configuration (read-write) passphrases, use two completely different  
Setting up a drop-in network  
A drop-in network configuration is useful for situations where you can distribute  
network address space across the Firebox interfaces. In a drop-in configuration, you  
place the Firebox physically between the router and the LAN, without reconfiguring  
any of the machines on the Trusted interface.  
Characteristics of a drop-in configuration:  
• A single network that is not subdivided into smaller networks; the network is  
not subnetted.  
• WatchGuard performs proxy ARP.  
- The Firebox answers ARP requests for machines that cannot hear the  
- The Firebox can be placed in a network without changing default gateways  
on the Trusted hosts. This is because the Firebox answers for the router, even  
though the router cannot hear the Trusted host’s ARP requests.  
- To enable proxy ARP, you must assign the same IP address to all three  
interfaces for the Firebox. This is the only supported address assignment in  
drop-in configuration.  
• All Trusted computers must have their ARP caches flushed.  
Setting up a routed network  
• The Trusted interface ARP address replaces the router’s ARP address.  
• All three Firebox interfaces are assigned the same IP address. This is true  
whether or not you use the Optional interface.  
• The majority of a LAN resides on the Trusted interface.  
You can have other networks in other address ranges behind the Firebox using  
secondary networks. List the IP address of secondary networks in the  
configuration file.  
Use the sample network configuration and the Network Configuration Worksheet  
(found in the Install Guide) to design your drop-in network. Then either run the  
QuickSetup wizard to create a new configuration file or manually modify an existing  
configuration file using Policy Manager. To set up a drop-in network, from Policy  
Select Network =>Configuration. Click the Drop-In Configuration tab.  
Enable the Automatic checkbox if you want the Firebox to use proxy ARP for all  
hosts. Disable the checkbox if you want the Firebox to use proxy ARP only on  
behalf of all hists on the network you specify with the Default Network drop-  
down menu.  
When automatic mode is enabled, the Hosts list is useful to lock a host to the specified interface.  
To add specific hosts that the Firebox should use proxy ARP for, enter the IP address and the  
interface they reside on in the Hosts section of the Drop-In Configuration tab.  
Click Add to add a new host. To remove a host, select it and click Remove.  
When you are done setting up your network, click OK.  
Setting up a routed network  
Use a routed network configuration when the Firebox is put in place with separate  
logical networks on its interfaces. This configuration assigns separate network  
addresses to at least two of the three Firebox interfaces.  
If you have two separate network addresses and you want to use the routed  
configuration, use only the External and Trusted interfaces (not the Optional  
interface). Each interface must be on a separate network in routed configuration  
If you have three or more network addresses, use the routed network configuration  
and map a network to each interface. Add more networks as secondary networks to  
one of the interfaces. You can relate different networks to different interfaces. Those  
networks then come under the protection and access rules set up for that interface.  
The Firebox forwards packets to the various interfaces depending on how you define  
and configure services in Policy Manager.  
Use the sample network configuration and the Network Configuration Worksheet  
(found in the Install Guide) to design your routed network. Then either run the  
QuickSetup wizard to create a new configuration file or manually modify an existing  
configuration file.  
User Guide  
Adding a secondary network  
Adding a secondary network  
A secondary network is a network on the same physical wire as a Firebox interface  
that has an address belonging to an entirely different network. Adding a secondary  
network to a Firebox interface maps an IP address from the secondary network to the  
IP address of the interface. This process is also known as adding an IP alias to the  
Firebox interface.  
The secondary network IP address becomes the default gateway for all the machines  
on that network. Adding the secondary network also tells the Firebox that another  
network resides on the wire.  
The Policy Manager does not verify that you have entered the correct address.  
Check secondary network addresses carefully. For example, WatchGuard  
recommends that you not enter a subnet on one interface that is part of a  
larger network on another interface.  
The procedure for adding a network route to all three of the Firebox interfaces is  
identical. The description below is for a secondary network on the Optional interface.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration.  
Click the Optional tab.  
In the Secondary Networks section of the dialog box, enter the network address  
in slash notation in the text box to the left of the Add button. Click Add.  
The address appears in the Secondary Networks list.  
Defining a network route  
If you have router behind the Firebox, you need to define a network route. From  
Policy Manager:  
Verify that you are using the Advanced view of Policy Manager.  
From Policy Manager, select View. Verify that the Advanced menu item has a checkmark in the  
box in front of it. If it doesn’t, click it.  
Select Network =>Routes.  
Click Add.  
Enter the network address in slash notation.  
In the Gateway text box, enter the route gateway.  
Be sure to specify a route IP address that is on the same network as the Firebox.  
Click OK.  
The Setup Routes dialog box lists the newly configured network route.  
Click OK.  
The route data is written to the configuration file.  
Defining a host route  
Defining a host route  
Configure a host route if there is only one host behind the router. Enter the IP address  
of that single, specific host, and do not enter a bitmask. From Policy Manager in the  
Advanced view:  
Select Network =>Routes.  
The Setup Routes dialog box appears.  
Click Add.  
The Add Route dialog box appears.  
Click the Host option.  
Enter the host IP address.  
In the Gateway text box, enter the route gateway.  
Be sure to specify a route IP address that is on the same network as the Firebox.  
Click OK.  
The Setup Routes dialog box lists the newly configured host route.  
Click OK.  
The route data is written to the configuration file.  
Changing an interface IP address  
The IP addresses of the three Firebox interfaces are generally configured using the  
QuickSetup Wizard. However, if you need to modify an interface address, you can do  
so manually. From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration.  
The Network Configuration dialog box appears.  
Click the tab of the interface requiring modification.  
In the IP Address text box, type the interface address in slash notation.  
Setting the default gateway  
The default gateway is generally configured using the QuickSetup Wizard. However,  
if you need to modify the default gateway, you can do so manually. From Policy  
Select Network =>Default Gateway.  
Enter the IP address of the default gateway.  
Click OK.  
User Guide  
Entering WINS and DNS server addresses  
Entering WINS and DNS server addresses  
Several advanced features of the Firebox, such as DHCP and Remote User VPN, rely  
on shared Windows Internet Name Server (WINS) and Domain Name System (DNS)  
server addresses. These servers must be accessible from the Firebox Trusted interface.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration. Click the General tab.  
Enter primary and secondary addresses for the WINS and DNS servers. Enter a  
domain name for the DNS server.  
Defining a Firebox as a DHCP server  
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol that simplifies  
the task of administering a large network. A device defined as a DHCP server  
automatically assigns IP addresses to network computers from a defined pool of  
numbers. You can now define the Firebox as a DHCP server for your network behind  
the firewall.  
One parameter that you define for a DHCP server is lease times. This is the amount of  
time a DHCP client can use an IP address that it received from the DHCP server.  
When the time is close to expiring, the client will contact the DHCP server to renew  
the lease.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration. Click the DHCP Server tab.  
Enable the Enable DHCP Server checkbox.  
Enter the default lease time for the server.  
The default lease time is provided to clients who don’t specifically request times.  
Enter the maximum lease time.  
The maximum lease time is the longest time the server will provide for a client. If a client  
requests a longer time, the request is denied and the maximum lease time is provided.  
Adding a new subnet  
To increase the number of available (private) IP addresses available to DHCP clients,  
add a subnet. To add a new subnet, you specify a range of IP addresses to be assigned  
to clients on the network. For example, you could define the address range from to This gives clients a pool of 10 addresses. From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration. Click the DHCP Server tab.  
Click Add.  
Enter a name for the subnet.  
Define the address pool by entering values for Starting IP address and Ending IP  
Click OK.  
Defining a Firebox as a DHCP server  
Modifying an existing subnet  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration. Click the DHCP Server tab.  
Click the subnet to review or modify. Click Edit.  
When you have finished reviewing or modifying the subnet, click OK.  
Removing a Subnet  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration. Click the DHCP Server tab.  
Click the subnet to remove it. Click Remove.  
Click OK.  
User Guide  
Defining a Firebox as a DHCP server  
Blocking Sites and Ports  
Many types of network security attacks are easily identified by patterns found in  
packet headers. Port space probes, address space probes, and spoofing attacks all  
exhibit characteristic behavior that a good firewall can recognize and protect against.  
WatchGuard allows both manual and dynamic blocking of ports and sites, and uses  
default packet-handling options to automatically and temporarily block hosts that  
originate probes and attacks. Logging options can assist you in identifying suspect  
sites that repeatedly exhibit suspicious behavior. You can then manually and  
permanently block a suspect site. In addition, you can protect ports with known  
vulnerabilities by blocking their unauthorized use.  
Configuring default packet handling  
The WatchGuard Firebox System examines and handles packets according to default  
packet-handling options that you set. The firewall examines the source of the packet  
and its intended destination by IP address and port number. It also watches for  
patterns in successive packets that indicate unauthorized attempts to access the  
The default packet-handling configuration determines whether and how the firewall  
handles incoming communications that appear to be attacks on a network. Packet  
handling can:  
• Reject potentially threatening packets  
• Automatically block all communication from a source site  
• Add an event to the log  
• Send notification of potential security threats  
From Policy Manager in the Advanced view:  
Select Setup =>Default Packet Handling.  
User Guide  
Blocking a site permanently  
Modify the default packet-handling properties according to your security policy  
For a description of each control, right-click the control, and then click What’s This?  
Click OK.  
Blocking a site permanently  
The WatchGuard auto-blocking and logging mechanisms help you decide which sites  
to permanently block.  
Use Policy Manager to block a site permanently. The default configuration blocks  
three network addresses –,, and These are  
the “unconnected” network addresses. Because they are for private use, backbone  
routers should never pass traffic with these addresses in the source or destination  
field of an IP packet. Traffic from one of these addresses is almost certainly a spoofed  
or otherwise suspect address. RFCs 1918, 1627, and 1597 cover the use of these  
The Blocked Sites list applies only to traffic on the External interface.  
Connections between the Trusted and Optional interfaces are not subject to  
the Blocked Sites list.  
From the Policy Manager:  
On the toolbar, click the Blocked Sites icon.  
You can also select Setup => Blocked Sites. The Blocked Sites dialog box appears.  
Click Add.  
Use the Choose Type drop list to select a member type.  
Enter the member value.  
Depending on the member type, the value can be an IP address, host name, or username.  
Click OK.  
The Blocked Sites dialog box appears, displaying the new member in the Blocked Sites list.  
Removing a blocked site  
From the Blocked Sites dialog box, select the site to remove, and then click Remove.  
Changing the auto-block duration  
From the Blocked Sites dialog box, either type or use the scroll control to change the  
duration, in minutes, that the firewall automatically blocks suspect sites. Duration  
can range from 1 to 32,767 minutes (about 22 days).  
Logging and notification for blocked sites  
From the Blocked Sites dialog box:  
Click Logging.  
The Logging and Notification dialog box appears.  
Blocking a port permanently  
In the Category list, click Blocked Sites.  
Modify the logging and notification parameters according to your security policy  
Blocking a port permanently  
You can block ports to explicitly cut off from external access certain network services  
that are vulnerable entry points to your network. The Blocked Ports list takes  
precedence over all service properties. For more information on precedence, see  
Chapter 8, “Configure Services.”  
Blocking ports can be useful in several ways:  
• Blocked ports provide an independent check to protect the most sensitive  
services. Even if another part of your security policy is misconfigured, blocked  
ports provide an additional defense for the most vulnerable services.  
• Probes to particularly sensitive services can be logged independently.  
• Some TCP/IP services that use ports greater than 1024 are vulnerable to attack  
if the attacker originates the connection from an allowed well-known service  
less than 1024. Thus, these connections can be attacked by appearing to be an  
allowed connection in the opposite direction. You should add the port numbers  
of such services to the Blocked Ports list.  
By default, Policy Manager blocks quite a few destination ports. This measure  
provides convenient defaults that many administrators find sufficient. However,  
additional ports can be added to the Blocked Ports list. From Policy Manager:  
On the toolbar, click Blocked Ports.  
You can also select Setup => Blocked Ports.  
In the text box to the left of the Add button, type the port number. Click Add.  
The new port number appears at the bottom of the Blocked Ports list.  
Removing a blocked port  
From the Blocked Ports dialog box, click a port number in the Blocked Ports list.  
Click Remove.  
Logging and notification for blocked ports  
From the Blocked Ports dialog box:  
Click Logging.  
The Logging and Notification dialog box appears.  
In the Category list, click Blocked Ports.  
Modify the logging and notification parameters according to your security policy  
User Guide  
Blocking sites temporarily with service settings  
Blocking sites temporarily with service settings  
Use service properties to automatically and temporarily block sites when incoming  
traffic attempts to use a denied service. You can use this feature to individually log,  
block, and monitor sites that attempt access to restricted ports on your network.  
Configuring a service to temporarily block sites  
Configure the service to automatically block sites that attempt to connect using a  
denied service. From Policy Manager:  
Double-click the service icon in the Services Arena.  
The Properties dialog box appears.  
Use the Incoming Service Connections Are drop list to select Enabled and  
Enable the Auto-Block Sites that Attempt to Connect Via checkbox.  
To change the auto-block duration, see “Changing the auto-block duration” on page 44.  
Viewing the Blocked Sites list  
Use Firebox Monitors to view sites that are automatically blocked according to a  
service’s property configuration. From the Control Center:  
On the QuickGuide, click the Firebox Monitors icon.  
Click the Blocked Site List tab. (You might need to use the arrows to access this  
The Blocked Sites list appears.  
Configuring Services  
The Services Arena of Policy Manager displays an icon for each configured service. A  
service represents a particular type of proxy or packet-filtering connection such as  
FTP, SMTP, or proxied HTTP. A symbol next to the service indicates whether the  
service is configured for outgoing traffic, incoming traffic, or both. Services with no  
symbol are not active.  
The Firebox System includes many well-known service types. You can also add  
unique or custom services. This feature accommodates new TCP/IP services as they  
are developed.  
Adding an existing service  
Add an existing, well-known service using the Services dialog box. From Policy  
On the toolbar, click the Add Services icon (it appears as a plus sign (+)).  
You can also select Edit => Add Service.  
Click to select a service from the list of available services.  
You can expand the tree to display all available services. When you click a service, the service  
icon appears in the dialog box, on the right side. Also, a Details box displays basic information  
about the service. For more information about individual services, see the “Types of Services”  
Appendix in the Reference Guide.  
Click Add.  
In the Comments text box, enter comments or a description of this version of the  
service, to assist with identification.  
Comments appear under the Properties tab in the Comments field of the Properties dialog box.  
Click OK.  
The service’s Properties dialog box appears. For more information, see “Defining service  
Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.  
User Guide  
Creating a new service  
You can add multiple services to the Services Arena while the Services dialog box  
is open. When you finish adding services, click Close.  
The Services Arena displays an icon for each service added.  
Click F i l e => S a v e => To F i r e b o x to save your changes to the Firebox. Specify the  
location and name of the new configuration file.  
Creating a new service  
In addition to well-known services, you can create and add a new or custom service.  
From Policy Manager:  
On the toolbar, click Add Services.  
Click New.  
Enter the name of the new service.  
It must be a unique name not already listed under Services in the Services dialog box.  
Enter a description of the new service.  
The description appears in the Details section of the Services dialog box when you select the  
Click Add.  
Use the Add Port dialog box to configure the port for the new service.  
Use the Protocol drop list to select a protocol:  
TCP-based services  
UDP-based services  
Services examined by the HTTP proxy  
Filter a service using something other than TCP (protocol number 6) or UDP  
(protocol 17) for the next-level protocol. Select IP to create a protocol number  
Use the Client Port drop list to select a client port:  
Client ports will ignore the source port.  
Client is dynamically allocated a port less than 1024 (for secure services such  
as SSH).  
Client port uses same port as listed in the Port number field of the service’s  
Client is dynamically allocated a port above 1000.  
Defining service properties  
In the Port text box, enter the well-known port number for this service.  
For a list of well-known services and their associated ports, see the Reference Guide or Online  
Click OK.  
Policy Manager adds the port configuration to the New Service dialog box.  
10 Verify that the name, description, and configuration of this service are correct.  
11 Click Add to configure another port for this service. Repeat the process until all  
ports for the service are configured. When you finish, click OK.  
The Services dialog box appears with the new service. You can now add the custom service to the  
Services Arena just as you would an existing service. For more information, see Adding an  
12 Click F i l e => S a v e => To F i r e b o x to save your changes to the Firebox. Specify the  
location and name of the new configuration file.  
Defining service properties  
Use the Properties dialog box to configure a service’s incoming and outgoing access  
rules. Defining service properties includes:  
• Adding incoming hosts, networks, and users  
• Adding outgoing hosts, networks, and users  
The Properties dialog box for a typical service displays Incoming and Outgoing tabs.  
The Incoming tab defines which hosts and users outside the Firebox can use the  
service to initiate sessions with your protected users and hosts. The Outgoing tab  
defines which hosts and users behind the Firebox can use the service to initiate  
sessions with an outside host. You can make any service a one-directional filter by  
setting the Connections Are drop list to Disabled.  
After defining service properties, you need to save your configuration file, as  
described at the end of the previous procedures.  
Adding incoming service properties  
From Policy Manager:  
In the Services Arena, double-click the service.  
The Properties dialog box appears, displaying the Incoming tab.  
Use the Incoming Connections Are drop list to select Enabled and Allowed.  
To define specific external users or hosts that the service will allow in, click Add  
beneath the From list.  
The Add Address dialog box appears. For a description, see Adding addresses to service  
To define specific destinations within the Trusted network that can receive  
through the service, click Add beneath the To list.  
To customize logging and notification for incoming traffic for this service, click  
Logging. Configure logging and notification according to your security policy  
For a description of each control, right-click the control and then click What’s This?  
User Guide  
Defining service properties  
Click OK.  
Adding outgoing service properties  
From Policy Manager:  
In the Services Arena, double-click the service. Click the Outgoing tab.  
The Properties dialog box displays the Outgoing properties tab.  
Use the Outgoing Connections Are drop list to select Enabled and Allowed.  
To define specific users and hosts on the Trusted network that can send packets  
out through the service, click Add beneath the From list.  
The Add Address dialog box appears. For a description, see Adding addresses to service  
To define specific allowed external destinations for traffic through this service,  
click Add beneath the To list.  
To customize logging and notification for outgoing traffic for this service, click  
Logging. Configure logging and notification according to your security policy  
Click OK.  
Adding addresses to service properties  
Both the Incoming and Outgoing properties include From and To lists of addresses.  
Use the Add Address dialog box to add a network, IP address, or specific user to the  
From or To list. From the service’s Properties dialog box:  
Click Add.  
To add a member that has already been defined, click your selection on the  
Members list. Click Add.  
The member appears in the Selected Members and Addresses list.  
To add a new entry, click Add Other.  
Use the Choose Type drop list to select the member type.  
In the Value text box, enter the member IP address or name.  
Click OK.  
The member appears in the Selected Members and Addresses list.  
To view a list of users associated with a host on the Members list, select the  
member and then click Show Users.  
Working with wg_ icons  
Service icons beginning with “wg_” are created automatically when you enable  
features such as PPTP and authentication. These icons appear only in the Advanced  
view of Policy Manager, in the Services Arena. The “wg_” service icons rarely require  
modification. WatchGuard recommends leaving “wg_” icons in their default settings.  
Configuring services for authentication  
Configuring services for authentication  
One way to create effective user authentication environments is to restrict all  
outgoing services to allow connections only from authenticated users.  
The following example applies to dynamically addressed (DHCP-based) networks.  
Create a group on the Windows NT server that contains all the user accounts.  
In the Policy Manager Services Arena, double-click the Outgoing or Proxy service  
The Properties dialog box appears, displaying the Filter Rules tab.  
Under Internal Hosts, click Add.  
The Add Address dialog box appears.  
Enter the group name you just created on the Windows NT server.  
Configure the Outgoing From lists on services in the Services Arena according to  
your security policy preferences.  
Modifying a service  
After adding a service, some features and attributes can be changed while others  
require that you delete the service and add it again. In general, you can modify any  
property contained in the Properties dialog box. You must delete and add a new  
service for any property set during the initial setup.  
Properties that can be modified on an existing service include:  
• Rule sets for incoming and outgoing traffic  
• Logging and notification characteristics  
Properties that require deleting the service and adding it back again include:  
• Port configuration  
• Client port setting  
• Protocol  
To modify service properties, see “Defining service properties” on page 49 and  
To completely modify a service by deleting it and then adding it again, see “Deleting  
Deleting a service  
The Delete Service command deletes the selected service from the Services Arena.  
When you remove a service and save the new configuration, the Firebox denies  
incoming connections to the service and stops all but default logging from the service.  
From Policy Manager, in the Services Arena:  
Select the service to delete.  
User Guide  
Setting up proxy services  
On the toolbar, click the Delete Service icon (it appears as an “X”).  
You can also select Edit => Delete. A verification alert appears.  
Click Yes.  
Policy Manager removes the service from the Services Arena.  
Click F i l e => S a v e => To F i r e b o x to save your changes to the Firebox. Specify the  
location and name of the new configuration file.  
Setting up proxy services  
The WatchGuard Firebox System uses a technology called “transparent proxies.”  
Transparent proxies can be employed without any special third-party or proxy-aware  
software, and are transparent to client programs. WatchGuard has application-  
specific proxies for SMTP, FTP, and HTTP.  
When performing incoming, static NAT, internal hosts must point to the  
internal IP address of the server, not the Firebox or public IP address.  
Users should have their WINS, host file, or internal DNS set to resolve to  
the internal IP of the server in question. For more information, see  
Configuring an SMTP proxy service  
The SMTP proxy limits several potentially harmful aspects of e-mail. The proxy scans  
the content type and content disposition headers and matches them against a user-  
definable list of known hostile signatures. E-mail containing suspect attachments is  
blocked and replaced with messages indicating that this action has been taken.  
The list of disallowed signatures can be modified from the Content Types tab in the  
SMTP Proxy dialog box. You do not have to reboot the Firebox when you make these  
SMTP configuration changes.  
The proxy also automatically disables nonstandard commands such as Debug, and  
can limit message size and number of recipients. If the message exceeds preset limits,  
the Firebox refuses the mail.  
The Policy Manager uses separate dialog boxes for incoming and outgoing SMTP  
rules. Because incoming messages pose a greater threat to your network than  
outgoing ones, the dialog box for incoming SMTP has more controls and configurable  
Configuring the incoming SMTP proxy  
Use the Incoming SMTP Proxy dialog box to set the incoming parameters of the  
SMTP proxy. You must already have an SMTP Proxy service icon in the Services  
Arena. From the Services Arena:  
Double-click the SMTP Proxy icon to open the SMTP Proxy Properties dialog  
Click the Properties tab.  
Setting up proxy services  
Click Incoming.  
The Incoming SMTP Proxy dialog box appears, displaying the General tab.  
Modify general properties according to your preference.  
For a description of each control, right-click it, and then click What’s This?.  
To modify logging properties, click the Logging tab.  
Selecting content types  
From the SMTP Proxy Properties dialog box:  
Click the Content Types tab.  
Click Add under the Content Types box.  
The Select MIME Type dialog box appears.  
Select a content type. Click OK.  
To create a new MIME type, click New Type. Enter the MIME type and  
description. Click OK.  
The new type appears at the bottom of the Content Types drop list. Repeat this process for each  
content type. For a list of MIME content types, see the Reference Guide.  
Adding address patterns  
From the SMTP Proxy Properties dialog box:  
Click the Address Patterns tab.  
Use the Category drop list to select a category.  
Type the address pattern in the text box to the left of the Add button.  
Click Add.  
The address pattern appears at the bottom of the pattern list.  
Protecting your mail server against relaying  
Hackers and spammers can use an open relay to send mail from your server. To  
prevent this, disable open relay on your mail server. From the SMTP Proxy  
Properties dialog box:  
Click the Address Patterns tab.  
Select Allowed To from the Category drop list.  
In the text box to the left of the Add button, enter your own domain.  
With this setting, outside IPs can send mail only to your domain and not relay to other domains.  
Click Add.  
Select headers to allow  
From the SMTP Proxy Properties dialog box:  
Click the Headers tab.  
To add a new header, type the header name in the text box to the left of the Add  
button. Click Add.  
The new header appears at the bottom of the header list.  
To remove a header, select the header name in the header list. Click Remove.  
The header is removed from the header list.  
User Guide  
Setting up proxy services  
Configuring the outgoing SMTP proxy  
Use the Outgoing SMTP Proxy dialog box to set the parameters for traffic going from  
your Trusted and Optional network to the world. You must already have an SMTP  
Proxy service icon in the Services Arena. Double-click the icon to open the service’s  
Properties dialog box:  
Click the Properties tab.  
Click Outgoing.  
The Outgoing SMTP Proxy dialog box appears, displaying the General tab.  
To add a new header pattern, type the pattern name in the text box to the left of  
the Add button. Click Add.  
To remove a header from the pattern list, click the header pattern. Click Remove.  
Set a time-out value in seconds.  
To modify logging properties, click the Logging tab.  
Add masquerading options  
SMTP masquerading converts an address pattern behind the firewall into an  
anonymized public address. For example, the internal address pattern might be, which would be anonymized to their public  
Click the Masquerading tab.  
Enter the official domain name.  
This is the name you want visible to the outside world.  
In the Substitute text box, type the address patterns that are behind your firewall  
that you want replaced by the official domain name.  
All patterns entered here appear as the official domain name outside the Firebox.  
In the Don’t Substitute text box, type the address patterns that you want to  
appear “as is” outside the firewall.  
Enable other masquerading properties according to your security policy  
Configuring an FTP proxy service  
To enable the FTP proxy, add the FTP icon to the Services Arena. From the Policy  
Manager Services Arena:  
Double-click the FTP Proxy service icon to open the FTP Proxy Properties dialog  
Outgoing FTP does not work without an FTP icon in the Services Arena to  
trigger the FTP proxy.  
Click the Properties tab.  
Click Settings.  
Enable FTP proxy properties according to your security policy preferences.  
For a description of each control, right-click it, and then click What’s This?  
Setting up proxy services  
Click OK.  
Click F i l e => S a v e => To F i r e b o x to save your changes to the Firebox. Specify the  
location and name of the new configuration file.  
Configuring an HTTP proxy service  
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol used by the World Wide Web to  
move information around the Internet. HTTP defines how messages are formatted  
and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers take in response to  
commands. For example, when you enter a URL into your browser, you are sending  
an HTTP command to the Web server, directing it to find and send you the requested  
Web page.  
The HTTP proxy does content-based filtering on outgoing connections only, with a  
set of options that you can easily configure according to your own requirements. The  
HTTP proxy does not process incoming connections. In addition, the HTTP proxy can  
serve as a content filter for Web browsers. For more information, see “Configuring the  
You can use two types of HTTP services:  
Proxied-HTTP service allows outbound HTTP on TCP port 80 to be proxied  
through the Firebox. The proxy has the capability of performing HTTP-specific  
content filtering of each connection. Such content filtering can include denying  
or removing “unsafe” content types (such as Java or ActiveX) and performing  
general verifications on the HTTP exchange.  
Filtered-HTTP service allows outbound HTTP on all TCP ports, but incoming  
access only on port 80. Filtered HTTP is filtered by the standard packet filter,  
which can restrict access by IP address or alias only. No proxy is used with this  
service, meaning that Filtered-HTTP cannot make use of any of the advanced  
HTTP-specific content-filtering options provided by the proxy. You must use  
proxied-HTTP if you want accounting logs – for example, byte counts.  
With either type of HTTP service, you should have a single icon that allows for  
general outgoing HTTP access (for most internal users) and incoming HTTP access to  
a limited set of Web servers.  
The WatchGuard service called “HTTP” is not to be confused with an HTTP  
caching proxy. An HTTP caching proxy refers to a separate machine that  
performs caching of Web data.  
From Policy Manager:  
Double-click the HTTP Proxy service icon to open the HTTP Proxy Properties  
dialog box.  
Click the Properties tab. Click Settings.  
User Guide  
Service precedence  
If you are using the HTTP proxy service because you want to use WebBlocker,  
follow the procedure in the next section. Otherwise, enable HTTP proxy  
properties according to your security policy preferences.  
For detailed descriptions of HTTP proxy options, see the Reference Guide.  
Zip files are denied when you deny Java or ActiveX applets, because zip files  
often contain these applets.  
Click the Safe Content tab.  
Add or remove properties according to your security policy preferences. Click  
Service precedence  
Precedence is generally given to the most specific service and descends to the most  
general service. However, exceptions exist. There are three different precedence  
groups for services:  
• The “Any” service (see the Online Help system for information about the  
“Any” packet filter service). This group has the highest precedence.  
• IP and ICMP services and all TCP/UDP services that have a port number  
specified. This group has the second highest precedence and is the largest of the  
• “Outgoing” services that do not specify a port number (they apply to any port).  
This group includes Outgoing TCP, Outgoing UDP, and Proxy.  
“Multiservices” can contain subservices of more than one precedence group.  
“Filtered-HTTP” and “Proxied-HTTP,” for example, contain both a port-specific TCP  
subservice for port 80 as well as a nonport subservice that covers all other TCP  
connections. When precedence is being determined, individual subservices are given  
precedence according to their group (described previously) independent of the other  
subservices contained in the multiservice.  
Precedence is determined by group first. Services from a higher precedence group  
always have higher precedence than the services of a lower-precedence group,  
regardless of their individual settings (for example, the lowest precedence “Any”  
service will take precedence over the highest precedence Telnet service).  
The precedences of services that are in the same precedence group are ordered from  
the most specific services (based on source and destination targets) to the least  
specific service. The method used to sort services is based on the specificity of targets,  
from most specific to least specific. The following order is used:  
Service precedence  
“IP” refers to exactly one host IP address; “List” refers to multiple host IP addresses, a  
network address, or an alias; and “Any” refers to the special “Any” target (not “Any”  
When two icons are representing the same service (for example, two Telnet icons or  
two Any icons) they are sorted using the above tables. The most specific one will  
always be checked first for a match. If a match is not made, the next specific service  
will be checked, and so on, until either a match is made or there are no services left to  
check. In the latter case, the packet is denied. For example, if there are two Telnet  
icons, telnet_1 allowing from A to B and telnet_2 allowing from C to D, a Telnet  
attempt from C to E will first check telnet_1, and then telnet_2. Because no match is  
found, the rest of the rules are considered. If an Outgoing service will allow from C to  
E, it will do so.  
When only one icon is representing a service in a precedence category, only that  
service is checked for a match. If the packet matches the service and both targets, the  
service rule applies. If the packet matches the service but fails to match either target,  
the packet is denied. For example, if there is one Telnet icon allowing from A to B, a  
Telnet attempt from A to C will be blocked without considering any services further  
down the precedence chain, including Outgoing services.  
User Guide  
Service precedence  
Controlling Web Traffic  
WebBlocker is a feature of the Firebox System that works in conjunction with the  
HTTP proxy to provide Web-site filtering capabilities. It enables you to exert fine  
control over the type of Web sites that users on your trusted network are allowed to  
For more information about WebBlocker and site blocking, see the WebBlocker  
section of the Network Security Handbook.  
How WebBlocker works  
WebBlocker relies on a URL database built and maintained by SurfControl. The  
WebBlocker database contains more than 65,000 IP addresses and 40,000 directories.  
The database is copied to the WatchGuard WebBlocker site at regular intervals. The  
Event Processor is automatically configured to download the most recent version of  
the database from the WatchGuard WebBlocker site over an authorized channel. In  
turn, the Firebox regularly queries the Event Processor for changes and, when  
appropriate, downloads a new version and generates a log entry to show the transfer.  
If the database is either corrupted, incompletely retrieved, or in any other way  
incomplete, the Firebox does not load it. It repeats the attempt until it completes a  
successful transfer.  
When you restart your Firebox, all Web access is blocked for a brief period of time.  
Users might receive the error message “Database not loaded” until the Firebox  
downloads a database.  
Reverting to old WebBlocker databases  
To revert to a previous copy of the WebBlocker database, use the files named  
Webblocker.old and Webblocker.old2 found in the installation directory. Rename the  
files Webblocker.db and Weblocker.db2, respectively. The Firebox automatically  
updates to the latest WebBlocker database the next time it queries Event Processor.  
User Guide  
Configuring the WebBlocker service  
Logging and WebBlocker  
WebBlocker logs attempts to access sites blocked by WebBlocker. The log that is  
generated displays information about source and destination address as well as the  
blocked URL and the category that caused the denial.  
WebBlocker also generates a log entry showing the results of any attempted database  
retrieval, including whether or not it was successful and, if not successful, why.  
Prerequisites to using WebBlocker  
You need to complete several tasks before you can configure the Firebox to use  
• Configure the WatchGuard service icon  
Because WebBlocker relies on copying updated versions of the WebBlocker  
database to the Event Processor, you must configure the WatchGuard service  
setting Allow Outgoing to Any. It is possible to narrow this setting and use the IP  
address of However, this address may change  
without notice.  
• Add some form of HTTP service icon  
To use WebBlocker, add the Proxied-HTTP, Proxy, or HTTP service. WatchGuard  
recommends using Proxied-HTTP, which provides filtering on all ports. (HTTP  
without the Proxy service blocks only on port 80.) WebBlocker takes precedence  
over other settings in the HTTP or Proxy services. If the HTTP service allows  
outgoing from Any to Any but WebBlocker settings are set to “Block All URLs,”  
all Web access is blocked. For information on adding an HTTP proxy service, see  
Configuring the WebBlocker service  
WebBlocker is a built-in feature of the service icons including HTTP, Proxied HTTP,  
and Proxy. When WebBlocker is installed, five tabs appear in the HTTP service icon  
dialog box:  
• WebBlocker Controls  
• WB: Schedule  
• WB: Operational Hours  
• WB: Non-Operational Hours  
• WB: Exceptions  
Activating WebBlocker  
To start using WebBlocker, you must activate the feature. WatchGuard recommends  
enabling the Auto Download option at the same time. This ensures that Event  
Configuring the WebBlocker service  
Processor regularly and automatically updates the WebBlocker database stored on  
your Firebox. From Policy Manager:  
If you have not already done so, double-click the service icon you are using for  
HTTP. Click the Properties tab. Click Settings.  
The proxy’s dialog box appears.  
Click the WebBlocker Controls tab.  
The WebBlocker Controls tab appears only if you selected WebBlocker during installation. If the  
tabs are not visible, run the installation wizard and install the WebBlocker option. For more  
information, see the Install Guide.  
Enable the Activate WebBlocker checkbox.  
If appropriate, enable the Auto-Download the WebBlocker Database checkbox.  
Enter the message to be displayed when an end-user attempts to open a blocked  
Web site.  
Scheduling operational and non-operational hours  
With WebBlocker, you can differentiate between operational hours and non-  
operational hours in selecting which categories to block. From the proxy’s dialog box:  
Click the WB: Schedule tab.  
Click hour blocks to toggle from Operational to Non-Operational.  
Setting privileges  
WebBlocker differentiates URLs based on their content. Select the types of content  
accessible during operational and non-operational hours using the Privileges tabs.  
The options are identical for Operational and Non-Operational. From the proxy’s  
dialog box:  
Click the WB: Operational Privileges tab.  
Enable the content type checkboxes for the categories you would like to block.  
For more information on WebBlocker Categories, see the Reference Guide.  
Creating WebBlocker exceptions  
Use exceptions to override any WebBlocker setting. Exceptions take precedence over  
all other rules. These blocked URLs apply only to HTTP traffic and are not related to  
the Blocked Sites list.  
Exceptions are listed by IP address, but can be entered as domain names, network  
addresses, or host IP addresses. You can fine-tune an exception by specifying a port  
number, path, or string that is to be blocked for a particular Web site. For more  
information on working with exceptions, see the WebBlocker section of the Network  
Security Handbook.  
From the HTTP Proxy dialog box:  
Click the WB: Exceptions tab (you might need to use the arrow keys at the right of  
the dialog box to see this tab).  
User Guide  
Manually downloading the WebBlocker database  
In the Allowed Exceptions section, click Add to add either a network or host IP  
address to be allowed at all times.  
To allow a specific string for a domain, select Host Address. To allow a specific directory  
pattern, enter the string to be allowed.  
In the Deny Exceptions section, click Add to add either a network or an IP  
address to be denied at all times.  
To block a specific string to be denied for a domain, select Host Address. To block a specific  
directory pattern, enter the string to be blocked (for example, “*poker”).  
To remove an item from either the Allow or the Deny list, click the address. Click  
the corresponding Remove button.  
Manually downloading the WebBlocker database  
You can manually force a download of the latest blocked URL database from using a DOS utility called dbfetch.  
Open an MS-DOS Prompt window.  
Change directories to the WatchGuard installation directory.  
Issue the dbfetch command. The command syntax is  
dbfetch [-debug] [name or IP address] [port]  
debug — Outputs debugging information.  
name or IP address — Defaults to  
port — Sets port number; defaults to 4103.  
Setting Up Network Address  
Network address translation (NAT) hides internal network addresses from hosts on  
an external network. WatchGuard supports two types of NAT:  
• Outgoing dynamic NAT  
Hides network addresses from hosts on another network; works only on outgoing  
• Incoming static NAT  
Provides port-to-host remapping of incoming IP packets destined for a public  
address to a single internal address; works only on incoming messages.  
For more information on NAT, see the Network Security Handbook.  
What is dynamic NAT?  
Also known as IP masquerading or port address translation, dynamic NAT hides  
network addresses from hosts on another network. Hosts elsewhere only see  
outgoing packets from the Firebox itself. This feature protects the confidentiality and  
architecture of your network. Another benefit is that it enables you to conserve IP  
WatchGuard implements two forms of outgoing dynamic NAT:  
Simple NAT – Using host aliases or IP host and network IP addresses, the  
Firebox globally applies network address translation to every outgoing packet.  
Service-based NAT – Configure each service individually for outgoing  
dynamic NAT.  
Machines making incoming requests over a VPN connection are allowed to  
access masqueraded hosts.  
User Guide  
Using simple dynamic NAT  
Using simple dynamic NAT  
In the majority of networks, the preferred security policy is to globally apply network  
address translation to all outgoing packets. Simple dynamic NAT provides a quick  
method to set NAT policy for your entire network.  
Enabling simple dynamic NAT  
The default configuration of simple dynamic NAT enables it from the Trusted  
network to the External network. To enable simple dynamic NAT, use the Setup  
Dynamic NAT dialog box. From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>NAT.  
Enable the Enable Dynamic NAT checkbox.  
Adding dynamic NAT entries  
Using built-in host aliases, you can quickly configure the Firebox to masquerade  
addresses from your Trusted and Optional networks. For the majority of networks,  
only a single entry is necessary:  
• From: Trusted  
• To: External  
Larger or more sophisticated networks may require additional entries in the From or  
To lists of hosts, or host aliases. The Firebox applies dynamic NAT rules in the order  
in which they appear in the Dynamic NAT Entries list. WatchGuard recommends  
prioritizing entries based on the volume of traffic that each represents. From the  
Setup Dynamic NAT dialog box:  
Click Add.  
Use the From drop list to select the origin of the outgoing packets.  
For example, use the trusted host alias to globally enable network address translation from the  
Trusted network. For a definition of built-in Firebox aliases, see “Using host aliases” on  
page 85. For information on how to add a user-defined host alias, see Adding a host alias” on  
Use the To drop list to select the destination of outgoing packets.  
To add either a host or network IP address, click the ... button. Use the drop list to  
select the address type. Enter the IP address. Network addresses must be entered  
in slash notation.  
Click OK.  
The new entry appears in the Dynamic NAT Entries list.  
Reordering dynamic NAT entries  
To reorder dynamic NAT entries, select the entry and click either Up or Down. There  
is no method to modify a dynamic NAT entry. Instead, use the Remove button to  
remove existing entries and the Add button to add new entries.  
Using service-based NAT  
Using service-based NAT  
Using service-based NAT, you can set outgoing dynamic NAT policy on a service-by-  
service basis. Service-based NAT is most frequently used to make exceptions to a  
globally applied simple dynamic NAT entry.  
For example, use service-based NAT on a network with simple NAT enabled from  
the Trusted to the Optional network with a Web server on the Optional network that  
should not be masqueraded to the actual Trusted network. Add a service icon  
allowing Web access from the Trusted to the Optional Web server, and disable NAT.  
In this configuration, all Web access from the trusted network to the optional Web  
server is made with the true source IP, and all other traffic from Trusted to Optional is  
You can also use service-based NAT in lieu of simple dynamic NAT. Rather than  
applying NAT rules globally to all outgoing packets, you can start from the premise  
that no masquerading takes place and then selectively masquerade a few individual  
Enabling service-based NAT  
Service-based NAT is not dependent on enabling simple dynamic NAT. From Policy  
Select Setup =>NAT. Click Advanced.  
Enable the Enable Service-Based NAT checkbox.  
Click OK to close the Advanced NAT dialog box. Click OK to close the Dynamic  
NAT dialog box.  
Configuring service-based NAT exceptions  
By default, services take on whatever dynamic NAT properties you have set for  
simple NAT. However, you can override this setting in the service’s Properties dialog  
box. There are three options:  
Use Default (Simple NAT) – Service-based NAT is not enabled for the  
service. The service will use the simple dynamic NAT rules configured in the  
Dynamic NAT Entries list (see “Adding dynamic NAT entries” on page 64).  
Disable NAT – Disables dynamic NAT for outgoing packets using this  
service. Use this setting to create service-by-service exceptions to outgoing  
Enable NAT – Enables service-based NAT for outgoing packets using this  
service regardless of how the simple dynamic NAT settings are configured.  
From Policy Manager:  
Double-click the service icon. Click Outgoing.  
If either simple dynamic NAT or service-based NAT is already enabled, an entry appears at the  
bottom of the Outgoing tab.  
Use the Choose Dynamic NAT Setup drop list to select either the default, disable,  
or enable setting.  
Click OK.  
User Guide  
Configuring a service for incoming static NAT  
Configuring a service for incoming static NAT  
Static NAT works on a port-to-host basis. Incoming packets destined for a specific  
public address and port on the External network are remapped to an address and  
port behind the firewall. You must configure each service separately for static NAT.  
Typically, static NAT is used for public services such as Web sites and e-mail that do  
not require authentication.  
Static NAT can be used only to forward connections from the outside to an internal  
host. It is not possible for hosts already behind the Firebox to use the static NAT entry  
when accessing an internal server. While hosts on the External interface of the Firebox  
connect to the Firebox IP address and specified port (which then forwards the  
connection internally), hosts on the inside of the Firebox must connect directly to the  
actual, internal server IP address. This is usually only a problem when DNS is  
involved. To avoid this problem, it is best to use a private DNS server (or static DNS  
mapping, such as /etc/hosts for UNIX machines, or an Lmhosts file for Windows  
machines) for internal hosts. This way, internal systems that try to connect to the  
server by name will always get the internal IP address.  
Adding external IP addresses  
Static NAT converts a Firebox public IP and port into specific destinations on the  
Trusted or Optional networks. If the Firebox has not already been assigned the public  
IP address you want to use, you must designate a new public IP address using the  
Add External IP dialog box. From Policy Manager:  
Select Network => Configuration. Click the External tab.  
Click Aliases.  
At the bottom of the dialog box, enter the public IP address. Click Add.  
Repeat until all external public IP addresses are added. Click OK.  
Setting static NAT for a service  
Static NAT, like service-based NAT, is configured on a service-by-service basis.  
Because of the way static NAT functions, it is available only for services containing  
TCP, UDP, FTP, SMTP, or HTTP. A service containing any other protocol cannot use  
incoming static NAT, and the button in the service’s Properties dialog box is  
Double-click the service icon in the Services Arena.  
The service’s Properties dialog box appears, displaying the Incoming tab.  
Use the Incoming drop list to select Enabled and Allowed.  
To use static NAT, the service must allow incoming traffic.  
Under the To list, click Add.  
The Add Address dialog box appears.  
Click NAT.  
Use the External IP Address drop list to select the “public” address to be used for  
this service.  
If the public address does not appear in the drop list, click Edit to open the Add External IP  
Address dialog box.  
Configuring a service for incoming static NAT  
Enter the internal IP address.  
The internal IP address is the final destination on the Trusted network.  
If appropriate, enable the Set Internal Port To Different Port Than Service  
This feature is rarely used. It enables you to redirect packets not only to a specific internal host  
but also to an alternative port. If you enable the checkbox, enter the alternative port number in  
the Internal Port field.  
Click OK to close the Add Static NAT dialog box.  
The static NAT route appears in the Members and Addresses list.  
Click OK to close the Add Address dialog box. Click OK to close the service’s  
Properties dialog box.  
User Guide  
Configuring a service for incoming static NAT  
Setting Up Logging and  
Logging and notification are crucial to an effective network security policy. Together,  
they make it possible to monitor your network security, identify both attacks and  
attackers, and take action to address security threats and challenges.  
Logging occurs when the firewall records the occurrence of an event to a log file.  
Notification occurs when the firewall sends e-mail, pops up a window on the Event  
Processor, or dials a pager to notify an administrator that WatchGuard detected a  
triggering event.  
WatchGuard logging and notification features are both flexible and powerful. You  
can configure your firewall to log and notify on a wide variety of events, including  
specific events at the level of individual services.  
Ensure logging with failover logging  
WatchGuard relies on failover logging to minimize the possibility of missing log  
events. With failover logging, you configure a list of Event Processors to accept logs  
in the event of a failure of the primary Event Processor. By default, the Firebox sends  
log messages to the primary Event Processor. If for any reason the Firebox cannot  
establish communication with the primary Event Processor, it automatically sends  
User Guide  
WatchGuard logging architecture  
log messages to the second Event Processor. It continues through the list until it finds  
an Event Processor capable of recording events.  
Multiple Event Processors operate in failover mode, not redundancy  
mode—that is, events are not logged to multiple Event Processors  
simultaneously; they are logged only to the primary Event Processor unless  
that host becomes unavailable. Then the logs are passed on to the next  
available Event Processor according to the order of priority. As soon as a  
higher-priority Event Processor becomes available again, the logs are  
shifted to that host. The highest-ranking Event Processor available always  
receives the logs.  
The LiveSecurity Event Processor software must be installed on each Event  
Processor. For more information, see “Setting up the LiveSecurity Event  
WatchGuard logging architecture  
The flexible architecture of the Firebox System makes it possible to separate the  
logging and notification responsibilities to multiple machines. By default, the Policy  
Manager and the log and notification application – the LiveSecurity Event Processor  
– are installed on the same computer. You can, however, install the Event Processor  
software on a separate or multiple computers.  
You must complete the following tasks to configure the firewall for logging and  
Policy Manager  
- Add logging and notification host(s)  
- Customize preferences for services and packet handling options  
- Save the configuration file with logging properties to the Firebox  
LiveSecurity Event Processor  
- Install the software on each Event Processor  
- Set global logging and notification preferences for the host  
- Set the log encryption key on the Event Processor identical to the key set in  
Policy Manager.  
Designating Event Processors for a Firebox  
You should have at least one Event Processor to run the WatchGuard Firebox System.  
The default primary Event Processor is the Management Station, which is set when  
Designating Event Processors for a Firebox  
you run the QuickSetup wizard. You can specify a different primary Event Processor  
as well as multiple backup Event Processors.  
• IP address of each Event Processor  
• Encryption key to secure the connection between the Firebox and Event  
• Priority order of primary and backup Event Processors  
Adding an Event Processor  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Logging.  
Click Add.  
Enter the IP address to be used by the Event Processor.  
Enter the encryption key that secures the connection between the Firebox and the  
Event Processor.  
The default encryption key is the monitoring passphrase set in the QuickSetup wizard. You must  
use the same log encryption key for both the Firebox and the LiveSecurity Event Processor.  
Click OK.  
Repeat until all primary and backup Event Processors appear in the LiveSecurity Event  
Processors list.  
Enabling Syslog logging  
Note that Syslog logging is not encrypted; therefore, do not set the Syslog server to a  
host on the External interface. From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Logging.  
The Logging Setup dialog box appears.  
In the Logging Setup dialog box, click the Syslog tab.  
Enable the Enable Syslog Logging checkbox.  
Enter the IP address of the Syslog server.  
Editing an Event Processor setting  
Modify an Event Processor entry to change the log encryption key. From Policy  
Select Setup =>Logging.  
The Logging Setup dialog box appears.  
Click the host name. Click Edit.  
Modify the IP address or log encryption key fields. Click OK.  
You must use the same log encryption key for both the Firebox and the LiveSecurity Event  
Processor. To change the log encryption key on the Event Processor, see “Setting the log  
User Guide  
Designating Event Processors for a Firebox  
Removing an Event Processor  
Remove an Event Processor when you no longer want to use it for any logging  
purpose. From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Logging.  
The Logging Setup dialog box appears.  
Click the host name. Click Remove.  
Click OK.  
The Logging Setup dialog box closes and removes the Event Processor entry from the  
configuration file.  
If you move the Event Processor to a host on another network  
and change the Event Processor’s host address on the Firebox,  
make sure to uninstall the Event Processor software from the  
machine that is no longer the Event Processor host.  
Reordering Event Processors  
Event Processor priority is determined by the order in which they appear in the  
LiveSecurity Event Processor(s) list. The host that is listed first receives log messages.  
Use the Up and Down buttons to change the order of the Event Processors. From the  
Logging Setup dialog box:  
• To move a host down, click the host name. Click Down.  
• To move a host up, click the host name. Click Up.  
Synchronizing Event Processors  
Synchronizing Event Processors is the act of setting the clocks of all your Event  
Processors to a single common time source. Synchronizing Event Processors keeps  
logs orderly and avoids time discrepancies in the log file if failovers occur.  
The Firebox sets its clock to the current Event Processor. If the Firebox and the Event  
Processor time are different, the Firebox time drifts toward the new time, which often  
results in a brief interruption in the log file. Rebooting the Firebox resets the Firebox  
time to that of the primary Event Processor. Therefore, you should set all Event  
Processors’ clocks to a single source. In a local installation where all Event Processors  
are on the same domain, set each Event Processor to the common domain controller.  
For Windows NT Event Processors  
Go to each Event Processor. Open an MS-DOS Command Prompt window. Type  
the following command:  
net time /domain:domainName /set  
where domainName is the domain in which the Event Processors operate.  
The system returns a message naming the domain controller.  
Type Y.  
The time of the local host is set to that of the domain controller.  
Setting up the LiveSecurity Event Processor  
Another way to set the Event Processor (and domain controller) clocks is to use an  
independent source such as the atomic clock—based servers available on the Internet.  
One place to access this service is:  
Setting up the LiveSecurity Event Processor  
The LiveSecurity Event Processor controls logging and notification. It also provides  
scheduling services for the Firebox; if the Event Processor is not running, you may be  
unable to connect to the Firebox.  
Installing the Event Processor program  
The LiveSecurity Event Processor program is separate from the WatchGuard Control  
Center and Policy Manager. It must be installed and the log encryption key entered  
on all Event Processors. Although it can be installed on the Management Station  
during the QuickSetup wizard installation process, you must also install and run it on  
any additional Event Processors.  
The LiveSecurity Event Processor program is available both as a command-line utility  
and, on a Windows NT host, as a service. During installation, the setup utility detects  
whether or not the host is operating Windows NT or Windows 2000. If so, it installs  
the program as a service that automatically starts when you restart the machine:  
Run the WatchGuard Firebox System installation wizard.  
When the wizard asks if you would like to set up logging and notification, select  
Running an Event Processor on Windows 98  
If the Event Processor is to be run on a Windows 98 operating system, it must be run  
from the command line in a DOS window or directly from the Startup folder. A DOS  
window stays open as long as the LiveSecurity Event Processor is running. If you  
must log off a Windows 98 Event Processor, the program exits and logging will not  
work. On the Event Processor host:  
Open a DOS window.  
Select Start => Programs => MS-DOS Prompt.  
Change directories to the WatchGuard installation directory.  
The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\WatchGuard.  
Enter the following command:  
controld -i  
The Event Processor starts. You can minimize the DOS window. Do not, however, close the  
window. Closing the DOS window halts the Event Processor.  
Running an Event Processor on Windows NT or Windows 2000  
If the Event Processor is to be run on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 operating  
system, there are two methods to run it: interactive mode from a DOS window or as a  
User Guide  
Setting up the LiveSecurity Event Processor  
Windows NT service. The default method on installation is for it to run as a Windows  
NT service.  
As a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Service  
By default, the Event Processor is installed to run as a Windows NT service, starting  
automatically every time the host computer restarts. You can also install and run the  
Event Processor manually:  
At the command line, type:  
controld -nt-install  
Start the LiveSecurity Event Processor service.  
Select Start => Settings => Control Panel. Double-click Services. Click WG LiveSecurity Event  
Processor. Click Start. You can also restart your computer. The service starts automatically  
every time the host reboots.  
To remove the Event Processor as a service, stop it using Control Panel. Then, at  
the command line, type:  
controld -nt-remove  
In addition, if the Event Processor is running as a service and you are using pop-up  
notifications, you must ensure that the service can interact with the Desktop:  
In Control Panel, double-click Services. In Windows 2000, click Start =>Settings  
=> C o n t r o l P a n e l => A d m i n i s t r a t i v e To o l s => S e r v i c e s .  
Click WG LiveSecurity Event Processor. Click Startup.  
Verify that the Allow Service To Interact With Desktop checkbox is enabled.  
If the Event Processor was running, restart it after saving the changes.  
Interactive mode from a DOS window  
On the Event Processor:  
Open a DOS window.  
Select Start => Programs => Command Prompt.  
Change directories to the WatchGuard installation directory.  
The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\WatchGuard.  
Type the following command:  
controld -NT-interactive  
The Event Processor starts. You can minimize the DOS window. Do not, however, close the  
window. Closing the DOS window halts the Event Processor.  
Viewing the Event Processor  
While the LiveSecurity Event Processor is running, a Firebox-and-traffic icon appears  
in the Windows Desktop tray. To view the Event Processor, right-click the tray icon  
and select Log Center.  
If the Event Processor icon is not in the tray, in the Control Center, select LiveSecurity  
=>Logging =>Event Processor Interface. To start the Event Processor interface when  
you log in to the system, add a shortcut to the Startup folder in the Start menu. The  
WatchGuard installation program does this automatically if you set up logging.  
Setting global logging and notification preferences  
Starting and stopping the Event Processor  
The Event Processor starts automatically when you start the host on which it resides.  
However, it is possible to stop or restart the Event Processor from its interface at any  
time. Open the Event Processor interface:  
• To start the Event Processor, select File =>Start Service.  
• To stop the Event Processor, select File =>Stop Service.  
Setting the log encryption key  
The log connection (but not the log file) between the Firebox and an Event Processor  
is encrypted for security purposes. Both the Management Station and the Event  
Processor must possess the same encryption key.  
You must enter an encryption key in order for the Event Processor to receive  
logs from the Firebox. It must be the same key used when adding an Event  
Processor to the Management Station.  
From the LiveSecurity Event Processor:  
Select File =>Set Log Encryption Key.  
Enter the log encryption key in both text boxes. Click OK.  
Setting global logging and notification preferences  
The LiveSecurity Event Processor lists the connected Firebox and displays its status. It  
has three control areas:  
Log File tab – Specify the maximum number of records stored in the log file.  
Reports tab – Schedule regular reports of log activity.  
Notification tab – Control to whom and how notification takes place.  
Together, these controls set the general parameters for most global event processing  
and notification properties.  
Setting the interval for log rollover  
Log records accumulate at different rates depending on the volume of network traffic  
and the logging and notification settings configured for services and properties. You  
can control when the Event Processor rolls log entries from one file to the next using  
the Log Files tab in the Event Processor. For example, configure the Event Processor  
to roll over from one log file to the next by time interval, number of entries, or both.  
From the Event Processor interface:  
Click the Log Files tab.  
For a time interval, enable the By Time Interval checkbox. Select the frequency.  
Use the Schedule First Log Roll For drop list to select a date. Use the scroll  
control or enter the first time of day.  
User Guide  
Customizing logging and notification by service or option  
For a record size, enable the By Number of Entries checkbox. Use the scroll  
control or enter a number of log record entries.  
The Approximate Size field changes to display the approximate file size of the final log file. For  
a detailed description of each control, right-click it, and then select What’s This?.  
Click OK.  
The Event Processor Interface closes and saves your entries. New settings take effect  
Scheduling log reports  
You can use the Event Processor to schedule the automatic generation of network  
activity reports. For more information, see “Scheduling a report” on page 114.  
Controlling notification  
Notification occurs when the firewall sends an e-mail, pops up a window on the  
Event Processor, or dials a pager to notify an administrator that the Firebox detected a  
triggering event. Use the Event Processor to control when and to whom such  
notifications are sent. From the Event Processor interface:  
Click the Notification tab.  
Modify the settings according to your security policy preferences.  
For more information on individual settings, right-click the setting, and then select What’s  
Customizing logging and notification by service or option  
The Firebox System allows you to create custom logging and notification properties  
for each service and blocking option. You can fine-tune your security policy, logging  
only those events that require your attention and limiting notification to truly high-  
priority events.  
To make logging and notification configuration easier, services, blocking categories,  
and packet-handling options share an identical dialog box. Therefore, once you learn  
the controls for one type of service, you can easily configure the remainder.  
The Logging and Notification dialog box contains the following controls:  
The event types that can be logged by the service or option. This list changes  
depending on the service or option. Click the event name to display and set its  
Enter it in the log  
Enable this checkbox to log the event type; clear it to disable logging for the  
event type. Because the Firebox must perform domain name resolution, there  
may be a time lag before logs appear in the log file. All denied packets are  
logged by default.  
Customizing logging and notification by service or option  
Send Notification  
Enable this checkbox to enable notification on the event type; clear it to disable  
logging for the event type.  
The remaining controls are active when you enable the Send Notification checkbox:  
Triggers an e-mail message when the event occurs. Set the e-mail recipient in  
the Notification tab of the LiveSecurity Event Processor.  
Triggers a page when the event occurs. Set the pager number in the  
Notification tab of the LiveSecurity Event Processor.  
Popup Window  
Triggers a pop-up window display on the Event Processor when the event  
Custom Program  
Triggers a custom program when the event occurs. WatchGuard allows only  
one notification type per event. A custom batch file or program enables you to  
trigger multiple types of notification. Type the full path to the program in the  
accompanying field, or use Browse to locate and select the program.  
Setting Launch Interval and Repeat Count  
There are two parameters that work in conjunction with the Event Processor Repeat  
Interval to control notification timing:  
Launch Interval  
The minimum time (in minutes) between separate launches of a notifier. Set  
this parameter to prevent the launch of several notifiers in response to similar  
events that take place in a short amount of time.  
Repeat Count  
The threshold for how often a notifier can repeat before the Firebox activates  
the special repeat notifier. The repeat notifier creates a log entry that the  
notifier in question is repeating. Notification repeats only after this number of  
events occurs.  
For an example of how launch interval and repeat count interact, see the Network  
Security Handbook.  
Setting logging and notification for a service  
For each service added to the Services Arena, you can control logging and notification  
of the following events:  
• Incoming packets that are allowed  
• Incoming packets that are denied  
• Outgoing packets that are allowed  
• Outgoing packets that are denied  
User Guide  
Customizing logging and notification by service or option  
From Policy Manager:  
Double-click a service in the Services Arena.  
The Properties dialog box appears.  
Click Logging.  
The Logging and Notification dialog box appears. The options for each service are identical; the  
main difference is based on whether the service in question is for incoming, outgoing, or  
bidirectional communication.  
Modify logging and notification properties according to your security policy  
preferences. Click OK.  
Setting logging and notification for default packet-handling  
When this option is enabled, you can control logging and notification properties for  
the following default packet-handling options:  
• Spoofing attacks  
• IP options  
• Port probes  
• Address space probes  
• Incoming packets not handled  
• Outgoing packets not handled  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Default Packet Handling.  
The Default Packet Handling dialog box appears.  
Click Logging.  
Modify logging and notification properties according to your security policy  
preferences. Click OK.  
Setting logging and notification for blocked sites and ports  
You can control logging and notification properties for both blocked sites and  
blocked ports. The process is identical for both operations. The example below is for  
blocked sites.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Blocked Sites.  
The Blocked Sites dialog box appears.  
Click Logging.  
Modify logging and notification properties according to your security policy  
preferences. Click OK.  
Connect with Out-of-Band  
The WatchGuard Firebox System out-of-band (OOB) management feature enables the  
Management Station to communicate with a Firebox by way of a modem and  
telephone line. OOB is useful for remotely configuring a Firebox when access via the  
Ethernet interfaces is unavailable.  
Connecting a Firebox with OOB management  
To connect to the Firebox using OOB management, you must:  
• Connect the Management Station to a modem – Connect a modem between  
the serial port on the Management Station and an analog telephone line.  
• Connect the Firebox modem – Connect an external or PCMCIA (also known as  
PC Card) modem to the Firebox. External modems must be attached to the  
CONSOLE port of the Firebox.  
• Enable the Management Station for dial-up networking connections.  
• Set Firebox network configuration properties.  
Enabling the Management Station  
For a dial-up PPP connection to work between a Management Station and a Firebox,  
you must configure the Management Station to use a PPP connection. In Windows  
NT, Windows 95/98, and Windows 2000, PPP is the default protocol used by Dial-Up  
Networking. There are separate procedures for configuring a PPP connection on the  
Windows NT, Windows 95/98, and Windows 2000 platforms.  
User Guide  
Enabling the Management Station  
Preparing a Windows NT Management Station for OOB  
Install the Microsoft Remote Access Server (RAS) on the Management Station. From  
the Windows NT Desktop:  
Attach a modem to your computer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.  
Select Start =>Settings =>Control Panel.  
Double-click Network.  
Click Add.  
The Select Network Service dialog box appears.  
Click Remote Access Server. Click OK.  
Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the installation. If Dial-Up Networking is not already  
installed, you will be prompted to install it.  
Preparing a Windows 95/98 Management Station for OOB  
From the Windows 95/98 desktop:  
Double-click My Computer. Double-click Dial-Up Networking. Double-click  
Make New Connection.  
Enter the name of the connection, select a device, and select your modem. Click  
Enter the area code and phone number of the Firebox (the phone number of the  
analog line connected to the Firebox’s modem). Click Finish.  
If Dial-Up Networking is not already installed, you will be prompted to install it.  
Preparing a Windows 2000 Management Station for OOB  
Before configuring the Management Station, you must first install the modem. If the  
modem is already installed, go to the instructions for configuring Windows 2000 to  
work with OOB.  
Install the modem  
From the Desktop, click Start =>Control Panel =>Modem and Phone Options.  
Click the Modem tab.  
Click Add. The Add/Remove Hardware wizard appears.  
Follow the wizard through, completing the information requested.  
You will need to know the name and model of the Firebox modem and the modem speed.  
Click Finish to complete the modem installation.  
Configure the dial-up connection  
From the Desktop, click My Network Places =>Properties =>Make New  
The Network Connection wizard appears.  
Click Next. Select Dial up to Private Network. Click Next.  
Enter the telephone number of the line connected to the modem in the Firebox.  
Click Next.  
Choose the proper designation for your connection. Click Next.  
Configuring the Firebox for OOB  
Enter a name for your connection.  
This can be anything that reminds you of the icon’s purpose — VPN Connection, for example.  
Click Finish.  
Click either Dial or Cancel.  
A new icon is now in the Network and Dial-Up Connections folder. To use this dial-  
up connection, double-click the icon in the folder.  
Configuring the Firebox for OOB  
OOB management features are configured in Policy Manager using the Network  
Configuration dialog box, OOB tab. The OOB tab is divided into two identical halves:  
The top half controls the settings of any external modem attached. The lower half  
configures any PCMCIA modem if one is present.  
The OOB management features are enabled by default on the Firebox. When trying to  
connect to a Firebox via OOB for the first time, WatchGuard first tries to do so with  
the default settings. From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Configuration. Click the OOB tab.  
Modify OOB properties according to your security policy preferences.  
For a description of each control, right-click it, and then click What’s This?.  
Click OK.  
Establishing an OOB connection  
In the Management Station, command your dial-up networking software to call the  
Firebox modem. After the modems connect, the Firebox negotiates a PPP connection  
with the calling host, and IP traffic can pass. After the connection is established, you  
can use the WatchGuard Control Center and tools by specifying the dial-up PPP  
address of the Firebox. The default address is  
In the Dial-Up Networking folder, click the icon corresponding to the Firebox.  
Configuring PPP for connecting to a Firebox  
In its default configuration, Firebox PPP accepts connections from any standard  
client. The settings you use on your Management Station are the same as if you were  
dialing into a typical Internet service provider, except that you need not specify a  
username or password; leave these fields blank.  
OOB time-out disconnects  
The Firebox will start the PPP session and wait for a valid connection from Policy  
Manager on your Management Station. If none is received within the default period  
of 90 seconds, the Firebox terminates the PPP session.  
User Guide  
Establishing an OOB connection  
PART IV Administering a Security Policy  
Network security is more than just designing and implementing a security policy and  
copying the resulting configuration file to a WatchGuard Firebox. Truly effective  
network security requires constant vigilance and ongoing adaptation to changing  
business needs. WatchGuard provides the following functionality for administering  
your security policy:  
Aliases and Authentication  
Control access to services by requiring users to identify themselves. In  
addition to our own authentication scheme, WatchGuard also supports  
Windows NT, RADIUS, CRYPTOCard, and SecurID server authentication.  
Use host aliases to speed configuration of authentication and service  
Firebox Activity Monitors  
Firebox Monitors displays real-time traffic through your Firebox. View  
bandwidth usage, dynamically and manually blocked sites, and Firebox  
status. Use HostWatch to monitor active connections and LogViewer to read  
and print a log file.  
Network Activity Reports  
Use the Web-based Historical Reports utility to build, display, modify, and  
print reports of activity through the Firebox.  
VPN Manager Guide  
Creating Aliases and  
Implementing Authentication  
Aliases are shortcuts used to identify groups of hosts, networks, or users with one  
name. The use of aliases simplifies user authentication and service configuration.  
User authentication provides access control for outgoing connections. Authentication  
dynamically maps an individual username to a workstation IP address, allowing the  
tracking of connections based on name rather than static IP address.  
For more information on aliases or authentication, see the Network Security Handbook.  
Using host aliases  
Host aliases provide a simple way to remember host IP addresses, host ranges,  
groups, usernames, and network IP addresses. They function in a similar fashion to e-  
mail distribution lists–combining addresses and names into easily recognizable  
groups. Use aliases to quickly build service filter rules or configure authentication.  
Aliases cannot, however, be used to configure the network itself.  
WatchGuard automatically adds four host aliases to the basic configuration:  
Addresses assigned to the three Firebox interfaces  
Any host or network routed through the physical Trusted interface  
Any host or network routed through the physical Optional interface  
Any host or network routed through the physical External interface; in  
most cases, the Internet  
A host alias takes precedence over a Windows NT or RADIUS group with  
the same name.  
VPN Manager Guide  
Using host aliases  
Adding a host alias  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears.  
Click the Aliases tab.  
Click Add.  
In the Host Alias Name text box, enter the name used to identify the alias when  
configuring services and authentication.  
Click Add.  
The Add Address dialog box appears.  
Define the alias by adding hosts or users. To add an existing member, click the  
name in the Members list. Click Add.  
To configure a new member, click Add Other.  
The Add Member dialog box appears.  
Use the Choose Type drop list to select a category. In the Value text box, enter the  
address or host name. Click OK.  
When you finish adding members, click OK.  
The Host Alias dialog box appears listing the new alias. Click the alias to view its members.  
Modifying a host alias  
Use the Host Alias dialog box to review or modify a host alias configuration. From  
Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication. Click the Aliases tab.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears displaying the Aliases tab.  
Click the host to review or modify. Click Edit.  
The Host Alias dialog box appears, displaying the host’s members.  
To add new members, click Add and follow the directions described in steps 6—9  
of the previous procedure. To delete members, select them and click Remove.  
When you finish reviewing or modifying the host alias, click OK.  
Removing a host alias  
When you remove a host alias from the Aliases list, you must also remove the alias  
from any services configured to use the alias. From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication. Click the Aliases tab.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears, displaying the Aliases tab.  
Click the host to remove. Click Remove.  
Click OK.  
The Member Access and Authentication dialog box closes.  
In the Services Arena, double-click a service that is configured to use the alias.  
The service’s Properties dialog box appears and displays the Incoming tab.  
Remove the alias from the Incoming and Outgoing tabs as appropriate.  
Repeat these steps for every service configured with the host alias you removed.  
What is user authentication?  
What is user authentication?  
User authentication allows the tracking of connections based on name rather than IP  
address. With authentication, it no longer matters what IP address is used or from  
which machine a person chooses to work; the username defines the permissions of  
the user, and follows the user from workstation to workstation.  
To gain access to Internet services (such as outgoing HTTP or outgoing FTP), the user  
provides authenticating data in the form of a username and password. For the  
duration of the authentication, the session name is tied to connections originating  
from the IP address from which the individual authenticated.  
For more information about authentication, see the Network Security Handbook.  
User authentication types  
The WatchGuard Firebox System supports five authentication methods identified by  
the server type used:  
• Firebox  
• Windows NT  
• CRYPTOCard  
• SecurID  
A client performs the same sequence of tasks to authenticate against any of the five  
types of authentication. For the administrator, the Firebox method requires the  
administrator to add usernames, passwords, and groups using Policy Manager, while  
the other four methods require storing the data on the server performing  
While more than one type of authentication scheme can be implemented, only  
one type of authentication can be applied to a single user session.  
How user authentication works  
A specialized-HTTP server runs on the Firebox. To authenticate, clients must connect  
to the authentication server using a Java-enabled Web browser pointed to  
http://IP address of any Firebox interface:4100/  
A Java applet loads a prompt for a username and password that it then passes to the  
authentication server using a challenge-response protocol. Once successfully  
authenticated, users minimize the Java applet and browser window and begin using  
allowed network services.  
As long as the Java window remains active (it can be minimized but not closed) and  
the Firebox doesn’t reboot, users remain authenticated until the session times out. To  
prevent an account from authenticating, disable the account on the authentication  
VPN Manager Guide  
Configuring Firebox authentication  
Configuring Firebox authentication  
You can use the WatchGuard Firebox System to define users and groups for  
authentication. Enter Firebox User information using Policy Manager.  
Firebox Users are intended for remote user virtual private networking (VPN).  
WatchGuard automatically adds two Firebox user groups to the basic configuration  
ipsec_users – Add the names of authorized users of remote user VPN with  
IPSec (Mobile User).  
pptp_users – Add the names of authorized users of remote user VPN with  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears.  
Under Authentication Enabled Via, click the Firebox option.  
Click the Firebox Users tab.  
To add a new group, click the Add button beneath the Groups list.  
The Add Firebox Group dialog box appears.  
Type the name of the group. Click OK.  
To add a new user, click the Add button beneath the Users list.  
The Setup Firebox User dialog box appears.  
Enter the username and password.  
To add the user to a group, select the group name in the Not Member Of list.  
Click the left-pointing arrow to move the name to the Member Of list.  
When you finish adding the user to groups, click Add.  
The user is added to the User list. The Setup Remote User dialog box remains open and cleared  
for entry of another user.  
10 To close the Setup Remote User dialog box, click Close.  
The Firebox Users tab appears with a list of the newly configured users.  
11 When you finish adding users and groups, click OK.  
The users and groups can now be used to configure services and authentication.  
Configuring Windows NT Server authentication  
Windows NT Server authentication is based on Windows NT Server Users and  
Groups. It uses the Users and Groups database already in place on your Windows NT  
network. Only end users are allowed to authenticate; the default Windows NT  
groups Administrators and Replicators will not authenticate using this feature. From  
Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears.  
Configuring RADIUS server authentication  
Under Authentication Enabled Via, click the NT Service option.  
WatchGuard activates the Windows NT Server controls.  
Click the Windows NT Server tab.  
To identify the host either:  
- Enter both the host name and the IP address of the Windows NT network.  
- Enter the host name. Click Find IP.  
Enable or clear the checkbox labeled Use Local Groups.  
Enable use the local groups on the authentication host and clear use the global groups on the  
authentication host. Consult your Windows NT documentation for details.  
Click Test to ensure the integrity of the host name and IP address.  
WatchGuard searches the network for a matching server. If it finds one, it adds it to the listbox  
on this tab. If the cursor returns and the listbox remains blank, your host name or IP address is  
incorrect or the designated server is either not a Windows NT 4.0 server or for some reason is  
currently unavailable. This functionality is not supported on Windows 95 or Windows 98  
Click OK.  
Configuring RADIUS server authentication  
The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) provides remote users  
with secure access to corporate networks. RADIUS is a client-server system that  
stores authentication information for users, remote access servers, and VPN gateways  
in a central user database that is available to all servers. Authentication for the entire  
network happens from one location.  
To add or remove services accessible by RADIUS authenticated users, add the  
RADIUS user or group in the individual service properties dialog box, and the IP  
address of the Firebox on the RADIUS authentication server.  
Although WatchGuard supports both CHAP and PAP authentication, CHAP is  
considered more secure.  
From Policy Manager  
Select Setup =>Authentication.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears.  
Under Authentication Enabled Via, click the RADIUS Server option.  
Click the RADIUS Server tab.  
Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server.  
Enter or verify the port number used for RADIUS authentication.  
The default is 1645. (RFC 2138 states the port number as 1812, but many RADIUS servers still  
use post number 1645.)  
Enter the value of the secret shared between the Firebox and the RADIUS server.  
The shared secret is case sensitive and must be identical on the Firebox and the RADIUS server.  
Click OK.  
VPN Manager Guide  
Configuring CRYPTOCard server authentication  
On the RADIUS Server  
Gather the IP address of the Firebox and the user or group aliases you want  
to authenticate using RADIUS. The aliases appear in the “From” and “To”  
listboxes for the individual services’ Properties dialog boxes.  
Add the IP address of the Firebox where appropriate according to the RADIUS  
server vendor.  
Some RADIUS vendors may not require this. To determine if this is required for your  
implementation, check the RADIUS server vendor documentation.  
Take the user or group aliases gathered from the service properties’ listboxes and  
add them to the defined Filter-IDs in the RADIUS configuration file.  
For example, to add the groups Sales, Marketing, and Engineering enter:  
The filter rules for RADIUS user filter-IDs are case sensitive.  
For more information, consult the RADIUS server documentation.  
Configuring CRYPTOCard server authentication  
To add or remove services accessible by CRYPTOCard authenticated users, add the  
CRYPTOCard user or group in the individual service’s Properties dialog box, and the  
IP address of the Firebox on the CRYPTOCard authentication server.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears.  
Under Authentication Enabled Via, click the CRYPTOCard Server option.  
Click the CRYPTOCard Server tab.  
You might need to use the arrow buttons in the upper-right corner of the dialog box to bring this  
tab into view.  
Enter the IP address of the CRYPTOCard server.  
Enter or verify the port number used for CRYPTOCard authentication.  
The standard is 624.  
Enter the administrator password.  
This is the administrator password in the passwd file on the CRYPTOCard server.  
Enter or accept the time-out in seconds.  
The time-out period is the maximum amount of time, in seconds, a user can wait for the  
CRYPTOCard server to respond to a request for authentication. Sixty seconds is CRYPTOCard’s  
recommended time-out length.  
Configuring SecurID authentication  
Enter the value of the shared secret between the Firebox and the CRYPTOCard  
This is the key or client key in the “Peers” file on the CRYPTOCard server. This key is case  
sensitive and must be identical on the Firebox and the CRYPTOCard server for CRYPTOCard  
authentication to work.  
Click OK.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box closes, and the new authentication  
settings are saved.  
10 Gather the IP address of the Firebox and the user or group aliases to be  
authenticated via CRYPTOCard. The aliases appear in the “From” and “To”  
listboxes in the individual services’ Properties dialog boxes.  
On the CRYPTOCard server:  
Add the IP address of the Firebox where appropriate according to  
CRYPTOCard’s instructions.  
Take the user or group aliases from the service properties listboxes and add them  
to the group information in the CRYPTOCard configuration file. Only one group  
can be associated with each user.  
The filter rules for CRYPTOCard user Filter-IDs are case-sensitive.  
For more information, consult the CRYPTOCard server documentation.  
Configuring SecurID authentication  
For SecurID authentication to work, the RADIUS and ACE/Server server must first  
be correctly configured. In addition, users must have a valid SecurID token and PIN  
number. Please see the relevant documentation for these products.  
WatchGuard does not support the third-party program Steel Belted RADIUS  
for use with SecurID. Customers should use the RADIUS program bundled  
with the RSA SecurID software.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication.  
The Member Access and Authentication Setup dialog box appears.  
Under Authentication Enabled Via, click the SecurID Server option.  
Click the SecurID Server tab.  
You might need to use the arrow buttons in the upper-right corner of the dialog box to bring this  
tab into view.  
Enter the IP address of the SecurID server.  
Enter or verify the port number used for SecurID authentication.  
The default is 1645.  
Enter the value of the secret shared between the Firebox and the SecurID server.  
The shared secret is case sensitive and must be identical on the Firebox and the SecurID server.  
VPN Manager Guide  
Using authentication to define remote user VPN access  
If you are using a backup server, enable the Specify backup SecurID server  
checkbox. Enter the IP address and port number for the backup server.  
Click OK.  
Using authentication to define remote user VPN access  
WatchGuard uses two built-in Firebox groups to identify currently active remote user  
virtual private network users.  
pptp_users – Names authorized to use Remove User VPN with PPTP  
ipsec_users – Names authorized to use Mobile User VPN with IPSec  
When a user successfully connects to the Firebox using Remote User VPN,  
WatchGuard automatically adds the assigned IP address to one of these built-in  
aliases (depending on the VPN method). When the user shuts down the VPN session,  
WatchGuard automatically removes the address associated with that user from the  
When a Remote User VPN connection is made to the Firebox, WatchGuard checks the  
client’s username and password against the Firebox domain. For this reason, Remote  
User VPN users must have an account in the Firebox domain and must be a member  
of the appropriate VPN group for access, regardless of any other authentication  
scheme in use.  
When users authenticate using their account in the Firebox domain, WatchGuard  
automatically adds their IP address to all Firebox domain groups of which they are a  
member, including pptp_users or ipsec_users.  
By default, Remote User VPN users (or any users) have no access privileges through a  
Firebox. To allow Remote User VPN users to access machines on the Trusted  
network, you must add their usernames (or the group alias) to service icons in the  
Services Arena.  
A typical use of built-in groups is to allow incoming connections to certain Trusted  
servers from the pptp_users or ipsec_users group members. This is an easy way to  
provide outside access to critical machines inside your network, without  
compromising general security.  
Example: Configuring a service for Remote User VPN  
To allow outgoing Telnet but only allow incoming Telnet if the request comes from a  
Remote User VPN user, follow this procedure:  
From Policy Manager:  
Add a Telnet icon to the Services Arena if one does not already exist.  
For information on how to add services, see Adding an existing service” on page 47.  
Configure the Outgoing tab to allow from Any to Any.  
Configure the Incoming tab to allow from pptp_users to Any.  
Click OK.  
Monitoring Firebox Activity  
An important part of an effective network security policy is the monitoring of  
network events. Monitoring enables you to recognize patterns, identify potential  
attacks, and take appropriate action. If an attack occurs, the records kept by  
WatchGuard will help you reconstruct what happened.  
The extensive logging provided with the Firebox System can also be useful in  
debugging network services, solving routing problems, and identifying other  
network configuration problems.  
Firebox Monitors and HostWatch are two tools for monitoring traffic through the  
Firebox Monitors  
Firebox Monitors is a user interface providing several real-time displays of activity  
through the Firebox.  
Starting Firebox Monitors and connecting to a Firebox  
From Control Center:  
On the QuickGuide, click the Firebox Monitors button (shown at  
Firebox Monitors opens and displays the Bandwidth Meter tab. There is no active  
connection to a Firebox.  
Select File =>Connect. Or, on the Firebox Monitors toolbar, click Connect.  
Enter a Firebox name or IP address, or use the Firebox drop list to select a Firebox.  
Enter the monitoring (read-only) pass phrase. Click OK.  
Firebox Monitors displays traffic patterns on the selected Firebox.  
User Guide  
Firebox Monitors  
Setting Firebox Monitors view properties  
You can configure Firebox Monitors to display traffic at different speeds, intervals,  
and amplitude. From Firebox Monitors:  
Select View =>Properties.  
Modify display properties according to your preferences.  
Bandwidth Meter  
The Bandwidth Meter tab displays real-time bandwidth usage for one Firebox  
interface at a time.  
The ServiceWatch tab graphs the number of connections by service, providing a  
service-centric view of network activity. The y axis shows the number of connections  
and the x axis shows time. Firebox Monitors differentiates by color each service being  
Adding services to ServiceWatch  
By default, ServiceWatch graphs SMTP, FTP, and HTTP, but you can track other  
services, too. From Firebox Monitors:  
Select View =>Properties. Click the ServiceWatch tab.  
Click Add.  
Enter the service name and port number.  
For a list of well-known service port numbers, see the Reference Guide.  
Pick the line color to represent the service on the graph.  
Click OK to close the Add Service dialog box. Click OK to close the View  
Properties dialog box.  
ServiceWatch adds the new service to the display and draws a new line in the color specified.  
The StatusReport tab on the Firebox Monitors display provides a number of statistics  
on Firebox activity.  
Firebox uptime and version information  
The time range on the statistics, the Firebox uptime, and the WatchGuard Firebox  
System software version.  
Statistics from Wed Jan 11 14:54:24 2000 to Wed Jan 11 14:57:27 2000  
Up since Tue Dec 30 15:26:48 1999 (23:30)  
Last network change Tue Nov 30 15:26:48 1999  
WatchGuard, Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 WatchGuard Technologies,  
Driver version: 4.00.B99  
Daemon version: 4.00.B99  
Firebox Monitors  
Packet counts  
The number of packets allowed, denied, and rejected between status queries.  
Rejected packets are denied packets for which WatchGuard sends an ICMP  
error message.  
Log and notification hosts  
The IP addresses of the log and notification hosts.  
Log host(s):  
Notification host:  
Network configuration  
Statistics about the network cards detected within the Firebox, including the  
interface name, its hardware and software addresses, and its netmask. In  
addition, the display includes local routing information and IP aliases.  
Network Configuration:  
eth0 local network netmask outside (set)  
eth1 local network netmask  
eth2 local network netmask  
Blocked Sites list  
The current manually blocked sites, if any. Temporarily blocked site entries  
appear on the Blocked Sites tab.  
Blocked list  
network permanent  
network permanent  
network permanent  
Active TCP connections  
A list of any active TCP connections occurring across the Firebox.  
Active TCP connections OUT Wed Dec 22 07:32:43 1999 IN Tue Dec 21 17:46:14 1999 IN Tue Dec 21 15:37:28 1999  
Active FTP connections  
A list of any active FTP connections occurring across the Firebox. Listed in  
parentheses are the direction and whether or not there is an open data  
Active FTP connections (outgoing none) Wed Oct 1 14:44:38  
1999 (outgoing none) Wed Oct 1  
14:09:47 1999  
Spoofing information  
The IP addresses of blocked hosts and networks. If “none” is listed,  
WatchGuard rejects these packets on all of its interfaces.  
Spoofing info  
Block Host none  
Block Network none  
Block Host none  
Block Network eth1  
User Guide  
Firebox Monitors  
Block Network eth2  
Logging options  
Logging options configured with either the QuickSetup wizard or by adding  
and configuring services from Policy Manager.  
Logging options:  
Outgoing traceroute  
Incoming traceroute logged(warning) notifies(traceroute) hostile  
Outgoing ping  
Incoming ping  
Outgoing Archie  
Incoming Archie logged(warning) printed notifies(Archie) hostile  
Outgoing SNMP  
Incoming SNMP hostile  
RIP logged(warning) hostile  
Authentication host information  
The types of authentication being used and the IP address of the  
authentication server.  
Using local authentication for Remote User VPN.  
Using radius authentication from  
Statistics on the memory usage of the currently running Firebox. Numbers  
shown are bytes of memory:  
free: shared: buffers: cached:  
Mem: 15372288 4886528 10485760 2318336 2061024  
Load average  
The number of jobs in the run queue averaged over 1, 5, and 15 minutes. The  
fourth number pair is the number of processes active/number of total  
processes running, and the last number is the next process ID number:  
Load Average:  
0.03 0.29 2.08 3/37 22130  
The process ID, the name of the process, and the status of the process:  
- R – Running  
- S – Sleeping  
- Z – Zombie  
It also displays four numbers showing memory information for each process:  
- Size of the executable  
- Kilobytes of program in memory  
- Size of the executable minus the shared memory portion  
- Data size plus stack  
1 init  
2 kflushd  
3 kswapd  
38 liedentd  
39 firewalld  
Firebox Monitors  
42 http-serve S  
41 fwcheck  
43 http-proxy S  
22121 smtp-proxy S  
19698 http-serve S  
Each network interface is displayed in this section, along with detailed  
information regarding its status and packet count:  
Link encap:Local Loopback  
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:  
RX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
TX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:24:CC:E3:DC  
inet addr: Bcast:  
RX packets:29571 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
TX packets:31375 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300  
Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:24:CC:E4:37  
inet addr: Bcast:  
RX packets:33925 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
TX packets:30597 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
Interrupt:11 Base address:0x310  
Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:24:CC:E4:37  
inet addr: Bcast:  
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
Link encap:IPIP Tunnel HWaddr  
inet addr:108:124.24.92 Bcast:108:124.24.31  
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0  
The eth1:0 is an IP alias. For more information, see “Using host aliases” on  
The Firebox kernel routing table. These routes are used to determine which  
interface the Firebox uses for each destination address:  
Kernel IP routing table  
Flags MSS  
Window Use  
* U U  
User Guide  
9 lo  
ARP table  
A snapshot of the ARP table on the running Firebox. The ARP table is used to  
map IP addresses to hardware addresses:  
ARP Table  
HWtype HWaddress  
Flags Mask  
Authentication list  
The Authentication List tab displays the host IP addresses and user names of  
everyone currently authenticated to the Firebox. If you are using DHCP, the IP  
address—touser name mapping changes whenever machines restart.  
Blocked Sites list  
The Blocked Sites List tab lists the IP addresses (in slash notation) of any external  
sites that are temporarily blocked by port space probes, spoofing attempts, address  
space probes, or another event configured to trigger an auto-block.  
Next to each blocked site is the amount of time remaining on the temporary auto-  
block. You can adjust the auto-blocking value from the Blocked Sites dialog box  
available through Policy Manager.  
You can selectively remove sites from this blocked list either by selecting the site and  
clicking the X toolbar button or by double-clicking a site. If the display is in  
continuous refresh mode (that is, if the Continue button on the toolbar is active),  
selecting a site on the list or clicking the X button stops the refresh mode. (The X and  
Continue buttons are grayed out unless the Blocked Sites list is shown.)  
If you opened the Firebox with the monitoring (read-only) passphrase, Firebox  
Monitors prompts you to enter the configuration (read-write) passphrase before  
removing a site from the list.  
HostWatch is a real-time display of active connections occurring on a Firebox. It can  
also graphically represent the connections listed in a log file, either playing back a  
previous file for review or displaying connections as they are logged into the current  
log file. HostWatch provides graphical feedback on network connections between the  
trusted and external networks as well as detailed information about users,  
connections, and network address translation.  
The HostWatch display uses the logging settings configured for your Firebox using  
the Policy Manager. For instance, to see all denied attempts at incoming Telnet in  
HostWatch, configure the Firebox to log incoming denied Telnet attempts.  
The line connecting the source host and destination host is color-coded to display the  
type of connection being made. These colors can be changed. The defaults are:  
Red – The connection is being denied.  
Blue – The connection is being proxied.  
Green – The connection is using network address translation (NAT).  
Black – The connection falls into none of the first three categories.  
Representative icons appear next to the server entries for HTTP, Telnet, SMTP, and  
Name resolution might not occur immediately when you first start HostWatch. As  
names are resolved, HostWatch replaces IP addresses with host or usernames,  
depending on the display settings. Some machines might never resolve, and the IP  
addresses remain in the HostWatch window.  
To start HostWatch, click the HostWatch icon (shown at left) on the  
Control Center QuickGuide.  
HostWatch display  
The upper pane is split into two sides, Inside and Outside. Double-click an item on  
either side to produce a pop-up window displaying detailed information about  
current connections for the item. The Connects For window displays the IP  
addresses, port number, connection type, direction, and other detailed information  
about these connections.  
The lower pane displays detailed information for connections directly related to the  
Firebox. Double-click a connection to view details regarding a specific host.  
Connecting to a Firebox  
From HostWatch:  
Select File =>Connect.  
You can also click the Firebox icon.  
Use the Firebox drop list to select a Firebox.  
You can also type the Firebox name or IP address.  
Enter the Firebox read-only password. Click OK.  
HostWatch connects to the Firebox and begins the real-time display.  
Replaying a log file  
You can replay a log file in HostWatch in order to troubleshoot and retrace a  
suspected break-in. From HostWatch:  
Select File =>Open.  
You can also click the Folder icon. The Open dialog box appears.  
User Guide  
Browse to locate and select the Logdb file.  
By default, log files are stored in the WatchGuard installation directory at C:\Program  
Files\WatchGuard\logs. HostWatch loads the log file and begins to replay the activity.  
To pause the display, click Pause.  
To restart the display, click Continue.  
To step through the display one entry at a time, click Pause. Click the right arrow  
to step forward through the log. Click the left arrow to step backward through the  
To change playback properties, select View =>Play Back Controls.  
Type or use the scroll control to change the Sample Time Size interval.  
Use the slide bar to select a midpoint within the log file to begin playback.  
Click OK.  
Controlling the HostWatch display  
You can selectively control the HostWatch display. This feature can be useful for  
monitoring the activities of specific hosts, ports, or users.  
Viewing specific hosts  
From HostWatch:  
Select V i e w => F i l t e r s .  
Click the Inside Hosts or Outside Hosts tab.  
Clear the Display All Hosts checkbox.  
In the New Host field, enter the IP address of the host to watch. Click Add.  
Repeat for each host that HostWatch should monitor.  
Click OK.  
Viewing specific ports  
From HostWatch:  
Select V i e w => F i l t e r s .  
Click the Ports tab.  
Clear the Display All Ports checkbox.  
In the New Port field, enter the port number to monitor. Click Add.  
Repeat for each port that HostWatch should monitor.  
Click OK.  
Viewing authenticated users  
From HostWatch:  
Select V i e w => F i l t e r s .  
Click the Authenticated Users tab.  
Clear the Display All Authenticated Users checkbox.  
In the New User field, enter the user ID of the authenticated user to watch. Click  
Repeat for each authenticated user that HostWatch should monitor.  
Inside hosts and authenticated users are displayed even if there are no  
connections for them.  
Click OK.  
Modifying view properties  
You can change how HostWatch displays information. For example, HostWatch can  
display host names rather than IP addresses. From HostWatch:  
Select View => Properties.  
Use the Host Display tab to modify host display and text options.  
Use the Line Color tab to choose colors for lines drawn between denied, dynamic  
NAT, proxy, and normal connections.  
Use the Misc. tab to control the refresh rate of the real-time display and the  
maximum number of connections displayed.  
User Guide  
Reviewing and Working with Log  
Log entries are stored on the primary and backup LiveSecurity Event Processor. By  
default, log files are placed in the WatchGuard installation directory in a subdirectory  
called \logs. The log file to which the Event Processor is currently writing records is  
named Firebox IP.wgl. In addition, the Event Processor creates an index file in the  
same directory by the same name with the extension .idx. When Event Processor rolls  
a log file over, it saves the old files as Firebox IP Time Stamp.wgl and Firebox IP Time  
Stamp.idx.Both the .wgl and .idx files are necessary to use any monitoring or log  
display tool.  
For more information about the LiveSecurity Event Processor and configuring  
Viewing files with LogViewer  
The WatchGuard Firebox System utility called LogViewer provides a dynamic  
display of log file data. You can view all log data page by page, or search and display  
by keyphrases or specific log fields.  
Starting LogViewer and opening a log file  
From Control Center:  
Click the LogViewer icon (shown at right).  
LogViewer opens and the Load File dialog box appears.  
Browse to select a log file. Click Open.  
By default, logs are stored in a subdirectory of the WatchGuard installation  
directory called \logs. LogViewer opens and displays the selected log file.  
Setting LogViewer preferences  
You can adjust the content and format of the display. From LogViewer:  
Select View => Preferences.  
User Guide  
Viewing files with LogViewer  
Configure LogViewer display preferences as you choose.  
For a description of each control on the General tab, right-click it and then click What’s This?  
For information on the Filter Data tab, see “Displaying and hiding fields” on page 105.  
Searching for specific entries  
LogViewer has a search tool to enable you to find specific transactions quickly by  
keyphrase or field. From LogViewer:  
By keyphrase  
Select Edit =>Search =>By Keyphrase.  
Enter an alphanumeric string. Click Find.  
LogViewer searches the entire log file and displays the results as either marked records in the  
main window or a separate filter window based on your selection.  
By field  
Select Edit =>Search =>By Fields.  
Click the Field column. Use the Field drop list to select a field name.  
Click the Value column. Use the Value drop list to select a value, or type in a  
specific value.  
Click Search.  
LogViewer searches the entire log file and displays the results as either marked records in the  
main window or a separate filter window based on your selection.  
Copying and exporting LogViewer data  
You can either copy and paste or export log file data as text (.txt) from LogViewer into  
another application.  
Copying log data  
Select the log entries to copy.  
Use the SHIFT key to select a block of entries. Use the CTRL key to select multiple, non-  
adjacent entries.  
To copy the entries for pasting into another application, select E d i t => C o p y => To  
To copy to the Filter window, select Edit =>Copy =>To Filter Window.  
Exporting log data  
You can export log records from either the main window (all records) or a separate  
filter window.  
Select File =>Export.  
The Save Window dialog box appears.  
Select a location. Enter a file name. Click Save.  
LogViewer saves the contents of the selected window to a text file.  
Displaying and hiding fields  
Displaying and hiding fields  
Use the Preferences dialog box to show or hide columns displayed in LogViewer.  
From LogViewer:  
Select View =>Preferences. Click the Filter Data tab.  
Enable the checkboxes of the fields you would like to display. Disable the  
checkboxes of those columns you would like to hide.  
To hide columns, point the mouse at the right edge of the column heading in the main window  
and click and drag the edge to the left until the column disappears.  
LogViewer displays log entries across several columns. Log entries sent to the  
WatchGuard log have a time stamp, host name, process name, and the process ID  
before the log summary. The following describes each column and its default status:  
The sequence number in the file. Default = Hide  
The date the record entered the log file. Default = Show  
The time the record entered the log file. Default = Show  
The rest of the columns vary according to the type of event displayed. The events of  
most frequency and interest, however, are packet events, which would display data  
as shown below:  
deny in eth0 339 udp 20 128 67 68  
The packet event fields are described here in order, from left to right.  
Default = Show. The disposition can be allow, deny, or log, as follows:  
- Allow – Packet was permitted by the current set of filter rules.  
- Deny – Packet was dropped by the current set of filter rules.  
- Log – The eventual disposition of the current packet was unknown when  
the output was generated.  
Determines whether the packet was logged when it was received by the  
interface (“in”) or when it was about to be transmitted by the Firebox (“out”).  
Default = Hide  
The name of the network interface associated with the packet.  
Default = Show  
Total packet length  
The total length of the packet in octets. Default = Hide  
Protocol name, or a number from 0 to 255. Default = Show  
VPN Manager Guide  
Working with log files  
IP header length  
Length, in octets, of the IP header for this packet. A header length that is not  
equal to 20 indicates that IP options were present. Default = Hide  
TTL (time to live)  
The value of the TTL field in the logged packet. Default = Hide  
Source address  
The source IP address of the logged packet. Default = Show  
Destination address  
The destination IP address of the logged packet. Default = Show  
Source port  
The source port of the logged packet. UDP or TCP only. Default = Show  
Destination port  
The destination port of the logged packet. UDP or TCP only. Default = Show  
Additional information appears after the previously described fields,  
including data about IP fragmentation, TCP flag bits, IP options, and source  
file and line number when in trace mode. If WatchGuard logging is in debug  
or verbose mode, additional information is reported. In addition, the type of  
connection may be displayed in parentheses. Default = Show  
Working with log files  
The Firebox is continually writing messages to log files on the LiveSecurity Event  
Processor. Because current log files are always open, they cannot be copied, moved,  
or merged using traditional copy tools; you should use LiveSecurity Event Processor  
utilities to work with active log files.  
Unlike with other Firebox System utilities, you cannot access the LiveSecurity Event  
Processor user interface from Control Center. To open the Event Processor user  
• Right-click the Event Processor icon in the Windows system tray and select  
Open Log Center.  
Consolidating logs from multiple locations  
You can merge two or more log files into a single file. This merged file can then be  
used with Historical Reports, LogViewer, HostWatch, or some other utility to  
examine log data covering an extended period of time. From the LiveSecurity Event  
Select File =>Copy or Merge Log Files.  
Click Merge all files to one file. Enter the name of the merged file.  
Enter the files to merge in the Files to Copy box.  
Working with log files  
Enter the destination for the files in the Copy to This Directory box.  
Click Merge.  
The log files are merged and saved to the new file in the designated directory.  
Copying log files  
You can copy a single log file from one location to another, and you can copy the  
current, active log file. From LiveSecurity Event Processor:  
Select File =>Copy or Merge Log Files.  
Click Copy each file individually.  
Enter the file to copy in the Files to Copy box.  
Enter the destination for the file in the Copy to This Directory box.  
Click Copy.  
The log file is copied to the new directory with the same file name.  
Forcing the rollover of log files  
In general, log files roll over based on LiveSecurity Event Processor settings. For more  
occasionally want to force the rollover of a log file.  
• From LiveSecurity Event Processor, select File => Roll Current Log File.  
The old log file is saved as Firebox IP Time Stamp.wgl. The Event Processor continues writing  
new records to Firebox IP.wgl.  
Setting log encryption keys  
From LiveSecurity Event Processor:  
Select File => Set Log Encryption Key.  
The Set Log Encryption Key dialog box appears.  
Enter the log encryption key in the first box. Enter the same key in the box  
beneath it to confirm.  
VPN Manager Guide  
Working with log files  
Generating Reports of Network  
Historical Reports is a reporting tool that creates summaries and reports of Firebox  
log activity. It generates these reports using the log files created by and stored on the  
LiveSecurity Event Processor. Use Historical Reports to define reports, create filters,  
and process reports for viewing in a standard Web browser.  
You can customize reports to include exactly the information you need in a form that  
is most useful to you. Using Historical Reports special features, you can define a  
precise time period for a report, consolidate report sections to show activity across a  
group of Fireboxes, and set properties to display the report data according to your  
Starting Historical Reports  
From Control Center:  
Click the Historical Reports icon (shown at right).  
You can also start Historical Reports from the WatchGuard installation  
directory. The file name is WGReports.exe.  
Viewing the reports list  
To view all reports generated, click Reports Page. This launches your default browser  
with the HTML file containing the main report list. You can navigate through all the  
reports in the list.  
Creating and editing reports  
Use Historical Reports to design reports that specifically address the requirements of  
your network security policy. You can customize reports by selecting sections to  
include, consolidating report sections, specifying time filters, defining user and host  
filters, and setting where and how the report is generated.  
User Guide  
Specifying report sections  
Creating a new report  
From Historical Reports:  
Click Add.  
Enter the report name.  
The report name will appear in Historical Reports, the LiveSecurity Event Processor, and the  
title of the output.  
Use the box next to Log Directory to define the location of log files.  
The default location for log files is the \logs subdirectory of the WatchGuard installation  
Use the box next to Output Directory to define the location of the output files.  
The default location for output files is the \reports subdirectory of the WatchGuard installation  
Select the output type: HTML Report, WebTrends Export, or Text Export. For  
more information on output types, see “Exporting reports” on page 112.  
Select the filter.  
For more information on filters, see “Using report filters” on page 113.  
If you selected the HTML output type and you want to see the main page of the  
report upon completion, enable the Execute Browser Upon Completion  
Click the Firebox tab.  
Enter the Firebox IP address or a unique name, and then click Add.  
10 Specify report preferences as explained in the remaining sections in this chapter.  
11 When you are done defining report properties, click OK.  
The name of the report appears in the Reports list.  
Editing an existing report  
At any time, you can modify the properties of an existing report. From Historical  
Select the report to modify. Click Edit.  
The Report Properties dialog box appears.  
Modify report properties according to your preferences.  
For a description of each property, right-click it, and then click What’s This?.  
Deleting a report  
To remove a report from the list of available reports, highlight the report. Click  
Delete. This command removes the .rpt file from the report-defs directory.  
Specifying report sections  
Use the Sections tab on the Report Properties dialog box to specify what type of  
information you want to be included in reports:  
Click the Sections tab.  
Specifying a report time span  
Enable the checkboxes for sections to be included in the report.  
Specifying a report time span  
When running Historical Reports, the default is to run the report across the entire log  
file. You can use the drop list on the Time Filters dialog box to select from a group of  
pre-set time periods, such as “yesterday” and “today.” You can also manually  
configure the start and end times so the report covers only the specific time frame you  
want to examine.  
From the Report Properties dialog box, click the Time Filters tab.  
Select the Time Stamp option that will appear on your report: Local Time or  
From the Time Span drop list, select the time you want the report to cover.  
If you choose anything but Specify Time Parameters, click OK.  
If you choose Specify Time Parameters, click the Start and End drop lists and select a start time  
and end time, respectively.  
Click OK.  
Consolidating report sections  
The Sections tab defines the types of information to be included in a report on each of  
a group of Fireboxes: a vertical look at the data. You can also specify parameters that  
consolidate information for a group of Fireboxes: a horizontal (cumulative) view of  
data. To consolidate report sections:  
From the Report Properties dialog box, select the Consolidated Sections tab.  
The tab contains a list of report sections that can be consolidated. Brief definitions of the  
contents of these sections are available in “Report Sections and Consolidated Sections” at the  
end of this chapter.  
Click the boxes next to the items you want to include in the consolidated report,  
or click a checked box to clear it.  
Click OK.  
Setting report properties  
Historical reports contain either Summary sections or Detail sections. Each can be  
presented in different ways to better focus on the specific information you want to  
view. Detail sections are reported only as text files with a user-designated number of  
records per page. Summary sections can also be presented as graphs, whose elements  
are user-defined. To set report properties:  
From the Report Properties dialog box, select the Preferences tab.  
Enter the number of elements to graph in the report.  
Default is 10.  
User Guide  
Exporting reports  
Enter the number of elements to rank in the table.  
Default is 100.  
Select the style of graph to use in the report.  
Select the manner in which you want the proxied summary reports sorted:  
bandwidth or connections.  
Enter the number of records to display per page for the detailed sections.  
The default is 1,000 records. A larger number than this might crash the browser or cause the file  
to take a long time to load.  
Click OK.  
Exporting reports  
Historical Reports can be exported to three formats: HTML, WebTrends, and text.  
All reports are stored in the path drive:\WatchGuard Install Directory\Reports. Under  
the Reports directory are subdirectories that include the name and time of the report.  
Each report is filed in one of these subdirectories.  
Exporting reports to HTML format  
When you select HTML Report from the Setup tab on the Report Properties dialog  
box, the report output is created as HTML files. A JavaScript menu is used to easily  
navigate the different report sections.  
JavaScript must be enabled on the browser so you can review the report  
Exporting a report to WebTrends for Firewalls and VPNs  
WebTrends for Firewalls and VPNs calculates information  
differently than WatchGuard Historical Reports. WatchGuard  
Historical Reports counts the number of transactions that  
occur on Port 80. WebTrends for Firewalls and VPNs  
calculates the number of URL requests. These numbers vary  
because multiple URL requests may go over the same Port 80  
connection and “Keep Alives.”  
WatchGuard HTTP proxy logging must be turned on to supply  
WebTrends the logging information required for its reports.  
When you select WebTrends Export from the Setup tab on the Reports Properties  
dialog box, the report output is created as a WebTrends Enhanced Log Format  
(WELF) file. The report appears as a .wts file in the following path:  
drive:\WatchGuard Install Directory\Reports  
Using report filters  
Exporting a report to a text file  
When you select Text Export from the Setup tab on the Report Properties dialog box,  
the report output is created as a comma-delimited format file. The report appears as a  
.txt file in the following path:  
drive:\WatchGuard Install Directory\Reports\Report Directory  
Using report filters  
By default, a report displays information on the entire contents of a log file. There  
may be times, however, when you want to view only information about specific  
hosts, services, or users. Use report filters to narrow the range of data reported upon.  
Filters can be one of two types:  
Creates a report that includes only those records that meet the criteria set in  
the Host, Service, or User Report Filters tabs.  
Creates a report that excludes all records that meet the criteria set in the Host,  
Service, or User Report Filter tabs.  
You can filter an Include or Exclude report based on three criteria:  
Filter a report based on host IP address.  
Filter a report based on service name or port number.  
Filter a report based on authenticated username.  
Creating a new filter  
Use Historical Reports to create a new report filter. Filters are stored in the  
WatchGuard installation directory, in the subdirectory report-defs with the file  
extension .ftr. From Historical Reports:  
Click Filters. Click Add.  
Enter the name of the filter as it will appear in the Filter drop list in the Report  
Properties Setup tab. This name should easily identify the filter.  
Select the filter type.  
An Include filter displays only those records meeting the criteria set on the Host, Service and  
User tabs. An Exclude filter displays all records except those meeting the criteria set on the  
Host, Service, and User tabs.  
Complete the Filter tabs according to your report preferences.  
For a description of each control, right-click it, and then click What’s This?.  
When you are finished modifying filter properties, click OK.  
The name of the filter appears in the Filters list. The Filter file is created in the  
report-defs directory.  
User Guide  
Scheduling and running reports  
Editing a filter  
At any time, you can modify the properties of an existing filter. From the Filters  
dialog box in Historical Reports:  
Highlight the filter to modify. Click Edit.  
The Report Filter dialog box appears.  
Modify filter properties according to your preferences.  
For a description of each property, right-click it, and then click What’s This?.  
Deleting a filter  
To remove a filter from the list of available filters, highlight the filter. Click Remove.  
This command removes the .ftr file from the report-defs directory.  
Applying a filter  
Each report can use only one filter. To apply a filter, open the report properties. From  
Historical Reports:  
Select the report for which you would like to apply a filter. Click Edit.  
Use the Filter drop list to select a filter.  
Only filters created using the Filters dialog box appear in the Filter drop list. For more  
Click OK.  
The new report properties are saved to the ReportName.rpt file in the report-defs directory. The  
filter will be applied the next time the report is run.  
Scheduling and running reports  
WatchGuard offers two methods to run reports: manually at any time or scheduled  
automatically using the LiveSecurity Event Processor.  
Scheduling a report  
You can schedule the LiveSecurity Event Processor to automatically generate reports  
about network activity. To schedule reports:  
Right-click the LiveSecurity Event Processor desktop tray icon. Select Open Log  
Click the Reports tab.  
Select a report to schedule.  
Select a time interval.  
For a custom interval, select Custom and then enter the interval in hours.  
Select the first date and time the report should run.  
The report will run automatically at the time selected and then at each selected interval  
Click OK.  
Report sections and consolidated sections  
Manually running a report  
At any time, you can run one or more reports using Historical Reports. From  
Historical Reports:  
Enable the checkbox next to each report you would like to generate.  
Click Run.  
Report sections and consolidated sections  
You can use Historical Reports to build a report that includes one or more sections.  
Each section represents a discrete type of information or network activity.  
You can consolidate certain sections to summarize particular types of information.  
Consolidated Sections summarize the activity of all devices being monitored as a  
group as opposed to individual devices.  
Report sections can be divided into two basic types:  
Summary – Report sections that rank information by bandwidth or  
Detailed – Report sections that display all activity with no summary graphs or  
The following is a listing of the different types of report sections and consolidated  
Firebox Statistics  
A summary of statistics on one or more log files for a single Firebox.  
Authentication Detail  
A detailed list of authenticated users sorted by connection time. Fields  
include: authenticated user, host, start date of authenticated session, start time  
of authenticated session, end time of authenticated session, and duration of  
Time Summary – Packet Filtered  
A table, and optionally a graph, of all accepted connections distributed along  
user-defined intervals and sorted by time. If you chose the entire log file or  
specific time parameters, the default time interval is daily. Otherwise, the time  
interval is based on your selection.  
Host Summary Packet Filtered  
A table, and optionally a graph, of internal and external hosts passing traffic  
through the Firebox sorted either by bytes transferred or number of  
Service Summary  
A table, and optionally a graph, of traffic for each service sorted by connection  
User Guide  
Report sections and consolidated sections  
Session Summary – Packet Filtered  
A table, and optionally a graph, of the top incoming and outgoing sessions,  
sorted either by byte count or number of connections. The format of the  
session is: client -> server : service. If the connection is proxied, the service is  
represented in all capital letters. If the connection is packet filtered, Historical  
Reports attempts to resolve the server port to a table to represent the service  
name. If resolution fails, Historical Reports displays the port number.  
Time Summary – Proxied Traffic  
A table, and optionally a graph, of all accepted connections distributed along  
user-defined intervals and sorted by time. If you chose the entire log file or  
specific time parameters, the default time interval is daily. Otherwise, the time  
interval is based on your selection.  
Host Summary – Proxied Traffic  
A table, and optionally a graph, of internal and external hosts passing traffic  
through the Firebox, sorted either by bytes transferred or number of  
Proxy Summary  
Proxies ranked by bandwidth or connections.  
Session Summary – Proxied Traffic  
A table, and optionally a graph, of the top incoming and outgoing sessions,  
sorted either by byte count or number of connections. The format of the  
session is: client -> server : service. If the connection is proxied, the service is  
represented in all capital letters. If the connection is packet filtered, Historical  
Reports attempts to resolve the server port to a table to represent the service  
name. If resolution fails, Historical Reports displays the port number.  
HTTP Summary  
Tables, and optionally a graph, for the most popular external domains and  
hosts accessed using the HTTP proxy, sorted by byte count or number of  
HTTP Detail  
Tables for incoming and outgoing HTTP traffic, sorted by time stamp. The  
fields are Date, Time, Client, URL Request, and Bytes Transferred.  
SMTP Summary  
A table, and optionally a graph, of the most popular incoming and outgoing e-  
mail addresses, sorted by byte count or number of connections.  
SMTP Detail  
A table of incoming and outgoing SMTP proxy traffic, sorted by time stamp.  
The fields are: Date, Time, Sender, Recipient(s), and Bytes Transferred.  
FTP Detail  
Tables for incoming and outgoing FTP traffic, sorted by time stamp. The fields  
are Date, Time, Client, Server, FTP Request, and Bandwidth.  
Report sections and consolidated sections  
Denied Outgoing Packet Detail  
A list of denied outgoing packets, sorted by time. The fields are Date, Time,  
Type, Client, Client Port, Server, Server Port, Protocol, and Duration.  
Denied Incoming Packet Detail  
A list of denied incoming packets, sorted by time. The fields are Date, Time,  
Type, Client, Client Port, Server, Server Port, Protocol, and Duration.  
Denied Packet Summary  
Multiple tables, each representing data on a particular host originating denied  
packets. Each table includes time of first and last attempt, type, server, port,  
protocol, and number of attempts. If there is only one attempt, the Last field is  
Denied Service Detail  
A list of times a service was attempted to be used but was denied. The detail  
does not differentiate between Incoming and Outgoing.  
WebBlocker Detail  
A list of URLs denied due to WebBlocker implementation, sorted by time. The  
fields are Date, Time, User, Web Site, Type, and Category.  
Denied Authentication Detail  
A detailed list of failures to authenticate, sorted by time. The fields are Date,  
Time, Host, and User.  
Consolidated Sections  
Network Statistics  
A summary of statistics on one or more log files for all devices being  
Time Summary – Packet Filtered  
A table, and optionally a graph, of all accepted connections distributed along  
user-defined intervals and sorted by time. If you chose the entire log file or  
specific time parameters, the default time interval is daily. Otherwise, the time  
interval is based on your selection.  
Host Summary – Packet Filtered  
A table, and optionally a graph, of internal and external hosts passing packet-  
filtered traffic, sorted either by bytes transferred or number of connections.  
Service Summary  
A table, and optionally a graph, of traffic for all services sorted by connection  
Session Summary – Packet Filtered  
A table, and optionally a graph, of the top incoming and outgoing sessions,  
sorted either by byte count or number of connections. The format of the  
session is: client -> server : service. If the connection is proxied, the service is  
represented in all capital letters. If the connection is packet filtered, Historical  
User Guide  
Report sections and consolidated sections  
Reports attempts to resolve the server port to a table to represent the service  
name. If resolution fails, Historical Reports displays the port number.  
Time Summary – Proxied Traffic  
A table, and optionally a graph, of all accepted proxied connections  
distributed along user-defined intervals and sorted by time. If you choose the  
entire log file or specific time parameters, the default time interval is daily.  
Otherwise, the time interval is based on your selection.  
Host Summary – Proxied Traffic  
A table, and optionally a graph, of internal and external hosts passing proxied  
traffic, sorted either by bytes transferred or number of connections.  
Proxy Summary  
Proxies ranked by bandwidth or connections.  
Session Summary – Proxied Traffic  
A table, and optionally a graph, of the top incoming and outgoing sessions  
sorted either by byte count or number of connections. The format of the  
session is: client -> server : service. If proxied, connections show the service in  
all capital letters. If resolution fails, Historical Reports displays the port  
HTTP Summary  
Tables, and optionally graphs, of the most frequented external domains and  
hosts accessed using the HTTP proxy, sorted by byte count or number of  
PART V WatchGuard Virtual Private  
A virtual private network (VPN) allows the secure tunneling of data between two  
networks (or a host to a network) via a third unprotected network. The WatchGuard  
Firebox System includes two methods to provide secure tunnels:  
Branch office virtual private network  
Use the WatchGuard Branch Office VPN features to securely connect two or  
more locations over the Internet. You can take advantage of our WatchGuard  
VPN Firebox-to-Firebox configuration or implement a WatchGuard Firebox—  
to—IPSec-compliant device tunnel.  
Remote user virtual private network  
Create a secure connection between the trusted network and an employee  
traveling or working from home with either Point to Point Tunneling Protocol  
(PPTP) or using an IPSec tunnel. WatchGuard Remote User VPN with PPTP  
feature is included with the basic software package. WatchGuard Mobile User  
VPN with IPSec feature is an option.  
User Guide  
Configuring Branch Office Virtual  
Private Networking  
Branch office virtual private networking (VPN) creates a secure tunnel, over an  
unsecure network, between two networks protected by the WatchGuard Firebox  
System or between a WatchGuard Firebox and an IPSec-compliant device. Using  
branch office VPN, you can connect two or more locations over the Internet while still  
protecting the resources of your trusted and optional networks.  
WatchGuard offers three branch office VPN methods:  
This method defines a Firebox as a DVCP server at the center of a distributed  
array of WatchGuard Firebox and SOHO clients.  
• IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)  
This method uses IPSec to tunnel between a WatchGuard Firebox and an IPSec-  
compliant device from another vendor or between two Fireboxes.  
• WatchGuard VPN  
This method uses the WatchGuard proprietary secure connection, called  
WatchGuard VPN, to create a tunnel between two WatchGuard Fireboxes.  
A given pair of Fireboxes can establish only one VPN connection between  
them. However, a single Firebox can tunnel to multiple branch locations.  
Incoming connections from branch office VPN networks can access machines  
on the Trusted interface regardless of whether the local machines are using  
Connections made through a branch office VPN are exempt from Simple  
Addresses used for VPN must not be on the Blocked Sites list.  
Configuration checklist  
Before implementing branch office VPN, gather the following information:  
• IP address of both ends of the tunnel.  
User Guide  
Using DVCP to connect to devices  
• IP network addresses for the networks communicating with one another.  
• A common passphrase, known as a shared secret.  
• For WatchGuard VPN only, the local VPN IP address of each Firebox. It must  
be selected from a reserved network address that is not in use on either of the  
networks being connected. For more information, see RFC 1918 or “Setting Up  
Both ends of the tunnel must use the same encryption method.  
Using DVCP to connect to devices  
Dynamic VPN Configuration Protocol (DVCP) is the WatchGuard-proprietary  
protocol that easily creates a virtual private network. The DVCP server is a Firebox  
that sits at the center of a distributed array of WatchGuard Firebox, SOHO, and  
SOHO|tc clients.  
How does DVCP work?  
The DVCP option causes the Firebox to act as a server. SOHOs can be DVCP clients,  
and Fireboxes can either be DVCP clients or servers. The DVCP server maintains the  
connections between two devices by storing all policy information–including  
network address range and tunnel properties such as encryption, timeouts, and  
authentication. DVCP clients can retrieve this information from the server. The only  
information clients need to maintain is an identification name, shared key, and the IP  
address of the server External interface.  
You use the the DVCP Client Wizard to configure a device as a DVCP server and then  
create tunnels to each client Firebox or SOHO. The clients then contact the server and  
automatically download the information needed for them to connect securely.  
Basic and Enhanced DVCP  
WatchGuard offers two types of DVCP:  
Basic DVCP simplifies establishing VPN tunnels between SOHO units and  
Fireboxes. It cannot manage tunnels between two Fireboxes.  
Enhanced DVCP manages tunnels between any two WatchGuard devices: SOHO to  
Firebox, Firebox to Firebox, and so on. Enhanced DVCP is available only if the VPN  
Manager 2.0 option is installed.  
Creating a tunnel to a SOHO or SOHO|tc  
The tunnels you create for SOHO clients must be completely distinct from any tunnel  
created for branch office VPN. In other words, no addresses in the DVCP client policy  
should be in the same address range as any branch office policy.  
Using DVCP to connect to devices  
Note also that if you configure a SOHO for both Basic and Enhanced DVCP, the  
gateway names must be different.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => B r a n c h O f f i c e V P N => B a s i c D VC P.  
The DVCP Configuration dialog box appears.  
Click Add.  
Enter a distinctive name for the DVCP client. Enter the shared key. Click Next.  
The client name appears in the DVCP Configuration dialog box as well as the Control Center  
Firebox and Tunnel Status display.  
Enter the address range which the DVCP client will be able to access.  
Select a client type:  
Telecommuter IP Address  
The SOHO is assigned a single IP address. This is the device’s virtual IP  
address on the Trusted network of the Firebox to which the device will be  
allowed access.  
SOHO Private Network  
The SOHO is assigned an entire network.  
Click Next.  
Use the Type drop list to select an encryption type.  
Options include: ESP (Encapsulated Security Payload) or Authentication Only.  
Use the Authentication drop list to select an authentication method.  
Options include: None (no authentication), MD5-HMAC (128-bit algorithm), and SHA1-HMAC  
(160-bit algorithm).  
Use the Encryption drop list to select an encryption method.  
Options include: None (no encryption), DES-CBC (56-bit encryption), and 3DES-CBC (168-bit  
10 Enter values to set the interval to force key expiration. Enter traffic in kilobytes  
and/or time in hours.  
The default values are 8192 kilobytes or 24 hours.  
11 Click Next. Click Finish.  
The new policy appears in the DVCP Configuration dialog box. The WatchGuard device can now  
be connected, powered on, and configured. As part of the configuration process, it will  
automatically download the appropriate tunnel information. You must provide the DVCP client  
administrator with the Client Name, shared key, and the server external interface IP address.  
Editing a tunnel to a device  
It is possible to change the properties of a DVCP tunnel without adversely impacting  
the DVCP client. Properties of a tunnel that you can modify without forcing the client  
to reboot include:  
• Identification name  
• Shared key  
• Encryption/authentication level  
• Timeouts  
User Guide  
Branch office VPN with IPSec  
You can also change the network range of a WatchGuard client. However, when you  
save the configuration to the server, it automatically triggers the client to reboot and  
load the new policy.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => B r a n c h O f f i c e V P N => B a s i c D VC P.  
Select the tunnel policy. Click Edit.  
The DVCP Client Wizard opens and displays the tunnel properties.  
Use the Next and Back buttons to move through the DVCP Client Wizard and  
reconfigure tunnel properties. When complete, click Finish.  
Save the configuration file to the Firebox.  
The next time the client contacts the server, it will automatically note the tunnel policy change  
and download the modifications. If the network address range on a client has changed, the client  
automatically restarts.  
Removing a tunnel to a device  
When a tunnel is removed, the DVCP client can no longer communicate with the  
server. The next time the DVCP client tries to contact the server, contact will be  
denied. If these settings were never manually configured, the client will use as the DHCP network range.  
From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => B r a n c h O f f i c e V P N => B a s i c D VC P.  
Select the tunnel policy. Click Remove.  
The policy is removed from the DVCP Configuration dialog box.  
Defining a Firebox as an Enhanced DVCP Client  
If a Firebox is part of a DVCP VPN setup, enable it as a client and configure its  
From Policy Manager:  
Select Network =>Enhanced DVCP Client.  
Enable the Enable this Firebox as a DVCP Client checkbox.  
In the Firebox Name field, specify the name of the Firebox.  
To log messages for the DVCP client, enable the Enable debug log messages for  
the DVCP Client checkbox.  
To add DVCP servers that the client can communicate with, click Add.  
Enter the IP address. Enter the scared secret. Click OK.  
Branch office VPN with IPSec  
IPSec is a protocol that encrypts and/or authenticates traffic at the IP level between  
any mix of arbitrary hosts and security gateways. For more information about IPSec  
Branch office VPN with IPSec  
and how WatchGuard implements branch office VPN with IPSec, see the Network  
Security Handbook.  
• Determine the tunnel and policy endpoints  
• Select an encryption method  
• Select an authentication method  
From Policy Manager:  
• Select N e t w o r k => B r a n c h O f f i c e V P N => I P S e c .  
Configuring a gateway  
A gateway specifies endpoints for one or more tunnels. The standard specified for a  
gateway, such as isakmp automated key negotiation, becomes the standard for  
tunnels created with the gateway.  
Adding a gateway  
From the IPSec Configuration dialog box:  
Click Gateways.  
To add a gateway, click Add.  
Enter the gateway name.  
This name identifies a gateway only within Policy Manager.  
Use the Key Negotiation Type drop list to select either isakmp (dynamic) or  
In the Remote Gateway IP field, enter the IP address of the Firebox (or other  
IPSec-compliant host) at the other end of the gateway.  
Enter the shared key.  
The Shared Key field is available only for ISAKMP-negotiated gateways. The same key must be  
entered at the remote gateway.  
Click OK.  
The Configure Gateways dialog box appears listing the newly configured gateway. Repeat the  
Add Gateway procedure to add additional gateways.  
When you finish adding gateways, click OK to return to the IPSec Configuration  
dialog box.  
Editing a gateway  
From the Configure Gateways dialog box:  
Click the gateway. Click Edit.  
The IPSec Gateway dialog box appears.  
Make changes according to your security policy preferences.  
Click OK.  
User Guide  
Branch office VPN with IPSec  
Removing a gateway  
From the Configure Gateways dialog box:  
Click the gateway.  
Click Remove.  
Configuring a tunnel with manual security  
A tunnel encapsulates packets between two gateways. It specifies encryption type  
and/or authentication method. A tunnel also specifies endpoints. The following  
describes how to configure a tunnel using a gateway with the manual key negotiation  
type. From the IPSec configuration dialog box:  
Click Tunnels.  
To add a new tunnel, click Add.  
Click a gateway with manual key negotiation type to associate with this tunnel.  
Click OK.  
Type a tunnel name.  
Policy Manager uses the tunnel name as an identifier.  
Click the Manual Security tab.  
Click Settings.  
Click either the ESP or AH security method option. Configure the chosen security  
For more information, see “Using Encapsulated Security Protocol (ESP)” on page 126 and  
“Using Authenticated Headers (AH)” on page 127.  
To use the same settings for both incoming and outgoing traffic, enable the Use  
Incoming Settings for Outgoing checkbox.  
If you enable this checkbox, you are done with the Security Association Setup dialog box and  
can proceed to the next step. If you clear this checkbox, click the Outgoing tab and configure the  
security associations for outgoing traffic. The fields have the same rules and parameter ranges  
as the Incoming tab.  
Click OK.  
The Configure Tunnels dialog box appears displaying the newly created tunnel. Repeat the tunnel  
creation procedure until you have created all tunnels for this particular gateway.  
10 After you add all tunnels for this gateway, click OK.  
The Configure Gateways dialog box appears.  
11 To configure more tunnels for another gateway, click Tunnels. Select a new  
gateway and repeat the tunnel creation procedure for that gateway.  
12 When all the tunnels are created, click OK.  
Using Encapsulated Security Protocol (ESP)  
Type or use the SPI scroll control to identify the Security Parameter Index (SPI).  
You must select a number between 257 and 1023.  
Use the Encryption drop list to select an encryption method.  
Options include: None (no encryption), DES-CBC (56-bit), and 3DES-CBC (168-bit).  
Click Key.  
Type a passphrase. Click OK.  
The passphrase appears in the Encryption Key field. You cannot enter a key here directly.  
Branch office VPN with IPSec  
Use the Authentication drop list to select an authentication method.  
Options include: None (no authentication), MD5-HMAC (128-bit algorithm), or SHA1-HMAC  
(160-bit algorithm).  
Click Key. Enter a passphrase. Click OK.  
The passphrase appears in the Authentication Key field. You cannot enter a key here directly.  
Using Authenticated Headers (AH)  
Type or use the SPI scroll control to identify the Security Parameter Index (SPI).  
You must select a number between 257 and 1023.  
Use the Authentication drop list to select an authentication method.  
Options include: None (no authentication), MD5-HMAC (128-bit algorithm), or SHA1-HMAC  
(160-bit algorithm).  
Click Key. Enter a passphrase. Click OK.  
The passphrase appears in the Authentication Key field. You cannot enter a key here directly.  
If there are Fireboxes at both ends of the tunnel, the remote administrator  
can also enter the encryption and authentication passphrases. If the remote  
firewall host is an IPSec-compliant device of other manufacture, the remote  
system administrator must enter the literal keys displayed in the Security  
Association Setup dialog box when setting up the remote IPSec-compliant  
Configuring a tunnel with dynamic security  
A tunnel encapsulates packets between two gateways. It specifies encryption type  
and/or authentication method. A tunnel also specifies endpoints. The following  
describes how to configure a tunnel using a gateway with the isakmp (dynamic) key  
negotiation type. From the IPSec configuration dialog box:  
Click Tunnels.  
To add a new tunnel, click Add.  
Click a gateway with isakmp (dynamic) key negotiation type to associate with  
this tunnel. Click OK.  
Type a tunnel name.  
Policy Manager uses the tunnel name as an identifier.  
Click the Dynamic Security tab.  
Use the Type drop list to select a Security Association Proposal (SAP) type.  
Options include: Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP) or Authenticated Headers (AH).  
Use the Authentication drop list to select an authentication method.  
Options include: None (no authentication), MD5-HMAC (128-bit algorithm), and SHA1-HMAC  
(160-bit authentication algorithm).  
Use the Encryption drop list to select an encryption method.  
Options include: None (no encryption), DES-CBC (56-bit), and 3DES-CBC (168-bit encryption).  
To have a new key generated periodically, enable the Force Key Expiration  
With this option, transparent to the user, the ISAKMP controller generates and negotiates a  
new key for the session. For no key expiration, enter 0 (zero) here. If you enable the Force key  
expiration checkbox, set the number of kilobytes transferred or hours passed in the session  
before a new key is generated for continuation of the VPN session.  
10 Click OK.  
The Configure Tunnels dialog box appears displaying the newly created tunnel. Repeat the tunnel  
creation procedure until you have created all tunnels for this particular gateway.  
User Guide  
Branch office VPN with IPSec  
11 After you add all tunnels for this gateway, click OK.  
The Configure Gateways dialog box appears.  
12 To configure more tunnels for another gateway, click Tunnels. Select a new  
gateway and repeat the tunnel creation procedure for that gateway.  
13 When all the tunnels are created, click OK.  
Creating an IPSec policy  
Policies are sets of rules, much like packet filter rules, for defining how outgoing  
IPSec packets are built and sent and determining whether incoming IPSec packets can  
be accepted. Policies are defined by their endpoints. These are not the same as tunnel  
or gateway endpoints–they are the specific hosts or networks attached to the  
tunnel’s Fireboxes (or other IPSec-compliant device) that communicate through the  
From the IPSec Configuration dialog box:  
Click Add.  
Use the Local drop list to select the tunnel type of the IP address behind the local  
The tunnel type can be an entire network or a single host.  
Enter the IP or network address in slash notation for the local host or network.  
Use the Remote drop list to select the tunnel type of the IP address of the remote  
Firebox or IPSec-compliant device.  
Enter the IP address or network address in slash notation for the remote host or  
Use the Disposition drop list to select a bypass rule for the tunnel:  
IPSec will encrypt all traffic that matches the rule in associated tunnel policies.  
IPSec will not allow traffic that matches the rule in associated tunnel policies.  
IPSec will not allow traffic that matches the rule in associated tunnel policies.  
You cannot bypass a policy that has a network at either endpoint.  
For every tunnel created to a dropped-in device, you must create a host policy  
for both sides’ external IP addresses with protection set to Bypass. Otherwise,  
traffic to and from the dropped-in device’s external IP address will conflict  
with any network policy associated with the VPN.  
If you chose Secure as your disposition, use the Tunnel drop list to select a  
configured tunnel.  
about the selected tunnel, click More.  
In the Dst Port field, enter the remote host port.  
The remote host port number is optional and is the port to which WatchGuard sends  
communication for the policy. To enable communications to all ports, enter 0.  
Branch office VPN with IPSec  
Use the Protocol drop list to limit the protocol used by the policy.  
Options include: * (specify ports but not protocol), TCP, and UDP.  
10 In the Src Port field, enter the local host port.  
The local host port number is optional and is the port from which WatchGuard sends all  
communication for the policy. To enable communication from all ports, enter 0.  
11 Click OK.  
The IPSec Configuration dialog box appears listing the newly created policy. Policies are  
initially listed in the order in which they were created.  
Changing IPSec policy order  
WatchGuard handles policies in the order listed, from top to bottom, on the IPSec  
configuration dialog box. Initially, the policies are listed in the order created. You  
must manually reorder the policies from more specific to less specific to ensure that  
sensitive connections are routed along the higher-security tunnels. In general,  
WatchGuard recommends the following policy order:  
• Host to host  
• Host to network  
• Network to host  
• Network to network  
Policies must be set to the same order at both ends of the tunnel. For more  
information about IPSec policy order, see the Network Security Handbook.  
From the IPSec Configuration dialog box:  
• To move a policy up in the list, click the policy. Click Move Up.  
• To move a policy down in the list, click the policy. Click Move Down.  
Configuring services for branch office VPN with IPSec  
Users on the remote Firebox are technically outside the trusted network; you must  
therefore configure the Firebox to allow traffic through the VPN connection. A quick  
method is to create a host alias corresponding to the VPN remote networks and hosts.  
Then, use either the host alias or individually enter the remote VPN networks and  
hosts when configuring the following service properties:  
• Enabled and Allowed  
• From: Remote VPN network, hosts, or host alias  
• To: trusted or selected hosts  
• Enabled and Allowed  
• From: trusted network or selected hosts  
• To: Remote VPN network, hosts, or host alias  
User Guide  
Configuring WatchGuard VPN  
Allow VPN access to any services  
To allow all traffic from VPN connections, add the Any service to the Services Arena  
and configure it as described above.  
Allow VPN access to selective services  
To allow traffic from VPN connections only for specific services, add each service to  
the Services Arena and configure each as described above.  
Access control is a critical part of configuring a secure VPN environment. If  
machines on the branch office VPN network are compromised, attackers  
obtain a secure tunnel to the trusted network.  
Configuring WatchGuard VPN  
Use WatchGuard VPN to implement branch office VPN between two Fireboxes.  
WatchGuard VPN uses udp port 4104.  
WatchGuard VPN offers 40-bit encryption. WatchGuard VPN with 128-bit  
encryption can be used when both ends of the tunnel are licensed for enhanced  
encryption. Other encryption standards are available (128-bit DES and 3-  
WatchGuard VPN configuration models  
There are two models for configuring WatchGuard VPN:  
Two-box configuration  
Connect two networks over the Internet using two Fireboxes.  
Multiple box configuration  
Connect one central Firebox to multiple remote networks over the Internet.  
- Add multiple VPN configurations to the central Firebox, and configure  
remote Fireboxes accordingly.  
- Make sure that passphrases are unique to a single VPN connection.  
- On the central Firebox, use the same IP address for multiple remote  
Fireboxes. However, the address can not be used for another purpose on  
either the central or remote networks.  
Setting up WatchGuard VPN  
From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => B r a n c h O f f i c e V P N => Wa t c h G u a r d V P N .  
To set up a branch office, click Add.  
In the Remote Firebox IP field, enter the IP address of the External interface of the  
remote Firebox.  
Configuring WatchGuard VPN  
In the Local Firebox IP field, enter an IP address from a reserved network not in  
use on the local or remote networks.  
More information on reserved networks can be found in RFC 1918. You can  
use the same local VPN IP address for multiple VPN connections when  
specifying more than one—for example, when there are several branch offices  
connecting to a central office.  
In the text box to the left of the Add button, enter the IP address in slash notation  
of any remote network to which access should be granted from the local Firebox .  
Click Add.  
The remote Firebox must reciprocate by adding the local networks in its Remote Networks box.  
Because WatchGuard VPN is a peer-to-peer situation, each Firebox must have the other’s  
network listed.  
Click the Encryption tab.  
Under Encryption, select the number of bits used to encrypt the tunnel.  
The greater the number of bits, the stronger the encryption.  
Enter the encryption key. Click Make Key.  
WatchGuard hashes the encryption key and then displays a key in the bottom panel.  
The hashed key must be identical on both Fireboxes. If you are running  
different versions of WatchGuard Security System software, verify that the  
hashes match exactly on the two Fireboxes.  
Click the Options tab.  
10 Enable the Activate WatchGuard VPN checkbox.  
11 To automatically block sites when the source fails to properly connect to the  
Firebox, enable the Add Source to Blocked List When Denied checkbox.  
12 Enable Logging options according to your security policy preferences.  
Activating logging often generates a high volume of log entries, significantly slowing the passage  
of VPN traffic. WatchGuard recommends logging only for debugging purposes.  
Changing remote network entries  
You cannot edit a remote network entry. You must remove the original and add the  
new remote network address. From the WatchGuard VPN Setup dialog box:  
Click the network address. Click Remove.  
Click Add.  
Add the new network configuration.  
Preventing IP spoofing with WatchGuard VPN  
There is a potential IP spoofing problem if the remote Firebox IP is on the same  
network as a remote network. It is theoretically possible to spoof packets from that  
single IP address (the remote Firebox IP). Although this situation is relatively rare,  
you can prevent it by disallowing access to internal servers from the remote Firebox  
User Guide  
Configuring WatchGuard VPN  
Configuring incoming services to allow VPN  
Because users on the remote Firebox are technically outside the trusted network, you  
must configure services to allow traffic through the VPN connection. WatchGuard  
recommends the following method:  
Create a host alias corresponding to the VPN remote networks.  
For more information see Adding a host alias” on page 86.  
Add the VPN host alias to Incoming and From Outgoing to properties of allowed  
An alternative method is to add the Any service with the following incoming  
• Enabled and allowed  
• From: VPN host alias  
• To: Any  
Verifying successful WatchGuard VPN configuration  
To determine whether a configuration has been successful:  
• Watch for log entries as the Firebox reboots that show local and remote VPN IP  
• Check the Firebox status once it has booted. There should be an entry for a VPN  
interface directly following the entry for eth2.  
• Check the Control Center display for tunnel status.  
If none of these indicators is present, review all settings on both Fireboxes, double-  
check that the passphrases are the same, and verify the remote IP addresses.  
Configuring the Firebox for  
Remote User VPN  
Remote user virtual private networking (RUVPN) establishes a secure connection  
between an unsecured remote host and a protected network over an unsecured  
network. RUVPN connects an employee on the road or working from home to trusted  
and optional networks behind a Firebox using a standard Internet dial-up connection  
without compromising security.  
WatchGuard Firebox System offers two types of RUVPN:  
Remote User PPTP  
Uses the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. This type of RUVPN is included  
with the basic WatchGuard package and supports up to 50 concurrent  
sessions per Firebox. Works with any Firebox encryption level.  
Mobile User VPN  
Uses Internet Protocol Security. This type of RUVPN is an optional feature of  
the WatchGuard package. It requires strong or medium encryption.  
RUVPN requires configuration of both the Firebox and the end-user remote host  
computers. This section describes how to configure a Firebox for both types of  
RUVPN. For information on configuring the remote host, see “Preparing a Host for  
Remote User PPTP and Mobile User VPN require that the Management  
LiveSecurity Service Web site at  
Configuration checklist  
Before configuring a Firebox to use remote user virtual private networking (RUVPN),  
gather the following information:  
• The IP addresses to assign to the remote client during RUVPN sessions. The IP  
addresses cannot be addresses currently in use in the network.  
User Guide  
Configuring shared servers for RUVPN  
• The IP addresses of the DNS and WINS servers in the trusted network that  
perform IP address lookup on host alias names.  
• The usernames and passwords of those authorized to connect to the Firebox  
using RUVPN.  
• For Mobile User VPN, you will also need:  
- Mobile User VPN license key  
- Target Firebox upgraded to strong or medium encryption  
Configuring shared servers for RUVPN  
RUVPN clients rely on shared Windows Internet Name Server (WINS) and Domain  
Name System (DNS) server addresses. For information on configuring these servers,  
Adding remote access users  
The Firebox configuration file automatically includes two Firebox User groups called  
pptp_users and ipsec_users. When a remote host connects and creates a tunnel,  
Policy Manager authenticates the username against the list of members for the group  
associated with the tunnel type. In other words, an incoming PPTP tunnel would  
authenticate against the pptp_users group.  
Once authenticated, the Policy Manager then adds the remote client IP address to the  
group. Use the Firebox User group to configure services for incoming and outgoing  
RUVPN traffic.  
Because of the way Windows holds the username and password for subsequent  
logins, one option to reduce end-user confusion is to assign the same RUVPN login  
and password as those used for Windows NT login and password. This method,  
however, is less secure than using multiple passwords.  
RUVPN users must be added as Firebox users even if another authentication  
method is used internally.  
Adding a member to built-in RUVPN user groups  
The process to add a member to the built-in RUVPN user groups is the same for both  
PPTP and IPSec. The example below is for pptp_users. From Policy Manager:  
Select Setup =>Authentication.  
Click the Firebox Users tab. To add a new user, click the Add button beneath the  
Users list.  
There is also a button to access the Setup Firebox User dialog box from within the Mobile User  
VPN wizard.  
Configuring services to allow incoming RUVPN  
Enter the username and password.  
Firebox usernames are case sensitive.  
To add the user to a group, select the group name in the Not Member Of list.  
Click the left-pointing arrow.  
Use pptp_users for Remote User PPTP and ipsec_users for Mobile User VPN. A given user can  
be a member of both groups.  
When you finish adding the user to groups, click Add.  
The user is added to the Users list. The Setup Remote User dialog box remains open and cleared  
so you can add another user.  
Click Close to close the Setup Remote User dialog box.  
The Firebox Users tab appears with a list of the newly configured user(s).  
Configuring services to allow incoming RUVPN  
Use the Firebox user groups (pptp_users and ipsec_users) to quickly configure the  
allowed services for incoming RUVPN traffic. There are two recommended methods:  
By individual service  
Double-click each service that you want to enable for your remote VPN users. Set the  
following properties on the service:  
Enable permissions for pptp_users if you are configuring Remote User PPTP.  
Enable permissions for ipsec_users if you are configuring Mobile User VPN.  
- Enabled and allowed  
- From: pptp_users or ipsec_users  
- To: Any (or selected)  
- Outgoing allowed  
- From: Any (or selected)  
- To: pptp_users or ipsec_users  
Using the Any service  
Add the Any service with the following properties:  
- Enabled and allowed  
- From: pptp_users or ipsec_users  
- To: Selected  
- Enabled and allowed  
User Guide  
Configuring the Firebox for Remote User PPTP  
- From: Selected  
- To: pptp_users or ipsec_users  
Configuring the Firebox for Remote User PPTP  
Configuring the Firebox for Remote User PPTP requires that you perform the  
• Enter IP addresses and networks used for clients  
• Add usernames to the built-in Firebox User group pptp_users  
• Activate the Remote User PPTP feature  
• Configure service properties using pptp_users  
• Verify WINS and DNS server settings  
Activating Remote User PPTP  
If you want to set up RUVPN for users behind a Firebox (connecting to  
another Firebox), they must be on a public subnet, and the wg_pptp service  
icon must be added in the Services Arena. Or, create a BOVPN tunnel.  
The first step to configuring Remote User PPTP is to activate the feature. Activating  
Remote User PPTP adds the wg_pptp service icon to the Services Arena. The icon is  
visible only in the Advanced view of Policy Manager. The wg_pptp icon rarely  
requires modification. WatchGuard recommends leaving wg_pptp in its default  
settings. From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => R e m o t e U s e r. Click the PPTP tab.  
Enable the Activate Remote User checkbox.  
If necessary, enable the Enable Drop from 128-bit to 40-bit checkbox.  
In general, the encryption drop control is used only by international customers.  
Entering IP addresses for Remote User sessions  
Remote User PPTP supports only 50 concurrent sessions, but you can configure a  
virtually unlimited number of client computers. The Firebox dynamically assigns an  
open IP address to each incoming RUVPN session from a pool of available addresses  
until this number is reached. After the user closes a session, the address reverts to the  
available pool and can be assigned to the next user who attempts to log on.  
Use Policy Manager to assign individual addresses or a single network to the  
available pool. The safest method is to fabricate a Secondary Network address (see  
“Adding a secondary network” on page 38) and choose the IP addresses from that  
network range. That way, you draw from a range of addresses already declared to  
Policy Manager, but which cannot clash with real host addresses in use behind the  
Firebox. Using this method, you must also configure the client machine to use the  
default gateway on the remote host (see “Configuring the remote host for RUVPN  
Configuring the Firebox for Mobile User VPN  
From the Remote User Setup dialog box:  
Click the PPTP tab.  
Click Add.  
Use the Choose Type drop list to select either a host or network.  
You can configure up to 50 addresses. If you select a network address, Remote User PPTP will  
use the first 50 addresses in the subnet.  
In the Value field, enter the host or network address in slash notation. Click OK.  
Enter unused IP addresses that the Firebox can dynamically assign to clients during Remote  
User PPTP sessions. Selected addresses must not appear in the Blocked Sites list. The IP  
address appears in the list of addresses available to remote clients.  
Repeat the add process until you have configured all addresses for use with  
Remote User PPTP.  
Rules for valid Remote User PPTP addresses  
• Addresses that have host routes are invalid  
• Traffic routed through the default gateway does not receive proxy ARP  
• Addresses whose packets would be routed through the External interface (but  
not through the default gateway) are invalid  
• Addresses in networks to which you have routes are invalid (except those that  
are routed through default route)  
• Any other packets are allowed and handled by proxy ARP  
Configuring the Firebox for Mobile User VPN  
Mobile User VPN requires careful configuration of both the Firebox and the remote  
client computers. However, unlike Remote User PPTP, the Firebox administrator  
retains more control over the client configuration through an end-user configuration  
file. Configuring the Firebox for Mobile User VPN requires the following steps:  
• Obtain a license key from WatchGuard  
• Add user names to the built-in Firebox group ipsec_users  
• Enter the IPSec license key into the Firebox configuration file  
• Verify WINS and DNS server settings  
• Use Policy Manager to simultaneously configure the Firebox and create end-  
user configuration files  
• Configure service properties using ipsec_users  
• Distribute the end-user configuration files along with the RUVPN client  
software and documentation  
Purchasing a Mobile User VPN license  
WatchGuard Mobile User VPN is an optional feature of the WatchGuard Firebox  
System. Although the administrative tools to configure Mobile User VPN are  
User Guide  
Configuring the Firebox for Mobile User VPN  
automatically included in the Policy Manager software, to activate the feature a  
license for each installation of the client software must be purchased. To purchase  
IPSec license keys, contact your local reseller or visit:  
Entering license keys  
The first step in configuring the Firebox for Mobile User VPN is to enter the license  
key(s) into the Firebox configuration file. The Firebox automatically restricts the  
number of Mobile User VPN connections to the sum of the number of seats each  
license key provides. From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => R e m o t e U s e r. Click the Mobile User Licenses tab.  
Enter the license key in the text field to the left of the Add button. Click Add.  
The license key appears in the list of client licenses configured for use with the Firebox. Repeat  
the add-license process until you have added all of your keys.  
Preparing Mobile User VPN configuration files  
With Mobile User VPN, the network security administrator controls end-user  
configuration settings. Use Policy Manager to define an end-user and generate a  
configuration file with the extension .exp. The .exp file contains the shared key, user  
identification, IP addresses, and settings required to create a secure tunnel between  
the remote computer and the Firebox.  
Defining a new mobile user  
From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => R e m o t e U s e r. Click the Mobile User VPN tab.  
Click Add.  
The Mobile User VPN wizard appears.  
Click Next.  
Use the Select User Name drop list to select a user.  
The only names that appear in the drop list are users who have not already been configured for  
Mobile User VPN. To add a new user, click Add New. For more information on adding a new  
Enter the shared key.  
The shared key is not the same as the Firebox Users authentication password. However, you can  
enter the same value for both the key and the password.  
Click Next.  
The Allowed Resource and Virtual IP Address form appears. By default, the IP address of the  
Trusted network appears in the Allow User Access To field. This provides the Mobile User VPN  
user with access to the Trusted network.  
Enter the end-user virtual IP address. Click Next.  
Use the Type drop list to select an encryption method.  
Options include: ESP (Encapsulated Security Protocol) and/or AH (Authenticated Headers) or  
AH Only.  
Use the Authentication drop list to select an authentication method.  
Options include: None (no authentication), MD5-HMAC (128-bit algorithm), or SHA1-HMAC  
(160-bit algorithm).  
Configuring the Firebox for Mobile User VPN  
10 Use the Encryption drop list to select an encryption method.  
Options available with the strong encryption version of WatchGuard Firebox System include:  
None (no encryption), DES-CBC (56-bit), and 3DES-CBC (168-bit).  
11 Click Next. Click Finish.  
The wizard closes and the username appears in the Remote User VPN Setup dialog box on the  
Mobile User tab Users list.  
12 Click OK.  
Modifying an existing Mobile User VPN entry  
Use the Mobile User VPN wizard to generate a new .exp file every time you want to  
change the end-user configuration file. Reasons to change an end-user configuration  
• Modifying the shared key  
• Adding access to additional hosts or networks  
• Restricting access to a single destination port, source port, or protocol  
• Modifying the encryption or authentication parameters  
From Policy Manager:  
Select N e t w o r k => R e m o t e U s e r.  
In the Users list on the Mobile User VPN tab, click the username.  
Click Edit.  
The Mobile User VPN wizard appears, displaying the User Name and Pass Phrase form.  
Use Next to step through the wizard, reconfiguring the end-user configuration  
according to your security policy preferences.  
To add access to a new network or host, proceed to the Multiple Policy  
Configuration step in the Mobile User VPN wizard. Click Add.  
You can also use the Multiple Policy Configuration step to change the virtual IP address  
assigned to the remote user.  
Use the drop list to select Network or Host. Type the IP address. Use the Dst Port,  
Protocol, and Src Port options to restrict access. Click OK.  
The new IP address appears in the Configured Policies list.  
Step completely through the wizard until the final screen. Click Finish.  
You must click Finish to ensure that the wizard creates a new .exp file and writes the modified  
settings to the Firebox configuration file.  
Click OK.  
Saving the configuration to a Firebox  
To activate new Mobile User configuration settings, you must save the configuration  
file to the primary area of the Firebox flash disk. For instructions, see “Saving a  
Distributing the software and configuration files  
WatchGuard recommends distributing end-user configuration files on a floppy disk  
or by encrypted e-mail. Each client machine needs the following:  
• Remote client installation package  
User Guide  
Configuring debugging options  
Enter the Service Web site using your LiveSecurity username and password. Click  
the Mobile User VPN link.  
.exp end-user configuration file  
A prompt appears so you can save the end-user configuration files when you save  
a configuration to the Firebox. These files must be available to the end user during  
the software client installation.  
• Client brochure  
You can distribute the software with the end-user brochure developed by  
WatchGuard, located in your WatchGuard installation directory at Docs\IPSec  
Client Brochure.pdf.  
Configuring debugging options  
WatchGuard offers a selection of logging options that you can set to gather  
information and help with future troubleshooting. Because enabling these debugging  
options can significantly increase log message volume and have potentially adverse  
impacts on Firebox performance, it is recommended that they be enabled only for  
troubleshooting RUVPN problems.  
Debugging Mobile User VPN  
From Policy Manager, click Network =>Remote User VPN.  
The Remote User setup window appears with the Mobile User VPN tab selected.  
Click Logging.  
The IPSec Logging dialog box appears.  
Click the logging options you want to activate.  
For a description of each option, right-click it, and then click What’s This?.  
Click OK.  
Debugging Remote User VPN (PPTP)  
From Policy Manager, click Network =>Remote User VPN.  
The Remote User setup window appears with the Mobile User VPN tab selected.  
Select the PPTP tab.  
Click Logging.  
The PPTP Logging dialog box appears.  
Click the logging options you want to activate.  
For a description of each option, right-click it, and then click What’s This?.  
Click OK.  
Preparing a Host for Remote  
User VPN  
Remote user virtual private networking (RUVPN) establishes a secure connection  
between an unsecured remote host and a protected network over an unsecured  
network. RUVPN connects an employee on the road or working from home to trusted  
and optional networks behind a Firebox using a standard Internet dial-up connection  
without compromising security.  
The WatchGuard Firebox System offers two types of RUVPN:  
Remote User PPTP – Uses the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. This type of  
RUVPN is included with the basic WatchGuard package and supports up to 50  
concurrent sessions per Firebox. It works with any Firebox encryption level.  
Mobile User VPN – Uses Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). This type of  
RUVPN is an optional feature of the WatchGuard package. It also requires that  
the Firebox be approved and upgraded to strong or medium encryption level.  
RUVPN requires configuration of both the Firebox and the end-user remote host  
computers. This section describes how to configure a remote host for Remote User  
VPN with PPTP. For information on configuring the Firebox, see “Configuring the  
For information on configuring a remote host for Mobile User VPN, see the Mobile  
User VPN brochure provided with Mobile User VPN licenses. You can download a  
copy from the LiveSecurity Service Web site.  
Preparing the client computers  
Every computer used as a Remote User VPN with PPTP remote host must first be  
prepared with the following:  
• Operating system software  
• Device drivers  
• Internet service provider account  
User Guide  
Preparing the client computers  
• Public IP address  
Remote host operating system  
The remote client must be running Windows and have the most recent MSDUN  
(Microsoft Dial-Up Networking) upgrades installed and may need other extensions  
and updates for proper configuration. Currently, Remote User VPN with PPTP  
requires these upgrades according to platform:  
DUN 1.3  
Windows 95  
Windows 98  
Windows 98 SE  
Windows 98 SE  
Windows NT  
Windows NT  
Windows 2000  
Windows 2000  
DUN 4.0  
Second Edition  
DUN 128-bit  
40-bit SP4  
128-bit SP4  
40-bit SP4*  
128-bit SP4  
*40-bit encryption is the default for Windows 2000. If you are  
upgrading from Windows 95 or 98, in which you had set strong  
encryption, Windows 2000 will automatically define strong  
encryption for the new installation.  
Due to security concerns, RUVPN does not work with earlier versions of MSDUN.  
If you install new software, you may have to reinstall the upgrades. The  
You may need the Windows installation CD to prepare the client  
Windows 95/98 platform preparation  
Install the MSDUN upgrade on the remote client. The client is available  
free from Microsoft. For Windows 95, use DUN 1.3. For Windows 98, use  
DUN 4.0.  
For 128-bit encryption, install the MSDUN upgrade 128-bit enhancement.  
This level of encryption is available for installations approved by  
WatchGuard and/or the U.S. government for strong encryption.  
From the Windows Desktop:  
Select Start =>Settings =>Control Panel. Double-click Network.  
Verify that Client for Microsoft Networks is installed.  
If Client for Microsoft Networks is not installed, you must install it. For instructions, see  
“Installing Client for Microsoft Networks” on page 143.  
Click the Identification tab.  
Enter a name for the remote client.  
This must be a unique name on the remote network.  
Preparing the client computers  
Enter the domain name you are connecting to.  
This should be the same as the “Log on to Windows NT domain” value.  
Enter a description for your computer (optional).  
Verify that Dial-Up Adapter #2 (VPN Support) is installed.  
If you do not have Dial-Up Adapter #2 (VPN Support), you must install it. For instructions, see  
“Installing Dial-Up Adapter #2 (VPN Support)” on page 143.  
Click OK. Click OK to close and save changes to the Network control panel.  
Restart the machine.  
Installing Client for Microsoft Networks  
From the Networks dialog box:  
Click the Configuration tab. Click Add.  
Select Client. Click Add.  
Select Microsoft from the list on the left. Select Client for Microsoft Networks  
from the list on the right. Click OK.  
Select Client for Microsoft Networks.  
Click Properties.  
Enable the Logon and Restore Network Connections checkbox.  
Proceed with Step 3 of “Windows 95/98 platform preparation.”  
Installing Dial-Up Adapter #2 (VPN Support)  
Click Add.  
Select Adapter. Click Add.  
Select Microsoft from the list on the left. Select Dial-Up Adapter from the list on  
the right. Click OK.  
Proceed with Step 8 of “Windows 95/98 platform preparation.”  
Windows NT platform preparation  
Install the 40-bit or 128-bit service pack 4 available from the Microsoft Web site at If the  
remote host is not eligible for strong encryption, you must install the 40-bit version.  
From the Windows NT Desktop of the client computer:  
Click Start =>Settings =>Control Panel. Double-click Network.  
Click the Protocols tab.  
Click Add.  
Select Point To Point Tunneling Protocol.  
Choose the number of VPNs.  
Unless a separate host will be connecting to this machine, you need only one VPN.  
In the Remote Access Setup box, click Add.  
Select VPN on the left. Select VPN2-RASPPTPM on the right.  
Click Configure for the newly added device.  
User Guide  
Preparing the client computers  
Click Dial Out Only. Click Continue.  
10 Click OK.  
11 Restart the machine.  
Adding a domain name to a Windows NT workstation  
Often remote clients need to connect to a domain behind the firewall. To do this, the  
remote client must be able to recognize the domains to which they belong. Adding a  
domain requires the installation of the Computer Browser Network Service. From the  
Windows NT Desktop:  
To install a Computer Browser Service  
Select Start =>Settings =>Control Panel. Double-click Network.  
The Network dialog box appears.  
Click the Services tab.  
Click Add.  
Select Computer Browser.  
Browse to locate the installation directory. Click OK.  
Restart the workstation.  
To add a new domain  
Select Start =>Settings =>Control Panel. Double-click Network.  
The Network dialog box appears.  
Click the Protocols tab.  
Select Computer Browser. Click Properties.  
Add the remote network domain name.  
You can add multiple domain names during the same configuration session.  
Click OK.  
Reboot the workstation.  
Setting up RUVPN for Windows 2000  
From the Windows Desktop of the client computer:  
Click Start and point to Settings. Click Dial-Up Network and Connections.  
Double-click Make New Connection.  
The Network Connection wizard appears.  
Select Connect to a private network through the Internet. Click Next.  
Select Automatically dial this initial connection.  
From the drop list, select Virtual Private Connection. Click Next.  
Enter the host name or IP address of the Firebox External interface. Click Next.  
Select whether the connection is for all users or only the currently logged-on user.  
Click Next.  
Enter a name you want to use for the new connection. WatchGuard suggests  
“Connect with RUVPN.” Click Finish.  
Configuring the remote host for RUVPN with PPTP  
In the Initial Connection window that appears, click Yes.  
10 Click Properties.  
The Virtual Private Connection window appears.  
11 Click the General tab, and enter a host name or an IP address of the destination  
12 Click the Security tab. Select Typical [recommended settings].  
13 Select Require secured password from the drop list. Select Require data  
14 Click the Networking tab. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click Properties.  
15 Click Obtain an IP Address Automatically. Click OK.  
Configuring the remote host for RUVPN with PPTP  
In addition to basic platform preparation, Remote User VPN with PPTP requires the  
installation and configuration of a VPN adapter.  
Installing a VPN adapter on Windows 95/98  
From the Windows 95/98 desktop of the remote host:  
Double-click My Computer. Double-click Dial-Up Networking.  
Or, click Start and point to Settings. Click Dial-Up Network and Connections.  
Double-click Make New Connection.  
Enter a “friendly” name for the connection.  
The connection name used in the WatchGuard client brochures included on the LiveSecurity  
installation CD-ROM is “Connect with RUVPN.”  
Select the device Microsoft VPN Adapter. Click Next.  
Enter the host name or IP address of the Firebox External interface. Click Next.  
Click Finish.  
Right-click the new connection. Click Properties.  
Click the Server Types tab. Enable the following options:  
- Log on to network – Required for MS Networking but not for TCP/IP-only  
connections such as Telnet.  
- Enable software compression.  
- Require encrypted password.  
- Require data encryption.  
- TCP/IP  
Click TCP/IP Settings. Enable the following options:  
- Server-assigned IP address  
- Server-assigned name server  
- Use IP header compression.  
- Use default gateway on remote network; enable this option only if you have  
multiple networks behind the firewall.  
User Guide  
Using Remote User PPTP  
10 Click OK. Click OK again.  
11 Restart the computer.  
Installing a VPN adapter on Windows NT  
From the Windows NT Desktop of the remote host:  
Double-click My Computer.  
Double-click Dial-Up Networking.  
If you have not already configured an entry, Windows guides you through the creation of a dial-  
up configuration. When it prompts for a phone number, enter the host name or IP address of the  
Firebox. When complete, you should see a Dial-Up Networking dialog box with the default  
button Dial.  
Select New to make a new connection. If you are prompted to use the wizard,  
enter a friendly connection name and enable the I Know All About checkbox.  
The connection name used in the WatchGuard client brochures included on the WatchGuard  
NOC Security Suite installation CD-ROM is “Connect to RUVPN.”  
Under the Basic tab, configure the following settings:  
- Phone Number: Firebox IP address  
- Entry Name: Connect to RUVPN (or your preferred alternative)  
- Dial Using: RASPPTPM (VPN1) adapter  
- Use Another Port if Busy: enabled  
Click the Server tab. Configure the following settings:  
- PPP: Windows NT, Windows 95 Plus, Internet  
- TCP/IP: enabled  
- Enable Software Compression: enabled  
Click the Security tab. Configure the following settings:  
- Accept Only Microsoft Encrypted Authentication: enabled  
- Require Data Encryption: enabled  
Click OK.  
Using Remote User PPTP  
Using Remote User PPTP is a two-step process. First, the remote host establishes a  
connection to the ISP. It then uses the VPN adapter to create a PPTP tunnel to the  
Starting Remote User PPTP  
The connect process is identical regardless of the Windows platform. From the  
Windows Desktop:  
Establish an Internet connection through either Dial-Up Networking or directly  
through a LAN or WAN.  
Double-click My Computer. Double-click Dial-Up Networking.  
Configuring debugging options  
Double-click the RUVPN connection.  
If you configured the client computer as described in “Windows 95/98 platform preparation” on  
page 142, double-click Connect with RUVPN.  
Enter the remote client username and password.  
These are assigned when you add the user to the pptp_users group. See “Using Remote User  
Click Connect.  
Running Remote User PPTP  
When first starting the remote host (before connecting to the ISP or to the Firebox),  
the user may be prompted for a name, password, and possibly even a domain. These  
values are what Windows assumes the remote host uses to connect to the network  
behind the Firebox. However, if Windows finds a discrepancy, it displays a login  
prompt for the network with the name, password, and domain that would be used if  
the remote host were at an office connecting directly to the LAN.  
Remote User PPTP is usually set up such that the remote machines use  
nonpublic IP addresses from the range used behind a Firebox. If the “Use  
Default Gateway on Remote Network” parameter is enabled, and you try to  
browse the Internet during a Remote User PPTP session, the Firebox  
transmits the private address as the source IP address in the packet  
header. Because the remote host was assigned an address from a private  
address pool, a public Web site will not know how to route the return  
traffic, and will ignore your request. Therefore, browse the Internet before  
or after you are connected to the Firebox, but not during a Remote User  
PPTP session.  
If simultaneous access to the Internet and a private network is required,  
contact WatchGuard Support for alternative solutions.  
Configuring debugging options  
WatchGuard offers a selection of debugging options that you can set to gather  
information and help with future troubleshooting.  
For information on how to enable logging for IPSec, see “Debugging Mobile User  
VPN” on page 140. For information on how to enable logging for PPTP, see  
User Guide  
Configuring debugging options  
introduction to 87  
ipsec_users 88  
java 87  
methods 87  
controlling 83  
pptp_users 88  
Access rules  
defining 49  
RADIUS 83, 89  
viewing host information 96  
Windows NT 83, 88  
Auto-block duration, changing 44  
Avoiding IP 124  
Accessing known issues 12  
LiveSecurity Service 8  
Active connections 95  
FTP 95  
Active TCP connections 95  
existing service 47  
incoming service properties 49  
new domain 144  
BandwidthMeter 94  
Blocked ports 43, 45  
blocking destination ports 45  
introduction 19  
outgoing service properties 50  
permanent blocked sites 44  
secondary network 38  
service addresses 50  
SMTP masquerading options 54  
Address patterns 53  
Address space probe 43  
AH (Authenticated Headers) 126  
logging 45  
notification 45  
removing from list 45  
Blocked sites 43, 83  
dynamic 46  
introduction 19  
permanently 44  
adding 86  
removing from list 44  
viewing list 46  
creating 83  
using host 85  
Blocking URLs in WebBlocker 61  
Booting from System area 26  
Branch Office VPN  
tunnels, monitoring 28  
Branch office VPN  
configuring a gateway 125  
configuring services 129  
dependencies 121  
service precedence 56  
proxy 36  
table 98  
Authenticated headers 127  
Authenticated users  
viewing on HostWatch 100  
Authentication 1, 123  
configuring services 51  
CRYPTOCard 83, 90, 91  
displaying list 98  
Firebox 88  
introduction 121  
IPSec 124  
Broadcast network 2, 5  
LiveSecurity 5, 7  
Buying WatchGuard Options 18  
Firebox IP, 4100 87  
how it works 87  
implementing 83  
User Guide  
changing display size 27  
changing polling rate 30  
description 19  
Firebox Monitors 2  
Historical Reports 2  
HostWatch 2  
an interface IP address 39  
IPSec policy order 129  
remote network entries on VPN 131  
Checklist, branch office VPN 121  
LogViewer 2  
opening tools 31  
Policy Manager 2  
QuickGuide toolbar 27  
starting 27  
DVCP 122  
Client for Microsoft Networks  
installing 143  
Control Center button 30  
Client Wizard, DVCP 122  
Communication,out-of-band 79  
log data 104  
log files in LogViewer 107  
Support Incident form, 12  
aliases 83  
Firebox 21  
basic configuration file 35  
Historical Reports filter 113  
new service 48  
network 19  
RUVPN checklist 133  
verifying configuration 132  
Configuration checklist  
branch office VPN 121  
Configuration file  
reports 109  
CRYPTOCard 90, 91  
authentication 87  
creating basic 35  
reports 109  
opening 23  
opening from Firebox 23  
QuickSetup Wizard 36  
saving 23  
saving to Firebox 24  
saving to local drive 24  
manually downloading WebBlocker 62  
reverting WebBlocker 59  
WebBlocker 59  
default packet handling 43  
Firebox for Mobile User VPN 137  
Firebox for remote user PPTP 136  
Firebox interfaces 35  
FTP proxy 54  
dbfetch 62  
configuring for RUVPN 140  
configuring options 147  
network services 93  
with PPTP utilities 137  
incoming services for VPN 132  
network 35  
Network Address Translation (NAT) 19  
OOB 80  
setting gateway for 39  
Default gateway 39  
Default packet handling 43  
logging 78  
services 19  
shared servers for RUVPN 134  
SMTP 54  
SMTP proxy service 52  
tunnel with dynamic security 127  
tunnel with manual security 126  
WatchGuard VPN 130  
multiple-box configuration 130  
two-box configuration 130  
Watchguard VPN 130  
WebBlocker 60  
notification 78  
Defining a host route 39  
Defining Service properties 49  
filter in Historical Reports 114  
service 51  
Destination ports 45  
DHCP server  
Firebox modem 79  
adding subnets 40  
defined 40  
Firebox via out-of-band 79  
Management Station modem 79  
with out-of-band 81  
Consolidated sections  
introduction 115  
Consolidated sections reports 111  
HTTP summary 118  
network statistics 117  
time summary-proxied traffic 118  
Content types  
lease times 40  
modifying subnets 41  
removing subnets 41  
setting up 40  
Dial-up Adapter #2 143  
Dial-up networking 79, 142  
processor load indicator 22  
Security Triangle 22  
MIME 53  
selecting 53  
online 4  
Contents, searching online help 15  
Context-sensitive help 16  
Control Center 2, 27  
Domain name 144  
Drop-in network  
characteristics 36  
configuration 36  
Event processor 70  
configuring for service-based NAT 65  
setting in WebBlocker 61  
Exceptions reports  
Client Wizard 122  
introduction 122  
Dynamic NAT  
denied authentication details 117  
denied incoming/outgoing packet detail 117  
denied packet summary 117  
denied service detail 117  
WebBlocker detail 117  
exp file 138  
adding entries 64  
described 63  
disabling 65  
enabling 63, 65  
enabling simple 64  
reordering entries 64  
using simple 64  
key interval 123  
Dynamic security 127  
Dynamically blocked sites 46  
Export log data 104  
reports 112  
External interface 35  
External Network  
description 22  
filter in Historical Reports 114  
gateway 125  
reports 110  
SOHO tunnel properties 123  
Editorial information 8  
Ehanced system mode 25  
Fail-over 17  
Failover logging 69  
accessing 11  
list 14  
Frequently Asked Questions  
support 12  
FB monitors 96  
simple dynamic NAT 64  
Encryption 123  
memory 96  
levels 130  
searching LogViewer by 104  
WatchGuard VPN 130  
End-user configuration file 138  
Error messages  
creating a basic configuration 35  
Database not loaded 59  
Encapsulating Security Protocol  
and Historical Reports 113  
applying in Historical Reports 114  
creating 113  
deleting in Historical Reports 114  
editing in Historical Reports 114  
Filtered HTTP service 55  
Finding things in online help 15  
ESP (Encapsulated Security Protocol) 126  
Ethernet ports 22  
Event Processor  
adding 71  
definition 22  
and LiveSecurity 1  
dependencies for set up 70  
designating for Firebox 70  
editing settings 71  
enabling syslog 71  
failover logging 69  
installing 73  
as DVCP server 122  
authentication 88  
authentication methods 87  
automatic reboot 23  
basic hardware tasks 19  
changing interface IP address 39  
configuration 21  
installing manually on NT 74  
LiveSecurity 33  
configuring for out-of-band 81  
configuring for remote user IPSec 137  
configuring for remote user PPTP 136  
configuring PPP 81  
on Management Station 70  
removing 72  
reordering 72  
running interactive mode 74  
running on Windows 2000 74  
running on Windows 95, 98 73  
running on Windows NT 73  
scheduling reports 76  
setting log encryption key 75  
starting 75  
connecting to 30  
connecting via out-of-band 79  
defining as a DHCP server 40  
defining as enhanced DVCP client 124  
designating Event Processor 70  
enhanced system mode 25  
hardware description 2  
logging 93  
stopping 75  
syncronizing 72  
viewing 74  
loopback configuration 25  
monitoring activity 83  
Windows NT, 2000 73  
User Guide  
monitors 2, 32, 93  
completing Support Indicent form 12  
BandwidthMeter 94  
opening configuration file 23  
opening configuration file from 23  
PPP timeout disconnects 81  
reinitializing 25  
and Optional network 22  
Proxy 54  
proxy reports,FTP detail 116  
Full text search 15  
resetting pass phrase 24  
saving configuration file 23  
saving configuration file to 24  
saving RUVPN configuration to 139  
setting interfaces 35  
setting the time zone 25  
starting monitors 93  
Gateway 125  
editing 125  
status 28  
removing 126  
setting default 39  
Global preferences  
logging 75  
synchronizing to Event Processor 72  
users inside 49  
users outside 49  
using out-of-band 79  
notification 75  
Firebox II  
rear view 22  
Firebox monitors  
described 32  
setting view properties 94  
StatusReport 95  
active FTP connections 95  
ARP table 98  
basic Firebox 19  
Firebox description 2  
Hardware requirements  
Firebox System 4  
Headers 53  
authentication host information 96  
authentication list 98  
blocked sites list 95, 98  
interfaces 97  
log and notification hosts 95  
logging options 96  
contents search 15  
context sensitive 16  
full text search 15  
searching index 15  
starting online help 15  
topic search 15  
network configuration 95  
packet counts 95  
processes status 96  
routes 97  
spoofing 95  
uptime and version information 94  
Firebox status  
Technical Support 5  
What’s This? 16  
High Availability  
host 28  
collapsing display 29  
red explamation point 29  
Firebox System  
High availability 17  
Historical Reports 2, 83  
applying a filter 114  
deleting a filter 114  
described 33  
components 1  
hardware requirements 4  
interactive training system 13  
introduction 1  
known issues 12  
editing a filter 114  
introduction 109  
manually running a report 115  
running 114  
Online Help 14  
opening security tools 31  
requirements 3  
training 13  
scheduling a report 114  
starting 109  
Web Browser requirements 3  
WebBlocker 19, 59  
Windows ’98 requirements 3  
Windows 2000 requirements 3  
Windows 95 requirements 3  
Windows NT requirements 3  
Firebox System options  
high availability 17  
mobile user VPN 18  
purchasing 18  
time zone 25  
Host alias 85  
adding 86  
using 85  
defining a route 39  
log and notification 95  
HostWatch 2, 83, 98  
connecting to a Firebox 99  
described 33  
SpamScreen 18  
VPN manager 17  
WatchGuard SOHO 18  
Firebox User groups 134  
Fireboxmonitors 2  
display properties 100  
modifying view properties 101  
replaying a log file 99  
viewing authenticated users 100  
viewing hosts 100  
viewing ports 100  
Flash Disk management tool 26  
for Firebox System  
software update 7  
exporting reports as 112  
protocol 55  
Java 87  
proxied 60  
proxy 59  
types of services 55  
HTTP proxy 112  
HTTP proxy reports  
HTTP detail 116  
most popular domains 116  
Key interval 123  
Key negotiation type, ISAKMP or manual 125  
Keyphrase 103  
searching LogViewer by 104  
Keyword search 15  
Known issues 12  
Firebox System 12  
WatchGuard Service 60  
working with wg_ Icons 50  
Implementing Authentication 83  
Index search, online help 15  
Launch interval  
setting 77  
editorial 8  
information alert 7  
news from WatchGuard 8  
software updates 7  
support flash 8  
entering keys for MUVPN 138  
purchasing for mobile user VPN 137  
and Firebox 1  
threat response 7  
available options 17  
Broadcast Network 2, 5, 7  
Editorial 8  
virus alert 8  
Information Alert 7  
Information Alert 7  
New from WatchGuard 8  
Rapid Response Team 7  
Support Flash 8  
Event Processor on NT 74  
modem 80  
Quicksetup Wizard 35  
Threat Response 7  
Virus Alert 8  
external 35  
LiveSecurity Event Processor  
described 33  
optional 35  
opening 33, 106  
trusted 35  
Internet Explorer 3  
Internet Technical Support 12  
LiveSecurity Service 2  
activating 8  
setting for log roll over 75  
Load average 96  
Local time 25  
address range 122  
changing interface address 39  
IP address  
Log and Notification hosts 95  
Log encryption key  
changing on the Firebox 71  
setting 75  
entering for remote user sessions 136  
IP Spoofing  
Log files  
working with in LogViewer 106  
Log Host  
preventing with VPN 131  
IPSec 121  
listing 95  
synchronizing for NT 72  
log messages in Traffic Monitor  
limiting 30  
and MUVPN 141  
branch office VPN 124  
changing policy order 129  
gateway with IPSec 125  
configuring a dynamic tunnel 127  
configuring a manual tunnel 126  
configuring BOVPN services 129  
creating a policy 128  
editing gateway 125  
ESP 126  
Log roll over  
setting interval 75  
Logging 93  
architecture 70  
blocked ports 45, 78  
blocked sites 78  
customizing 76  
removing gateway 126  
security disposition 128  
IPSec with RUVPN 133, 141  
ipsec_users 88, 92, 134  
customizing by option 76  
default packet handling 78  
exporting 104  
failover 69  
User Guide  
for blocked sites 44  
global preferences 75  
LogViewer 103  
VPN, red exclamation point 29  
Firebox activity 83  
options 96  
high availability host 28  
introduction 93  
PPTP 137  
replaying a file 99  
searching log files 103  
setting for a service 77  
setting up 20  
through Control Center 2  
Firebox 2  
HostWatch 2, 98  
viewing files 103  
WebBlocker 60  
description 33  
display properties 100  
modifying view properties 101  
opening 33  
consolidating in LogViewer 106  
LogViewer 2, 83  
replaying a log file 99  
viewing authenticated users 100  
viewing hosts 100  
viewing ports 100  
LogViewer 2  
consolidating logs 106  
copying 104  
copying log files 107  
described 32  
displaying fields 105  
fields and meanings 105  
forcing file roll over 107  
hiding fields 105  
description 32  
ServiceWatch 94  
starting Firebox 93  
StatusReport 94  
preferences 103  
active FTP connections 95  
active TCP connections 95  
ARP table 98  
searching 103  
searching for entries 104  
starting 103  
authentication host information 96  
authentication list 98  
blocked sites list 95, 98  
interfaces 97  
time zone 25  
viewing files 103  
worrking with log files 106  
Loopback configuration 25  
load average 96  
log and notification hosts 95  
logging options 96  
memory 96  
network configuration 95  
packet counts 95  
processes status 96  
routes 97  
Management Station  
connecting with out-of-band 81  
definition 22  
spoofing 95  
uptime and version information 94  
MSDUN 142  
enabling 79  
with Windows NT 80  
Manual security 126  
Masquerading options  
SMTP 54  
Memory 96  
NAT 63  
and HostWatch 99  
log files in LogViewer 106  
MIME 53  
adding entries 64  
described 63  
adding address patterns 53  
headers to allow 53  
Mobile User  
disabling 65  
enabling 63, 65  
enabling simple 64  
reordering entries 64  
using simple 64  
service-based 63  
configuring 65  
defining new user 138  
Mobile User VPN 18  
connecting 79  
install 80  
enabling 65  
using 65  
service 51  
setting up 19, 20  
simple 63  
Modifying view properties on HostWatch 101  
using defalt 65  
BandwidthMeter 94  
BOVPN tunnel 28  
connecting to a Firebox 93  
Firebox 2, 32, 93  
opening 32  
adding external IP addresses 66  
configuring a service 66  
configuring service for 66  
described 63  
Interpreting VPN display 27  
reading VPN display 27  
setting view properties 94  
VPN front panel 28  
setting on a service 66  
NAT See also Network Address Translation  
configuration file 23  
configuration file from Firebox 23  
log file in LogViewer 103  
Optional features 5  
Optional interface 35  
Optional Network  
Control Center 27  
Netscape Communicator 3  
broadcast 2  
changing range of client 124  
configuration 95  
definition 22  
configuring 35  
Optional network  
configuring OOB 81  
interfaces 97  
and FTP 22  
Web server 22  
LiveSecurity Broadcast 5, 7  
routed described 37  
secondary 38  
configuring debugging 147  
High Availability 17  
Mobile User VPN 18  
purchasing 18  
services debugging 93  
setting the default gateway 39  
star with DVCP 122  
Network address translation 63  
SpamScreen 18  
VPN Manager 17  
WatchGuard SOHO 18  
Out-of-Band 79  
Network addresses, unconnected 44  
Network configuration 19  
Network Configuration worksheet 36  
Network interfaces  
Firebox 35  
configure 80  
configuring Firebox 81  
configuring PPP 81  
connecting a Firebox 79  
connecting with 81  
enabling 79  
install modem 80  
Network routes 37  
preparing an NT management station 80  
preparing Windows 95/98 management  
station 80  
configuration worksheet 36  
defining a host route 39  
drop-in configuration 36  
external interface 35  
optional interface 35  
secondary 38  
timeout disconnects 81  
trusted interface 35  
New features  
Packet Counts 95  
online documentation 4  
Windows 2000 support 4  
New from WatchGuard 8  
NIC 22  
Packet Filtered Reports  
host summary 115  
Service summary 115  
session summary 116  
Packet filtering 47  
blocked ports 45  
Packet handling 43  
default 43  
Pass Phrase  
blocked sites 44  
blocked sites and ports 78  
controlling 76  
resetting for Firebox 24  
tips for creating 24  
Permanently blocked ports 45  
destination ports 45  
logging 45  
customizing 76  
default packet handling 78  
e-mail 77  
for blocked sites 44  
global preferences 75  
listing hosts 95  
notification 45  
reasons for blocking 45  
removing from list 45  
Permanently blocked sites 44  
changing auto block duration 44  
logging and notification 44  
removing from list 44  
pager 77  
setting for a service 77  
setting up 20  
Notification and Log hosts 95  
creating for IPSec 128  
Policy Manager 2  
adding existing service 47  
adding incoming properties 49  
adding outgoing service policies 50  
advanced view,changing 32  
creating new service 48  
deleting a service 51  
described 31  
Online documentation 4  
Online Help 14  
contents search 15  
full text search 15  
searching for topics 15  
using index search 15  
Online help  
description 31  
starting 15  
opening 31  
opening a configuration file 23  
User Guide  
pull-down menus 32  
services arena 32  
Status Bar 32  
toolbar 32  
controlling notification 76  
Setting interval for log roll over 75  
Setting logging and notification for a  
service 78  
Synchronizing NT event processors 72  
Policy order  
changing IPSec 129  
consolodating logs 106  
copying log files 107  
Polling rate  
changing 30  
displaying and hiding fields 105  
forcing log file roll over 107  
opening a log file 103  
Port numbers, protecting 43  
Port space probes 43  
searching for entries 104  
setting preferences 103  
blocked 19  
Ethernet 22  
connecting HostWatch 99  
for WatchGuard VPN 130  
permanently blocked 45  
viewing on HostWatch 100  
PPP 81  
connecting to a Firebox 93  
controlling HostWatch display 100  
modifying view properties on HostWatch 101  
replaying a log file 99  
setting Firebox monitor view properties 94  
starting Firebox monitors 93  
viewing authenticated users on  
HostWatch 100  
logging 137  
running with RUVPN 147  
starting remote user 146  
using for remote user 146  
with RUVPN 133, 141  
pptp_users 134  
viewing hosts on HostWatch 100  
viewing HostWatch ports 100  
adding dynamic NAT entries 64  
adding static NAT external IP addresses 66  
configuring service-based NAT exceptions 65  
enabling service-based NAT 65  
service 56  
setting in LogViewer 103  
Primary event processor 69  
enabling simple dynamic NAT 64  
reordering dynamic NAT entries 64  
setting static NAT on a service 66  
setting for Event Processors 72  
adding a secondary network 38  
changing an interface IP address 39  
defining a host route 39  
setting in WebBlocker 61  
address space 43  
defining a network route 38  
running the QuickSetup Wizard 36  
setting the default gateway 39  
opening Firebox monitors 32  
opening HostWatch 33  
port space 43  
configuring with CRYPTOCard server 90  
using SecureID on the RADIUS server 90  
opening LogViewer 32  
opening the LiveSecurity Event Processor 33  
changing IPSec policy order 129  
changing remote network entries 131  
configuring a gateway 125  
configuring a tunnel with dynamic  
security 127  
configure 80  
configuring Firebox 81  
Install the modem 80  
preparing an NT management station 80  
preparing Windows 95/98 management sta-  
tion for out-of-band 80  
configuring a tunnel with Manual  
Security 126  
configuring Branch Office VPN with  
IPSec 124  
preparing Windows 95/98 management sta-  
tion for out-of-band 80  
configuring WatchGuard VPN 130  
creating an IP sec policy 128  
using authenticated headers 127  
using encapsulated security protocol  
(ESP) 126  
Consolidated sections 111  
Creating a new report 109  
Editing an existing report 110  
Specifying Report Time Span 111  
RUVPN Firebox  
changing Control Center display size 27  
changing the Control Center polling rate 30  
configuring debugging options 147  
connecting to a Firebox 30  
Historical Reports  
activating remote user PPTP 136  
adding member to built-in RUVPN user  
groups 134  
Applying a filter 114  
creating new filter 113  
Deleting a filter 114  
Editing a filter 114  
configuring the Firebox for remote user  
IPSec 137  
entering IP address for remote user  
sessions 137  
Scheduling a report 114  
host alias  
entering license keys 138  
entering WINS & DNS addresses 40  
RUVPN Host  
adding 86  
adding a domain name to an NT  
workstation 144  
Remote User  
PPTP,starting 146  
Remote user  
using PPTP 146  
adding new domain for NT workstation 144  
installing a VPN adaptor for Windows 95/  
installing a VPN adaptor on Windows NT 146  
installing client for Microsoft Networks 143  
installing dial-up adapter #2 for Windows 95/  
gateway 126  
reports 110  
SOHO tunnel 124  
Repeat count 77  
preparing Windows 95/98 for RUVPN 142  
running remote user VPN with PPTP 147  
starting Remote User PPTP 146  
Windows NT platform preparation 143  
starting online help 15  
starting the Control Center. 27  
technical support  
setting 77  
Replaying a log file 99  
Report sections  
introduction 115  
Reports 83  
Authentication details 115  
Consolidated sections  
HTTP summary 118  
network statistics 117  
time summary-proxied traffic 118  
consolidating sections 111, 115  
creating 109  
getting Internet technical support 12  
activating WebBlocker 60  
creating WebBlocker exceptions 61  
Scheduling WebBlocker hours 61  
setting privileges in WebBlocker 61  
Process status 96  
customizing 109  
detail sections 111  
editing 110  
Processor load indicator 22, 28  
editing for SOHO tunnels 123  
incoming service 49  
denied authentication details 117  
denied incoming/outgoing packet detail 117  
denied packet summary 117  
denied service detail 117  
WebBlocker detail 117  
exporting 112  
Protecting port numbers 43  
HTTP 55  
Proxied-HTTP 60  
service 55  
exporting to HTML 112  
Firebox Statistics 115  
FTP proxy  
Proxy 47, 60  
ARP 36  
FTP detail 116  
FTP 54  
Historical reports 2  
HTTP proxy  
HTTP detail 116  
transparent 52  
most popular domains 116  
introduction to historical reports 33  
Packet Filtered  
proxy ARP  
enabling 36, 37  
Proxy summary reports  
host summary 116  
host summary 115  
Service summary 115  
session summary 116  
Proxy summary  
proxy summary 116  
session summary 116  
time series 116  
host summary 116  
proxy summary 116  
sesssion summary 116  
time series 116  
Purchasing Firebox System options 18  
removing 110  
running 114  
scheduling 76, 114  
sections in 110  
QuickGuide 27  
QuickSetup Wizard 35  
running 36  
SMTP proxy  
SMTP detail 116  
SMTP summary 116  
specifying sections for 110  
summary sections 111  
time spans for 111  
using filters 113  
authentication 87  
viewing list of all 109  
WebTrends 112, 113  
using SecureID authentication 91  
Rapid Response Team 7  
Rebooting 72  
for Firebox System 4  
LiveSecurity software 3  
Roll over  
SOHO 124  
forcing in LogViewer 107  
Route network 37  
Routed network  
Red exclamation point, in VPN Monitor 29  
Reinitializing Firebox 25  
User Guide  
introduction 37  
Routes 97  
network configuration 37  
RUVPN 147  
default packet handling 43  
opening configuration file 23  
Security Suite  
features 2  
activating remote user PPTP 136  
adding a domain name for NT 144  
adding members to built-in user groups 134  
adding new domain for NT workstation 144  
adding remote access users 134  
configuration checklist 133  
Security tools  
opening 31  
Security Triangle display 22, 28  
content types 53  
MIME headers 53  
configure remote host for remote user PPTP 145  
configuring a Firebox for IPSec 137  
configuring debugging options 140  
configuring shared servers for 134  
distributing software and config files 139  
entering license keys 138  
activating LiveSecurity 8  
configure WatchGuard icon 60  
configuring for Static NAT 66  
customizing 76  
filtered HTTP 55  
HTTP 60  
entering WINS and DNS addresses 40  
installing client for Microsoft Networks 143  
installing dial-up adapter #2 143  
preparing Windows 95/98 platform 142  
preparing Windows NT platform 143  
rules for PPTP addresses 137  
saving configuration to Firebox 139  
setting up for Windows 2000 144  
starting remote user PPTP 146  
system requirements 142  
logging 76  
proxied-HTTP 55, 60  
proxy 60  
Service-based NAT 63  
configuring 65  
enabling 65  
using 65  
adding addresses 50  
adding existing 47  
configuring 19  
with IPSec 133, 141  
with PPTP 133, 141  
RUVPN with IPSec  
configuring for authentication 51  
configuring for BOVPN 129  
configuring incoming to allow VPN 132  
configuring SMTP proxy for 52  
creating new 48  
adding a user 138  
end-user configuration file 138  
license 137  
modifying existing user 139  
debugging network 93  
deleting 51  
adding users 134  
configuring services 135  
HTTP 48  
designating a server 40  
incoming properties 49  
entering IP addresses 136  
setting up remote host 136  
modifying 51  
one direction filter 49  
outgoing properties 50  
precedence 56  
properties, defining 49  
RUVPN with PPTP 135  
TCP based 48  
configuration file 23  
configuration file to Firebox 24  
configuration to local hard drive 24  
UDP based 48  
Services Arena 47  
ServiceWatch 94  
Historical Reports 114  
in WebBlocker 61  
Firebox interfaces 35  
LogViewer preferences 103  
Setting up LiveSecurity 35  
Shared servers  
for entries in LogViewer 104  
online help 15  
online help index 15  
Secondary network 38  
adding 38  
configuring for RUVPN 134  
Simple NAT 63  
using default 65  
consolidated 111  
in reports 110  
blocked 19  
configuring proxy service 52  
incoming proxy 52  
masquerading options 54  
outgoing proxy 54  
SMTP proxy reports  
SMTP detail 116  
SMTP summary 116  
disposition 128  
fundamentals 1  
Security attacks  
address space probes 43  
port space probes 43  
spoofing 43  
Security policy  
changin IPSec order 129  
creating with IPSec 128  
requirements,LiveSecurity 3  
system requirements for RUVPN 142  
Software Update 7  
exporting reports to 113  
Threat Response 7  
Time filters 111  
editing tunnel properties 123  
rebooting 124  
Time spans  
removing tunnel 124  
SpamScreen 18  
Security Parameter Index  
setting in reports 111  
Time zone 25  
Timeout disconnects 81  
Topic search 15  
SPI (Security Parameter Index) 126  
Star network  
Traffic Monitor  
limiting messages 30  
Traffice volume indicator 28  
DVCP 122  
Firebox System Basics 13  
instructor-led 14  
Control Center 27  
LogViewer 103  
interactive training system 13  
Transparent proxies 52  
TrendMicro 8  
WatchGuard Online Help 15  
Static NAT  
adding external IP addresses 66  
configuring a service 66  
configuring a service for 66  
described 63  
Trusted interface 35  
Trusted Network  
definition 22  
Tunnel 126  
setting on a service 66  
creation using DVCP Wizard 122  
editing to SOHO 123  
removing SOHO 124  
with dynamic security 127  
Firebox 28  
active FTP connections 95  
active TCP connections 95  
ARP table 98  
created to dropped-in devices 128  
monitoring BOVPN 28  
authentication host information 96  
authentication list 98  
blocked sites list 95, 98  
interfaces 97  
viewing status on Control Center 28  
load average 96  
log and notification hosts 95  
logging options 96  
memory 96  
UDP 48  
network configuration 95  
packet counts 95  
Unconnected network addresses 44  
Uptime 94  
processes status 96  
routes 97  
URL database 59  
spoofing 95  
uptime and version information 94  
version information 94  
adding for remote access 134  
Users group 14  
getting technical via Internet 12  
telephone support 12  
WatchGuard technical support 5  
Windows 2000 4  
host aliases 85  
Using simple dynamic NAT 64  
Support Flash 8  
Event Processors 72  
System Area  
booting from 26  
blocked sites list 46  
hosts on HostWatch 100  
log files 103  
changing in Policy Manager 32  
Virus Alert 8  
TCP 48  
Technical Support 5, 11  
accessing frequently asked questions 11  
by telephone 12  
allow globally 130  
allow selectively 130  
branch office 119  
frequently asked questions 11  
Internet 12  
changing remote network entries 131  
configuring 130  
known issues 12  
telephone support 12  
Telephone Technical Support 12  
telnet 99  
configuring incoming services to allow 132  
configuring key negotiation type 125  
DVCP 122  
editing IPSec gateway 125  
Text file  
User Guide  
manager 17  
setting up RUVPN 144  
support 4  
mobile user 18  
multiple-box configuration 130  
preventing IP spoofing 131  
remote user 119  
Windows 95 80  
Firebox System requirements 3  
Windows 95/98  
removing IPSec gateway 126  
running with PPTP 147  
two-box configuration 130  
verifying successful configuration 132  
installing client for Microsoft Networks 143  
installing dial-up adapter #2 143  
installing VPN adaptor 145  
preparing platform for RUVPN 142  
Windows 98  
VPN adaptor  
installing on Windows NT 146  
VPN Monitor  
Firebox System requirements 3  
preparing management station for out-of-  
band 80  
collapsing display 29  
expanding display 29  
Firebox Status 28  
Windows NT 80  
adding a domain name 144  
adding new domain 144  
authentication 87, 88  
front panel 28  
icons 28  
interpreting display 27  
QuickGuide 27  
Firebox System requirements 3  
installing a VPN adaptor 146  
preparing platform for RUVPN 143  
running Event Processor 73  
WITS 13  
reading display 27  
red exclamation point 29  
wizard.cfg 36  
Worksheet, network configuration 36  
SOHO 18  
Users Group 14  
Zip files  
denied by HTTP proxy 56  
avoiding spoofing 124  
changing remote entries 131  
configuring 130  
introduction 130  
optional features 5  
WatchGuard Technical Support 5  
Watchguard VPN  
encryption 130  
Web browser  
requirements forFirebox System 3  
Web server, and Optional Network 22  
activating 60  
configure WatchGuard service icon 60  
configuring 60  
downloading DB 62  
exceptions 61  
introduction 19, 59  
logging 60  
prerequisites 60  
proxied-HTTP 60  
reverting to old database 59  
scheduling 61  
scheduling hours 61  
setting privileges 61  
time zone 25  
webblocker.db 59  
with HTTP proxy 19  
WebTrends 112  
Exporting reports 113  
WG SMS Notifier See WG LiveSecurity Event  
Processor 74  
wg_ Icons, working with 50  
What’s This? Help 16  
Windows 2000  
Firebox System requirements 3  

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